麺工房らーめん 福家

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 麺工房らーめん 福家

住所 :

Tanaka, Fukaya, 〒369-1108 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
街 : Saitama

Tanaka, Fukaya, 〒369-1108 Saitama,Japan
志村隆昭 on Google

味噌ラーメンにこだわっており何種類もの味噌ラーメンが楽しめます。餃子も味がありこれも美味しかった。 餃子だけ頼んで持ち帰るお客さんもいました。
We are particular about miso ramen and you can enjoy various kinds of miso ramen. The dumplings also tasted good and this was also delicious. Some customers asked for dumplings and took them home.
高橋裕子 on Google

友達のお薦めで初めて行ったラーメン屋 タンメンと餃子を注文しました。美味しかったです。今度行ったら、黒コク味噌か白コク味噌注文しようと思います。
The first ramen shop I went to at the recommendation of a friend I ordered tanmen and dumplings. It was delicious. Next time, I'll order black rich miso or white rich miso.
田端昌代 on Google

I ate a rich miso ramen son Recommended miso ramen! ? flavor is there, it was very delicious! ? daughter-in-law-chan taste of red miso is good drank a little got! Soup was red miso ramen It was ? barbecued pork toppings also Mecha was delicious! ? dumplings I also was delicious ? in addition, I want to go to eat!
渡部新一 on Google

たまたま「麺工房ラーメン福家」店の近くに来ていた際、「ここのラーメン美味しいよ」と勧められ来店しました。 時間は、11時ちょい過ぎと言うこともあり店内には数人のお客さんしかいませんでした。 座席に着いて直ぐに目に飛び込んできたのは…なんとも昭和レトロな「おみくじ器」(笑) 一番の人気メニューは?と店員に聞いたところ…北海道味噌ベースの「赤コク味噌」とのこと! (辛いと間違えられやすいけど「辛」マークが無いのは辛くないそうです) ちょい辛でも苦手な友人は、さぱっり系の白みそをチョイスし 私は、つけ麺&餃子をチョイス!! 炙りチャーシューうまうま!驚きや感動は無いけど予想以上の味に大満足の味でした。
When I happened to be near the "Men Kobo Ramen Fukuya" store, I was advised that "the ramen here is delicious" and came to the store. The time was a little past 11 o'clock, so there were only a few customers in the store. Immediately after I got to my seat, I jumped into my eyes ... What a Showa retro "Omikuji" (laughs) What is the most popular menu? I asked the clerk ... "Red rich miso" based on Hokkaido miso! (It's easy to be mistaken for spicy, but it's not spicy without the "spicy" mark.) For friends who are not good at spicy food, choose a refreshing white miso. I choose tsukemen and dumplings! !! Roasted char siu pork! I wasn't surprised or impressed, but I was very satisfied with the taste that was more than I expected.
TE D on Google

赤コク味噌チャーシュー美味しかったです。 炙りチャーシューの香りが味噌味に負けない存在感を出してます。 ふと味噌ラーメンが食べたくなった時に 「そーそーコレコレ」って感じの納得満足な味です。
The red rich miso char siu was delicious. The aroma of roasted char siu gives it a presence comparable to that of miso. When you suddenly want to eat miso ramen It's a satisfying taste with a feeling of "so-so-kore-kore".

I also like red miso soup, so I was attracted to red miso and came to the store. It was as rich and delicious as expected.
まさふみいその on Google

Red rich miso, white rich miso, Furano miso, and seafood are all original and delicious. Still, it's good to make you feel nostalgic.
食爆 on Google

黒コク味噌 八丁味噌と食用黒炭を使った強めの味噌らーめん チャーシューも強めの味付けでバターなどのトッピング前提の味付けか?麺は思った以上に黒いが 味 食感に違和感はない
Black rich miso Hatcho miso and strong miso ramen using edible black char siu Char siu is also a strong seasoning and is it seasoned with butter and other toppings? The noodles are blacker than I expected, but the taste and texture are not strange.

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