Tashiro no Nanatsugama - Tokamachi

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tashiro no Nanatsugama

住所 :

Tashiro, Tokamachi, Niigata 949-8413, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 949-8413

Tashiro, Tokamachi, Niigata 949-8413, Japan
木夏才石 on Google

滝を見るというより目の前に広がる柱状節理を楽しむという感じです。 絵には書かれていても釜部分は少ししか見えませんね。 それと人工のダムがなんとも興ざめ。 これにお金をかけた十日町市は何を考えてるのでしょうか。
Rather than seeing the waterfall, it's more like enjoying the columnar joints that spread in front of you. Even if it is written in the picture, you can see only a little part of the kettle. And the artificial dam is really exciting. What is Tokamachi City thinking about spending money on this?
じゅん坊 on Google

I went there on November 3rd. I wondered if the autumn leaves were a little early? I regretted that there was a road down from the parking lot and I thought that the water of the river would come in contact with me, so I had a dead end on the way.
よし江“シガニー” on Google

山奥の岩場、柱状節理が素晴らしい名勝地です。 残念ながら地震でかなり崩れたようですが、それでも川の対岩の節理が素晴らしい。 崩れる前に観ておきたかったです。
It is a scenic spot with wonderful rocky areas and columnar joints in the mountains. Unfortunately, it seems that it collapsed considerably due to the earthquake, but the joints of the river against the rocks are still wonderful. I wanted to see it before it collapsed.
Nadia Velasco on Google

Tem dois estacionamentos sendo o primeiro onde tem uma área para camping e o segundo onde tem uma trilha para ver a queda d’água. Tem outra trilha mas estava fechada. O lugar é bonito mas com uma trilha só deixa a desejar.
There are two parking lots, the first with a camping area and the second with a trail to see the waterfall. There is another trail but it was closed. The place is beautiful but with a trail it leaves nothing to be desired.
j m on Google

道路狭い。一部柱状節理風の人工物。滝というより砂防ダム。 草が邪魔であまりよく見えない。 崩壊前の姿が知りたいです。
The road is narrow. Partly columnar joint-like artificial object. Sabo dam rather than waterfall. The grass is in the way and I can't see it very well. I want to know what it was before the collapse.
岡本泰助 on Google

道が狭くアクセスは決してよいとは言えません。 駐車場までに途中キャンプ場などもありました。 災害により崖が崩落しまた安全のための対策でしょう。 近くまで近寄れませんでした。 これならズーム機能を持ったカメラや望遠鏡をもって来るべきでした。
The road is narrow and access is not good. There was also a campsite on the way to the parking lot. The cliffs will collapse due to the disaster and it will be a safety measure. I couldn't get close to it. In this case, I should have brought a camera or telescope with a zoom function.
Naoyuki Arai on Google

