Tanioka Shokudo - Takamatsu

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tanioka Shokudo

住所 :

第2号-1555-1 Shionoecho Yasuharashimo, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-1502, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887897
Postal code : 761-1502

第2号-1555-1 Shionoecho Yasuharashimo, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-1502, Japan
みつ on Google

メニューに書いてある通りの昔ながらの中華そばです。 醤油の効いたしょっぱい感じのラーメンは意外と四国には少ないのでありがたいです。
It is a traditional Chinese noodle as written on the menu. Surprisingly, there are few ramen with a salty soy sauce effect in Shikoku.
1212シャトル(Shuttle) on Google

I got Chinese noodles and Inari-san! Chinese soba was teased with soy sauce. Did it taste like this? Inari-san was delicious with lots of ingredients. There was a refrigerated showcase next to the cash register, which contained sashimi and tataki. I didn't notice! I wanted to just take out on the way back from Shioe Onsen!
多田裕之 on Google

お昼は出先近くの谷岡食堂で中華そばとおかずをシェアで。 来た時はいつも取ってしまう鯖の煮付けは甘めの濃い味付けが最高のご飯のお供になる。 筍とマコの煮付けは筍の風味を活かす淡い味付けが抜群。 一度ご飯とおかずと汁でシンプルに食べてみたいけど滅多に来れないからついつい中華そばと合わせてしまう。 選択肢が豊富な楽しい一軒。
For lunch, share Chinese soba and side dishes at the Tanioka Shokudo near your destination. The boiled mackerel, which is always taken when you come, is the best companion to rice with a sweet and strong seasoning. Boiled bamboo shoots and mako are excellent in light seasoning that makes the best use of the flavor of bamboo shoots. I want to eat it simply with rice, side dishes and soup, but I rarely come, so I just combine it with Chinese soba. A fun house with plenty of choices.
Ren Boo on Google

久しぶりに食べに行きましたが 変わらずに美味しい 今回はラーメンが食べたくて 行きましたが、おでんも味が染みて 美味しく頂きました。
I went to eat after a long time Delicious as it is I want to eat ramen this time I went, but the taste of oden was soaked We had delicious.
KU MA on Google

昔ながらの中華そば、懐かしい味でとても美味しいです。 他に豚汁・サバの煮付け・親子丼をいただきました。 サバの煮付け300円は大変美味しかったです。 豚汁450円はちょっと好みではなく、普通の味噌汁にしとけばよかったなーと思いました。豚が厚すぎ+ごぼうが入ってない+なぜかニラ入りという想像とはだいぶ違う豚汁でした。 あとは黄身がトロトロの卵が入ってました。 私は親子丼は味見してないのでわからないです。 夕方6時ごろ伺ったら惣菜はほぼ売り切れで幸いサバが一つ残っていた状態だったので、お昼どきにほとんど売れちゃうんでしょうね。 またサバの煮付け&中華そばを食べに伺いたいです。
Old-fashioned Chinese noodles, nostalgic taste and very delicious. I also had pork soup, boiled mackerel, and oyakodon. The 300 yen boiled mackerel was very delicious. I didn't like pork soup for 450 yen, so I thought I should have used ordinary miso soup. The pork was too thick + no burdock + for some reason it was a pork soup that was quite different from the imagination that it contained garlic chives. After that, the yolk contained the egg of Toro Toro. I don't know because I haven't tasted Oyakodon. When I visited around 6 pm, the side dish was almost sold out and fortunately there was one mackerel left, so I think it will sell almost at noon. I would also like to visit you to eat boiled mackerel and Chinese noodles.
山田みゆき on Google

Chinese noodles ? 550 yen. Light soy sauce flavor. It was a feast. I wanted to eat mackerel sushi. I will go again.
David Garlin on Google

Hübsches kleines Restaurant mit sehr freundlicher Atmosphäre. Guter Service, schnelle und freundliche Bedienung. Das Essen ist lecker aber nichts besonderes. Es gibt neben Udon, Ramen und anderen Gerichten auch Oden zur Selbstbedienung. Es ist sauber und die Einrichtung ist in einigermaßen gutem Zustand. Allerdings ist alles recht eng, sowohl die Gänge zwischen den Tischen als auch die Tische und die Stühle. Im Eingangsbereich wird außerdem lokales Obst und Gemüse verkauft.
Nice little restaurant with a very friendly atmosphere. Good service, fast and friendly service. The food is delicious but nothing special. In addition to udon, ramen and other dishes, there are also odes for self-service. It's clean and the furnishings are in fair condition. However, everything is quite narrow, both the aisles between the tables and the tables and chairs. Local fruit and vegetables are also sold in the entrance area.
Julius Wang on Google

