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ブレスコーポレーション株式会社 | 依存症・神経症の根本的解決を目指す - Bless-help.jp

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Contact ブレスコーポレーション株式会社

住所 :

Takii Nishimachi, Moriguchi, 〒570-0076 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://bless-help.jp/
街 : Osaka

Takii Nishimachi, Moriguchi, 〒570-0076 Osaka,Japan
匿名希望 on Google

TMSもそうですが足ツボも受けられます メンタルチェッカーで自分のストレス状態とかも見て貰えます どちらかというとアットホームな場所だと思います しっかり施設みたいな場所で治療したいって人には向いてないかもです。 気軽に相談したいとかそんな施設みたいに拘束されたくない人はおすすめです。
As with TMS, you can also receive foot points. You can also see your stress status with the mental checker I think it's a rather cozy place It may not be suitable for people who want to treat in a place like a facility. It is recommended for people who want to feel free to consult or do not want to be restrained like such a facility.
藤田理恵 on Google

TMS が受けられる事、メンタル状態が器械で計測出来る事、アルファー波の計測まで器械でしてくれます(*^^*)♡ 過去の自分と現在の自分が比較出来、体調回復をする方向が合ってるのかが分かりながら頑張れます(*^^*)♡ 本当にメンタルを治したい‼️頑張りたい‼️って思われてる方にオススメの所です(*^^*)♡
You can receive TMS, you can measure your mental state with an instrument, and you can even measure alpha waves with an instrument (* ^^ *) ♡ You can compare your past self with your present self, and you can do your best while knowing if you are in the right direction to recover your physical condition (* ^^ *) ♡ I really want to cure my mentality! ️I want to do my best! It is a recommended place for those who think ️ (* ^^ *) ♡
山本由紀子 on Google

当事者と家族の間に介入するシステム(インタベンション)に救われました。 身内や専門医の言葉にも耳を貸さず、依存症で大暴れしていた本人が素直に入所し、今は社会復帰に向けて少しずつ歩みだしています。 複数の企業への研修など、復帰に向けたプログラムか充実しているのもお薦めです。
I was saved by a system (intervention) that intervenes between the parties and their families. Without listening to the words of his relatives and specialists, the person who had been rampaging due to addiction entered the hospital obediently, and now he is gradually taking steps toward rehabilitation. It is also recommended that you have a complete program for returning, such as training for multiple companies.
吉村崇宏 on Google

自分に合ったカリキュラムを組んでいただき、職員の方々も無理のないように接していただけました。 感謝しています。 おかげさまで今は何とか頑張っていける自信がつきました。 本当にありがとうございました! 他の方々にも是非オススメしたい事業所です。
The curriculum was designed to suit me, and the staff members were able to treat me comfortably. I am grateful. Thanks to you, I am now confident that I can do my best. I'm really thankful to you! It is a business establishment that I would definitely recommend to other people.
山本泉 on Google

As part of our activities, we had you come to help volunteers, which was very helpful. I was impressed by the fact that he was working closely on the difficult activity of the project to break the dependence. It is an organization that is responsible for the activities that are absolutely necessary in the world. I want to support you.
煮奴貴玉子 on Google

I was worried about addiction, so I contacted with a stern feeling and exchanged LINE, and when I saw the site of this office, he said that he would also apply for welfare, so I would like to proceed. Will the application be accepted? When I was worried, I was told, "There is a back road to the trick, so please leave it to me." There is a statement that it will be covered, and I think that it is more self-reliant than relying on it because of distrust. I have nothing to do with it, "and I was hung up. Even if you look at the photograph of the representative, you can see the smoky feeling.
國領龍馬 on Google

ブレスコーポレーションは、依存症やパニック障害、社会不安障害、脅迫神経症などの神経症に特化し、医療と連携してTMS治療などの最新医療やピアカウンセラーの成功体験に基づく心理プログラム等を提供する団体です。 僕はブレスコーポレーションには通ってないですが、どんぐりの会、リワーク守口に通っている2019年から2020年までの間、代表の中川健司さんがアルコール依存症の方や薬物依存症の方などを回復させるために必死に動き回ってらっしゃるのを見てきました。 中川健司さんはとても意思の強くて、人のために行動される方で、 僕の抱えていたある事務所の違法請求問題の件で二回も解決のために動いてくれました。 そして、二回とも解決してくれました。 あんなに意思の強くて人のために行動をされる方は僕の37年生きてきた人生の中では本当に稀で、とても貴重な方です。 過去に中川さんご自身も依存症から回復された方で言葉に説得力があり、すごい行動力です。 薬物依存症やギャンブル依存症、アルコール依存症、パニック障害、社会不安障害、脅迫神経症などの神経症に悩まれてる方は、勇気を出して、ブレスコーポレーションに連絡を取って通ってみてはいかがでしょうか? 少しでも依存症や神経症で悩まれてる方がブレスコーポレーションで回復される事を祈っております。
Breath Corporation specializes in neurosis such as addiction, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and threatening neurosis, and provides the latest medical care such as TMS treatment and psychological programs based on the successful experiences of peer counselors in cooperation with medical care. It is a group. I don't go to Breath Corporation, but from 2019 to 2020, when I go to Donguri no Kai and Rework Moriguchi, Mr. Kenji Nakagawa, the representative, will be a person with alcoholism and drug addiction. I've seen him move around desperately to recover. Kenji Nakagawa is a very strong person who acts for people. He worked twice to solve the illegal billing problem in one of my offices. And it solved it both times. Those who are so strong and act for others are really rare and very valuable in my 37 years of life. Mr. Nakagawa himself has recovered from his addiction in the past, and his words are persuasive, and he has great ability to act. If you are suffering from neurosis such as drug addiction, gambling addiction, alcoholism, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, threatening neuropathy, please take the courage to contact Breath Corporation. Is not it? We hope that those who are suffering from addiction or neurosis will be recovered by Breath Corporation.
伊藤守(まもやん) on Google

(対象)18歳から65歳までの障碍者手帳をお持ちか、心療内科に通院されていて診断書の交付を受けられるかた。 リネン費として110円(税込)のみ頂戴いたします。
(Target) Those who have a disability certificate from 18 to 65 years old or who are attending a psychosomatic medicine department and can receive a medical certificate. Only 110 yen (tax included) will be charged as linen fee.

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