Taniwaki Tumulus - Uda

3.5/5 に基づく 2 レビュー

Contact Taniwaki Tumulus

住所 :

Oudamochi, Uda, Nara 633-2125, Japan

Postal code : 633-2125

Oudamochi, Uda, Nara 633-2125, Japan
Uuu I (UuuI) on Google

説明看板です 奈良県指定史跡(昭和53年3月28日指定) 谷脇古墳 標高約400mの尾根上に立地する東西18m、南北15m、高さ1.5mの円墳である。 埋葬施設である横穴式石室は、玄室がその主軸に対して横長のいわゆる「T字形」の平面形態をとる。現状での石室規模は全長6.5m、玄室長2.48m~2.92m、玄室幅2.45m、高さ2.8m以上、羨道長4.37m、羨道幅1.06~1.65mである。 玄室内には石室主軸に直交して流紋岩室溶結凝灰岩(通称 榛原石)の組み合わせ式石棺が安置されている。羨門部には閉塞石の一部と思われる石材も認められる。 1944年の発掘調査では、石室内から金環、須恵器、土師器、黒色土器、鉄製品(鏃・刀子)等が出土している。出土遺物及び横穴式石室の状況から6世紀中葉の築造と考えられている。 奈良県教育委員会 宇陀市教育委員会 Wikipediaでは 「高さ1.5mの円墳」が2.5m 「玄室幅2.45m」が3.45m となっている。
Explanation sign Nara designated historical site (designated March 28, 1978) Taniwaki Tumulus A mound of east-west 18m, north-south 15m, and height 1.5m located on a ridge at an altitude of 400m. In the burial facility, a horizontal-hole type stone chamber, the entrance chamber has a so-called “T-shaped” planar shape that is horizontally long with respect to its main axis. At present, the size of the stone chamber is 6.5 m in length, 2.48 m to 2.92 m in length, 2.45 m in width, 2.8 m in height, 4.37 m in length and 1.06 to 1.65 m in width. A combination type sarcophagus of rhyolite muro welded tuff (commonly known as Haibara stone) is engraved in the main chamber, orthogonal to the main axis of the stone chamber. Some stones that seem to be part of the obstruction stones are also found in the entree. In an excavation survey in 1944, gold rings, Sue ware, earthenware, black earthenware, iron products (bails, swords, etc.) were excavated from the stone chamber. It is considered to have been constructed in the middle of the 6th century based on the excavated relics and the situation of the side-hole type stone chamber. Nara Prefectural Board of Education Uda City Board of Education On Wikipedia 2.5 m of "1.5 m high tumulus" 3.24m for the "entrance room width 2.45m" Has become.
田中さとし on Google

Located behind the poultry farm. The poultry farm had a small number of chickens, but it seems that it is already abandoned due to self-consumption egg collection. Invade from the right toward the poultry farm. I didn't know the approach route and lost many steps.

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