ここ「谷岡食堂」は国道193号「塩江街道」を「道の駅 しおのえ」に向かって進み、県道167号「枌所西中徳線」が分岐する三叉路手前の右手にあります。駐車場は第三駐車場まであり、お店の前にも広い駐車場があり車を駐車しやすいです。 本日は塩江温泉に行く途中、少し早目の昼食に利用しました。開店時間が11:00なので、それより早い10:45頃に到着しましたが既に営業しており、数組の先客が居ます。 早速入店ですが店内は広く、テーブル席と座敷席が多くあります。ガラスのショーケースの中には美味しそうな惣菜がズラリと並んでおり、冷蔵庫の中にも刺身、カツオのタタキ等が並んでます。おでんも沢山あり、惣菜、刺身、おでん等、どれももホントに美味しそうです。 窓際の座敷席に着いてメニューを見ましたが、今回は2人で「特製中華そば」、「焼めし(平日のみ)」、惣菜に「唐揚げ」、おでんに「大根、豆腐」、「生中」を頂きました。 平日でしたが、注文してから料理が運ばれて来る間にも次から次へとお客が入って来て、直ぐに満席近くになりました。人気店みたいですね。 程なくして「特製中華そば」、少し遅れて「焼めし」が来ましたが、「特製中華そば」は具沢山で、チャーシューの他に鶏肉、椎茸、シナチク、モヤシ、ネギ、海苔、カマボコが入っており、スープからイイ匂いがします。麺を一口啜ると程よいコシの中華麺です。スープも一口啜ると「ザ 中華そば!!」と思える、ちょっと濃口ですが味わい深いスープで、中華麺との相性も抜群です!!とにかく具沢山なので食べ応えがあります。 「焼きめし」は鉄製の器に入ってましたが、この器がイイ感じを出していて、見た目食欲が増してきます!!一口食べてみるとご飯粒がパラパラではなく、どちらかと言うとしっとり感がありますが、細かく刻まれた具沢山の焼きめしで結構美味しかったです。 惣菜で選んだ「空揚げ」ですが、竜田揚げ風で肉も柔らかく、コロモがパリパリ感としっとり感のどちらもあり、こちらも結構美味しく、ビールが進みます。 おでんの「豆腐、大根」はどちらもおでん出汁がよく染みてて美味しかったです。 総じて今回頂いた料理はどれも美味しく、パラパラいっぱい、満足感いっぱいです。 「谷岡食堂」さんは、営業時間も20:00迄営業してるので、塩江温泉からの帰りにも利用出来るところがありがたいです。 また機会があれば、塩江温泉方面の行き帰りに利用したいと思います。
Here, "Tanioka Shokudo" is on the right hand side of the three-way junction where the prefectural road 167 "Shionoe Nishinakoku Line" branches off on National Highway 193 "Shioe Highway" toward "Roadside Station Shionoe". There is a parking lot up to the third parking lot, and there is a large parking lot in front of the shop, making it easy to park your car. I used it for lunch a little earlier today on my way to Shioe Onsen. Since the store opens at 11:00, it arrived earlier than that at around 10:45, but it is already open and there are several pairs of customers. I entered the store immediately, but the inside of the store is large, and there are many table seats and tatami mat seats. Delicious side dishes are lined up in the glass showcase, and sashimi, bonito tataki, etc. are lined up in the refrigerator. There are a lot of oden, and the side dishes, sashimi, oden, etc. all look really delicious. I sat down at the tatami room by the window and looked at the menu, but this time the two of us had "special Chinese noodles", "baked rice (weekdays only)", "fried chicken" for side dishes, "radish and tofu" for oden, and " I received "live". It was a weekday, but even while the food was being delivered after ordering, customers came in one after another, and it soon became almost full. It looks like a popular store. Soon after, "special Chinese noodles" and "baked" came a little later, but "special Chinese noodles" had a lot of ingredients, including chicken, shiitake mushrooms, sardines, bean sprouts, green onions, seaweed, and kamaboko. It contains and smells good from the soup. A bite of noodles is a good Chinese noodle. When you take a bite of the soup, you can think of it as "The Chinese noodles !!" It's a slightly rich but tasty soup that goes well with Chinese noodles !! "Yakimeshi" was in an iron bowl, but this bowl has a nice feeling, and the appetite for appearance increases !! When I try to eat a bite, the rice grains are not fluffy, but rather moist. There is a feeling, but it was quite delicious with a lot of finely chopped ingredients. I chose "Koraage" as a side dish, but the meat is tender with the Tatsutaage style, and the colomo has both a crispy and moist feeling, which is also quite delicious and the beer goes on. Both of the oden "tofu and radish" were delicious because the oden soup stock was well-stained. As a whole, all the dishes I received this time are delicious, full of para-para, and full of satisfaction. "Tanioka Shokudo" is open until 20:00, so I'm grateful that it can be used on the way back from Shioe Onsen. If I have a chance, I would like to use it for going back and forth in the direction of Shioe Onsen.

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