七ツ釜公園に入ると右側に駐車場とトイレ。左側にキャンプ場施設。さらに進むと展望駐車場という構造になっている。 令和元年の台風19号により法面が崩落している部分があり、散策路崩落の為、七ツ釜公園から弁天堂へは行くことができないとのことだ。 訪問時は七ツ釜キャンプ場を通り越して、かなり広めの展望駐車場に停車した。そこから階段を降りて、展望広場に行く途中で、眼下に七ツ釜の一部を見ることが出来る。上から見下ろすと位置が中途半端なので、全体を見渡すことはできない。 しかし眼前広がる規則正しく整列したかのような細い柱状節理は一見の価値がある。どこかのHPで滝を間近でみるためには、急傾斜を徒歩で下りる必要がありますと記載があったので、弁天堂の方面から滝壺近くに向かうことが出来るのだろうか。弁天堂へは今回行くことができなかったので、また近くに寄った時には復旧してくれていれば、是非寄ってみたい。 苗場山系から流れ出る釜川の渓流に点在する釜川は、七つの滝と滝つぼが約1㌔㍍にわたって連続して構成されており、国指定名勝・天然記念物に指定されている。 このあたりの地質は新第三紀の安山岩が分布し、安山岩には柱状節理がみごとに発達しています。釜川の左岸は縦層、右岸は断面層という学術的にも大変珍しい景観となっている。安山岩が堅いことと同時に、柱状節理のせいで機械的破壊に弱いため滝が形成され、その下には巨大な欧穴である滝壺ができた。柱状節理は垂直なものから水平方向のものまでさまざまな方向を向いて発達しており、このような変化が滝や滝つぼの形成に役割を果たしているそうだ。 これらの滝は上流から弁天滝、二の滝、不動滝。中の滝、巻の滝、観音滝、御手洗滝と呼ばれている。滝つぼ(釜)は深さ約1.5㍍から6.3㍍のものがあり、最大の深さと面積をもつ不動滝には、その昔、男が弁天様との約束を破り「投網」を打った為、滝壺の主である大蛇の怒りを買い、命を失ったという「七ツ釜の伝説」が伝えられているそうだ。 平成7年の土砂災害により滝全体が崩壊した為、復旧がなされ、平成9年の秋に全国初の擬岩による砂防ダムが完成し、崩壊前の滝に近い型で復元された形が今の状態だそうだ。 また毎年7月中旬に七ツ釜まつりが開催されていて、伝統芸能田代神楽の上演が行われるとのこと。 ここに来る前に清津峡の方にも寄ったが、柱状節理を鑑賞するという意味では、こちらの方がよっぽど凄まじい景色だと感じた。清津峡に寄る予定がある方は是非こちらにも足を運んだほうが良いだろう。時間も遅かったせいか、それとも普段から訪れる人が居ないのか、人は全く居なかったのでのんびり鑑賞することができた。
When you enter Nanatsugama Park, you will find a parking lot and a toilet on the right side. Campsite facilities on the left. If you go further, it has a structure called an observation parking lot. It is said that there is a part where the slope has collapsed due to typhoon No. 19 in the first year of Reiwa, and due to the collapse of the walking path, it is not possible to go from Nanatsugama Park to Benten-do. At the time of my visit, I passed the Nanatsugama Campground and stopped at a fairly wide observation parking lot. On the way down the stairs from there to the observation square, you can see a part of Nanatsugama below. Looking down from above, the position is halfway, so you can't see the whole thing. However, the thin columnar joints that appear to be regularly aligned in front of you are worth a look. Since it was stated that it was necessary to walk down a steep slope in order to see the waterfall up close on some website, is it possible to head toward the waterfall basin from the direction of Benten-do? I couldn't go to Benten-do this time, so if it's restored when I get closer again, I'd love to stop by. The Kama River, which is scattered in the mountain stream of the Kama River that flows out of the Naeba Mountains, has seven waterfalls and waterfall basins that are continuously composed of about 1 ㌔㍍, and is designated as a national scenic spot and natural monument. Neogene andesite is distributed in the geology around this area, and columnar joints are well developed in the andesite. The left bank of Kamakawa is a vertical layer, and the right bank is a cross-sectional layer, which is a very rare academic landscape. At the same time that andesite is hard, a waterfall was formed because it was vulnerable to mechanical destruction due to columnar joints, and a huge European hole, a waterfall jar, was formed under it. Columnar joints are developing in various directions, from vertical to horizontal, and it is said that such changes play a role in the formation of waterfalls and waterfall basins. These waterfalls are Benten Waterfall, Ninotaki, and Fudo Waterfall from the upstream. It is called Nakataki, Makinotaki, Kannontaki, and Mitaraitaki. The waterfall basin (kettle) has a depth of about 1.5 m to 6.3 m, and the Fudo Waterfall, which has the maximum depth and area, was a long time ago when a man broke his promise with Benzaiten and hit a "cast net". It is said that the "legend of Nanatsugama" that he lost his life after buying the wrath of the snake, the owner of the basin, is said to have been reported. Since the entire waterfall collapsed due to the landslide disaster in 1995, restoration was done, and in the fall of 1997, the nation's first sabo dam made of artificial rock was completed, and the shape restored to the shape close to the waterfall before the collapse is now. It seems to be in a state. In addition, the Nanatsugama Festival is held every year in mid-July, and the traditional performing art Tashiro Kagura is performed. Before I came here, I stopped by Kiyotsu Gorge, but in terms of appreciating the columnar joints, I felt that this was a terrible view. If you plan to visit Kiyotsu Gorge, you should definitely visit here. Perhaps because it was too late, or because there were no regular visitors, there were no people at all, so I was able to enjoy it leisurely.
ハイタイムBOSS on Google

平日なので誰もいなかったのでちょいと寂しかったですね、ちょうどいい紅葉ドライブ季節なのに^ ^10月第4週バイクツーリングにはちょうどいい距離と天気でした。階段降りて行くと滝の様な流れがあるところがいいですね^ ^ こういう景色なかなか出会えないので新潟市から行くのにちょうどいい距離です。 まだ紅葉にはちと早いけど、途中ススキが一面で写真取りたいところがあったな^ ^この後秋山郷までの日帰りツーリングです^ ^
It was a little lonely because there was nobody because it was a weekday, even though it was the right autumn leaves drive season ^ ^ 4th week of October It was just the right distance and weather for bike touring. It's nice that there is a waterfall-like flow when you go down the stairs ^ ^ It's a good distance to go from Niigata City because you can't easily meet this kind of scenery. It's still early in the autumn colors, but there was a place where I wanted to take a picture of Japanese pampas grass on the way ^ ^ After this, it's a day trip to Akiyamago ^ ^

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