Tanjoji - Kume District

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tanjoji

住所 :

808 Satogata, Kumenan, Kume District, Okayama 709-3602, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 709-3602
Webサイト : https://www.tanjoji.or.jp/

808 Satogata, Kumenan, Kume District, Okayama 709-3602, Japan
蔭山政勝 on Google

2021.11.13 銀杏の紅葉観にこさせて頂きました。樹齢800年を超える銀杏、何よりも見事でした。ちょっと冷え込みが強かったこの日ではありましたが、随分多くのかたが訪れておられましたよ。 2020.6.7 法然上人誕生の地に建立された御寺。門をくぐれば銀杏の古木ごしに寺院。パワーを頂けますよ。御朱印もしっかりと頂いてきました。私が訪れたのは初夏、秋のいちょうの紅葉、是非とも見たいものです。
2021.11.13 I was happy to see the autumn leaves of Ginkgo. The ginkgo tree, which is over 800 years old, was the most wonderful. It was a little cold day, but quite a lot of people visited. 2020.6.7 A temple built in the birthplace of Honen Shonin. If you go through the gate, you will see a temple over an old ginkgo tree. You can get power. I have also received the red stamp firmly. I visited the autumn leaves of ginkgo in early summer and autumn, which I definitely want to see.
izumi izumi on Google

法然上人ゆかりの、浄土宗のお寺です。境内の大イチョウが印象的でした。御朱印は4種類あります。 2018年10月に訪問したところ、境内の大イチョウが少し色づいていて、実がけっこう落ちていました。実は持ち帰ってよいが、実を外して種だけ持って帰らないように、注意書きがあったような気がします。 2022年1月訪問。毘沙門天をまつっているお堂があり、寅年ということで、書き置きになりますが、金紙、銀紙に「毘沙門天」とつづられた限定御朱印がありました。「毘沙門天」の御朱印は、御朱印帳に直接書いていただけないようです。
It is a temple of the Jodo sect, which is related to Honen. The big ginkgo in the precincts was impressive. There are four types of red stamps. When I visited in October 2018, the large ginkgo trees in the precincts were slightly colored and the fruits had fallen quite a bit. Actually, you can take it home, but I feel like there was a note so that you don't take the fruit off and bring back only the seeds. Visited in January 2022. There is a temple dedicated to Bishamonten, and since it is the year of the tiger, it will be written down, but there was a limited red stamp spelled "Bishamonten" on gold paper and silver paper. It seems that you cannot write the red stamp of "Bishamonten" directly on the red stamp book.
かず on Google

ずっと行きたかった誕生寺はやっぱり素敵な場所でした。 銀杏も紅葉していて綺麗でした。
Tanjoji, which I've always wanted to visit, was a wonderful place. Ginkgo was also beautiful with colored leaves.
Nao Morimoto on Google

It is a temple of the Jodo sect built in the place where the founder of the Jodo sect, Honen Shonin, was born. There was a main hall, Kannon-do, treasure hall, Hojo, etc. on a large site, and beyond the stream there was a well for producing hot springs of Honen and the tomb of the Tsuyama castle owner Mori family. Kaede near the stream was a nice view. This is a temple that Jodo sect would like to visit at least once.
O. K on Google

中国観音霊場として訪問 JRの駅名にもなってるくらいの立派な寺院です。 浄土宗の法然上人が生まれたところです。 そういう寺院はどこも立派ですね!(弘法大師の善通寺ほどではないけど) 観音霊場の廻ってる方は観音堂が別にあるのでお忘れなく。 観音堂が横の奥に法然上人の両親の廟があります。お参りしましょう。
Visited as a Chinese Kannon sacred place It is a magnificent temple that is also the name of a JR station. This is where the Hounen superior of the Jodo sect was born. All such temples are magnificent! (Not as good as Kobo Daishi's Zentsuji) Don't forget that there is a separate Kannon-do for those who go around the Kannon sacred place. There is a mausoleum of Honen's parents in the back next to Kannon-do. Let's visit.
ふじさん on Google

山門からイチョウの迫力が感じられました。 銀杏がたくさん落ちていました。 方丈、庭園拝観が9:00~16:00 200円でできました。 襖絵、庭園は、見ごたえがありました。 誕生寺七不思議の一つ人肌のれん木がありました。 駐車場が第1~第3まであり ました。
I felt the power of ginkgo from the mountain gate. A lot of ginkgo had fallen. Hojo, garden visit from 9:00 to 16:00 It was made for 200 yen. The fusuma paintings and the garden were spectacular. There was a goodwill tree with human skin, one of the seven mysteries of the birth temple. There are parking lots 1 to 3 I did.
魔法少女さくら on Google

津山線の誕生寺駅から徒歩10分とのことですが、駅を出て回り込んで線路をくぐり、突き当たりに門が見えてからも少し距離があるので、長く感じられました。実際は10分ほどで着いているのですが。 駅からはあまり目立たないものの案内はあり、迷う心配はしなくていいと思います。 車の場合は駐車場ありました。 朝早かったので参拝しただけですが、散歩している人もチラホラいました。 列車の本数が少ないので駆け足になりましたが、建物は立派で雰囲気はよかったです。
It's a 10-minute walk from Tanjoji Station on the Tsuyama Line, but I felt it was a long time since I left the station, went around the railroad track, and even after I saw the gate at the end, it was a little far away. Actually, it took about 10 minutes to arrive. There is a guide from the station that is not very noticeable, so you don't have to worry about getting lost. In the case of a car, there was a parking lot. It was early in the morning, so I just worshiped, but there were some people taking a walk. The number of trains was small, so I was in a hurry, but the building was splendid and the atmosphere was good.
wataru sugiura on Google

11月、イチョウの黄葉を見に行きました。やはりよい。イチョウだけでなく、境内奥の小川の脇にはもみじもあってそちらもひっそりしながらも趣がありました。 何年かぶりでしたが、尊敬する法然さんの生誕地でもあるし、雰囲気も含め大好きなお寺です。本堂に入ってお像に向かって手を合わせると心も不思議と落ち着きます。 帰りに門前でクロネコちゃんと戯れました。ツンデレさん。可愛かった。
In November, I went to see the yellow leaves of Ginkgo. After all it is good. Not only the ginkgo, but also the maple leaves beside the stream in the back of the precincts, which was quiet but tasteful. It's been a few years, but it's also the birthplace of the respected Honen, and it's a temple I love, including the atmosphere. When you enter the main hall and put your hands together toward the statue, your heart will be mysteriously calm. On the way back, I played with Kuroneko in front of the gate. Mr. Tsundere. Was cute.

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