Nihonchozai Tateishi Ekimae Pharmacy - Katsushika City

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nihonchozai Tateishi Ekimae Pharmacy

住所 :

1 Chome-15-5 Tateishi, Katsushika City, Tokyo 124-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 124-0012
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM

1 Chome-15-5 Tateishi, Katsushika City, Tokyo 124-0012, Japan
May June on Google

tsu tsu on Google

tsun sk on Google

I think the wait is wide and clean
ハリマのロッキー on Google

The waiting room is clean and spacious. You don't have to wait too long.
桶内自転車 on Google

自転車置き場がほぼない 京成立石の駅前に薬局を しかもメディカルモール内を 薬局を作るなら 自転車置き場が必須 行きたくて行けない
There is almost no bicycle storage A pharmacy in front of Keisei Tateishi station Moreover, inside the medical mall If you want to make a pharmacy Bicycle storage required I can't go because I want to go
アリ on Google

処方箋受付のところに座ってる方が無愛想過ぎます。 もっと丁寧な言い方できないんですか? 半年以上こちらで処方箋をもらうことがなかったので『使ってないのでアプリ消しました。』と伝えたら睨みつけるような顔をされました。すごく気分悪いです。
It's too unfriendly to sit at the prescription reception desk. Can't you say it more politely? I haven't received a prescription here for more than half a year, so I said, "I haven't used it, so I turned off the app. I was glaring at him when I told him. I feel very sick.
加藤賢一郎 on Google

アプリで予約するとかなり早く処方箋を受け取ることが出来ます。その点はすごく良い点です。 しかし、処方箋画像送信→受付にて自分でスキャン(これは薬剤師さんがやってくれても良いのでは?)と二度手間です。 別の調剤薬局は処方箋画像送信のみです。 また一部の薬剤師の方は、そちらのミスでも「すみません」の一言もなく大きな声で病状とフルネームを言いますので配慮が欲しいですね… 自転車が前に停められないのは本当に不便です。
If you make a reservation with the app, you can receive the prescription fairly quickly. That is a very good point. However, it is troublesome to send the prescription image → scan by yourself at the reception (maybe the pharmacist can do this?). Another dispensing pharmacy is only sending prescription images. Also, some pharmacists will say their medical condition and full name in a loud voice without saying "I'm sorry" even if you make a mistake, so please be careful ... It's really inconvenient that the bicycle can't be parked in front.
梨本幸人 on Google

待合室が広めで比較的に待ち時間が少ないと思います。 スマホアプリで処方箋を送っておくと早いです。 薬剤師さんが薬の説明は勿論してくれますが処方箋で薬が変わった時など、いつも体調を気にしてくれる。 市販薬も販売していてロキソニン等の第1類医薬品が買えるので助かります。 20%OFFセールしてる時もあって、まとめ買いしたらお得でした。
I think the waiting room is large and the waiting time is relatively short. It is faster to send the prescription with the smartphone app. Of course, the pharmacist will explain the medicine, but when the medicine changes due to the prescription, he always cares about his physical condition. It is helpful because we also sell over-the-counter drugs and you can buy first-class drugs such as loxonin. There were times when it was on sale for 20% off, so it was a great deal to buy in bulk.

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