Takofuku Takoyaki - Okayama

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takofuku Takoyaki

住所 :

2 Chome-7-14 Hokancho, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Postal code : 700-0026
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/takofuku

2 Chome-7-14 Hokancho, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0026, Japan
02 ymst on Google

昔ながらのお店の佇まいに風情を感じるたこ焼き屋さんです。 小ぶりなたこ焼きはカリカリジューシーで、Goodです!!
It is a takoyaki restaurant that gives you a taste of the old-fashioned appearance of the restaurant. Small takoyaki is crispy and juicy and good! !!
이현경 on Google

반죽이 쫄깃하고 소스도 많이 달지않아 좋았어요. 문어가 크게 들어서 정말 맛있게 먹었어요! 다른지역으로 이동하는날까지 또 먹고갔어요! 정말 추천합니다!
The dough was chewy and the sauce was not good enough. The octopus got bigger and I ate it really delicious! I went to eat again until the day I moved to another area! I really recommend!
Nari aki,1998 on Google

最初は少し小さめのたこ焼き12個600円とお値段高めかなと感じました。 しかし一口入れて噛むだけでその評価が一転。最近の水でシャブシャブにした安いたこ焼きと違って中身がしっかり、しかし全く硬さを感じさせない。柔らかくて濃いイメージ。小麦の旨味を強く感じるたこ焼きです。 タレもピッタリ合う甘めの味付け。 今まで食べたたこ焼きの中で三本の指に入る旨さでした。 また来ます!
At first, I felt that the price of 12 small takoyaki was 600 yen. However, the evaluation changes just by putting a bite and chewing. Unlike the cheap takoyaki that has been shabu-shabu with water these days, the contents are solid, but it doesn't feel hard at all. A soft and dark image. Takoyaki with a strong taste of wheat. A sweet seasoning that goes well with the sauce. It was one of the three takoyaki I've ever eaten. I will come again!
zwolf on Google

奉還町にある60年以上続く老舗のたこ焼き屋で今でも女将さんが現役でたこ焼きを作ってます! 小ぶりなたこ焼きは外はカリと中はとろとろでペロッと食べれちゃいます! 店内は昭和な感じが半端なく、おいらはこの感じが好きでたこ焼きも美味しく評価を5付けましたw 小ぶりで食べやすいんで女性にもおすすめです、というかおいらが行ったときは居たお客さんも来るお客さんも女性のお客さんでしたw そして、外でビール片手にたこ焼き食べてるのがめちゃめちゃ美味しそうでしたw 懐かしの冷しあめとたこ焼きごちそうさまでした!
At a long-established takoyaki restaurant in Hokancho that has been around for over 60 years, the proprietress is still making takoyaki! The small takoyaki is crispy on the outside and mellow on the inside, so you can eat it easily! The inside of the store has a Showa era feeling, and I like this feeling, and the takoyaki is also delicious and gave a rating of 5 w It's small and easy to eat, so it's recommended for women, or rather, when I went, both the customers who were there and the customers who came were female customers w And eating takoyaki with a beer outside seemed to be really delicious w Nostalgic cold candy and takoyaki feast!
ノブコム on Google

昭和28年創業、奉還町の歴史と共に歩くたこ焼きのお店。 たこ焼き自体は小ぶりだが食べごたえあるもの。
Founded in 1953, this takoyaki restaurant walks along with the history of Hokancho. Takoyaki itself is small but delicious.
黄泉 on Google

たこ焼き15個入りを食べました。 合わせて、【冷やし飴】も注文して飲みました。 マヨネーズ付きのたこ焼きの好きな私は、マヨネーズが無かったのは残念でしたが、マヨネーズ抜きでも十分に美味しかったです。 東京都出身の私は、【冷やし飴】を初めて飲みましたが、素朴で初めて飲むのに懐かしさを感じる味で、美味しかったです。 関西周辺出身の方々は、こんな美味しい物を飲んで育ったんですね。羨ましいです。
I ate 15 takoyaki. In addition, I ordered [chilled candy] and drank it. I like takoyaki with mayonnaise, I was sorry that there was no mayonnaise, but it was delicious enough without mayonnaise. Originally from Tokyo, I drank [chilled candy] for the first time, but it was delicious because it was simple and I felt nostalgic for the first time. People from around Kansai grew up drinking such delicious foods. Is enviable.
iina iina on Google

昔風情なたこ焼き屋さん。 お店は狭いけど、焼きたてを中で頂けます。 小さめで、外はカリッ、中はとろっと食感をひと口で味わえるのも良いです。ソースは甘くて濃厚なので、おやつに、そしておつまみにピッタリです。
An old-fashioned takoyaki restaurant. The shop is small, but you can enjoy freshly baked goods inside. It's small, and it's good to have a crispy outside and a soft texture inside. The sauce is sweet and rich, so it's perfect for snacks and snacks.
さめはだ on Google

とても歴史のあるたこ焼き屋さんです。 イートイン出来たので店内で焼き立てをいただきました。美味しかったです。 冷やし飴がソースの効いたたこ焼きを適度にリセットしてくれて、とても合っていました。

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