相模原市 緑化センター - Sagamihara

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 相模原市 緑化センター

住所 :

Tana, Chuo Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0244 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877888
Postal code : 252-0244
街 : Kanagawa

Tana, Chuo Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0244 Kanagawa,Japan
ゆきぽっち on Google

各生産者さんが持ち寄って販売している卸売りのような所です。 季節の草花、樹木、果樹苗、土、肥料、鉢等販売しているので、かなりオススメかと。 皆さん販売時期を知りたがってますが、生産者さんの納期情報は無いので、直接聞ければいいのですが… 地面が土や、砂利の所もあるので、運動靴とか汚れてもいい格好がベストです。 手洗い場、トイレもあるので助かってます。 最近は男性もガーデニングする方が増えてるので、もっと盛り上がってくれたらいいな。
It's like a wholesale store that each producer brings and sells. We sell seasonal flowers, trees, fruit tree seedlings, soil, fertilizers, pots, etc., so I highly recommend it. Everyone wants to know the sales time, but since there is no delivery date information of the producer, I would like to ask directly ... The ground is soil and gravel, so it's best to wear athletic shoes or get dirty. There is also a hand-washing area and a toilet, which is helpful. Recently, more and more men are gardening, so I hope they get more excited.
mamako on Google

初めて行きました。常連さんが多い感じです。自然の中、隣からニワトリが鳴いたりします。じっくり見ると、とても時間がかかりますが楽しいです。散歩にはいいかも。また値段も普通の園芸店に比べると、とても安いです。野菜や卵が売ってるのもgoo! 木の苗木を買う時は、自分でスコップで掘り出すシステムには驚きました!これは初めて。 安くて楽しいお店ですが、ひとつ注文をつけるとすると 同じ木、同じ植物の苗同士がまとまってなくいろんなとこに点在してます。これは是非同じもの同士まとめて欲しいです。その方が効率よく見れます。ぐるぐる回って疲れました、、今日はこれを買うと目的を持って行き、スコップで掘り上げた後に 違う場所でもっといい苗木を見つけた!(泣)なんて事はアルアルです。ふらっと見てまわり、気に入ったものを買うという買い物の仕方だといいかと思います。 あまりに広大なスペースすぎて、なかなかどこに何があるのか見つけられないのも難点です。聞いてもお店の人もわからないっぽいです(いろんなとこにあるよーと言われました 笑) 大雑把な地図はありますが、あれは大雑把すぎてあまり役にはたたないです。 このような要望があるので、星4つにさせていただきました。でも、また行きたいです。
I went there for the first time. I feel that there are many regulars. In nature, chickens sing from the neighbor. If you take a closer look, it will take a lot of time, but it will be fun. Maybe it's good for a walk. Also, the price is very cheap compared to ordinary gardening shops. Vegetables and eggs are on sale at goo! When I bought a tree sapling, I was surprised at the system of digging by myself with a shovel! This is the first time. It's a cheap and fun shop, but if you place an order, the seedlings of the same tree and the same plant are scattered all over the place. I really want you to put together the same things. You can see it more efficiently. I was tired from spinning around, I bought this today and took it with a purpose, and after digging up with a shovel, I found a better sapling in a different place! (Crying) That's al-al. I think it's a good way to shop by taking a quick look around and buying what you like. Another drawback is that the space is so vast that it's hard to find what's there. It seems that the shop staff doesn't even know when I hear it (I was told that it's in various places lol) There is a rough map, but it's too rough to be very useful. Because of this request, we decided to give it four stars. But I want to go again.
Mizuki Matsumoto on Google

There are many plants and vegetable seedlings. Since the producers line up and plant the products in designated areas, it seems that the same products are different. It is self-service and we can't talk to you, so it may be useless if you don't have some knowledge.
3 三ラクティス on Google

だいぶ昔に話しを聞き訪問。色々な種類のがありますね。 サボテン?類が沢山 可愛い。 野菜も売ってました。 陶器のも…
I listened to the story a long time ago and visited. There are various types. Lots of cacti ? are cute. I also sold vegetables. Pottery too ...
漆原美佐子 on Google

?花、?植木の種類も多く、時期的なものかもしれませんが、薔薇の苗木も豊富に揃っていました。温室には蘭や多肉植物など、色々な植物があります。じっくり視るのであれば、半日で周りきれるかどうかというほどの広さなので、花、植木の好きな方には満足度の高い場所になると思います。以前は夏に近づくとメダカも売っていました。 入口付近に丸型のパッケージに入った卵も売っていますよ。? 一度行ったらはまってしまうかもしれません! 車でのお出掛けをお勧めします。?
There are many kinds of ?flowers and ? plants, which may be seasonal, but there are also abundant rose saplings. There are various plants in the greenhouse, such as orchids and succulents. If you take a closer look, it's as big as you can get around in half a day, so I think it will be a highly satisfying place for those who like flowers and plants. Previously, killifish were also sold as summer approached. Eggs in a round package are also sold near the entrance. ? You may get stuck once you go! We recommend going out by car. ?
高橋芳幸 on Google

野菜をはじめ、様々な花や草、木が揃う。 庭園用の草木もあり、個人だけでなく業者も利用する。 生産者直販なのか値段はやや安く感じた。 品揃えの豊富さはよく、満足度とても高い。
Including vegetables, various flowers, grasses, and trees are available. There are also vegetation for the garden, which is used not only by individuals but also by traders. I felt that the price was a little cheap, probably because it was sold directly by the producer. The assortment is good and the satisfaction is very high.
tta Zu on Google

数が沢山あったのでお墓参りの仏花の調達にいいなと思いました。 温室?内にパックが陳列されていて、何かと思ったら多肉植物の8種盛りでした。500円!
There were many, so I thought it would be good to procure Buddhist flowers for visiting the grave. greenhouse? There was a pack on display inside, and when I thought about it, it was 8 kinds of succulents. 500 yen!
Coffee Skyhigh on Google

庭木、鉢植え、切り花等が広い園内にあちらこちらに置いてある施設。 こだわりを持った『○○ガーデン』の様なオシャレ感もなく、 商品も整理されていたりもなく、 キチンと管理されているわけでもなく。 足元も泥で汚れるし。 現金しか使えないし。 その中でも珍しい物や気に入ったものをどうにか見つける宝探し感? また掘り出し物探しに違う季節に行きたい。
Facilities where garden trees, potted plants, cut flowers, etc. are placed here and there in the large garden. There is no fashionable feeling like "○○ Garden" with particularity, The products are not organized, It's not managed with chitin. My feet get dirty with mud. I can only use cash. A treasure hunt feeling that somehow finds rare or favorite things among them ? I also want to go to a different season to find bargains.

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