極煮干し本舗 久喜店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 極煮干し本舗 久喜店

住所 :

Takayanagi, Kuki, 〒349-1125 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://www.gokunibo.com/
街 : Saitama

Takayanagi, Kuki, 〒349-1125 Saitama,Japan
Fukuda Daisaku on Google

いやいや感動‼️ まさに煮干しラーメン?? ランチは910円でどんぶりありでお得感ありだと思います?
No, no, I'm impressed! ️ Niboshi ramen ?? Lunch is 910 yen and I think it's a good deal with a bowl of rice ?
おかピ_Lantis on Google

I ate sardine ramen from various shops, but the evaluation is medium and I want to go to the standard. I think it's okay to have a little more punch, and I like thinner noodles. The menu is delicious overall. The summer-only chilled salt had a bit of saltiness towards the end. It was a little overkill. Others are sardines, sardines, and sardines, all of which are good, and it is very good to get the yuzu from the split soup. I don't like miso and spicy so I don't eat it.
船橋正己 on Google

蔓延防止前の訪問時は夜中まで営業していたので、仕事終わりに夜中に訪問しました。初めてだったので、まぜそばにネギトッピング。その他諸々トッピングしたけど、器に乗せきれないとのことで別皿で提供でした。 まあまあの味かなぁ。
I visited in the middle of the night after work because it was open until midnight when I visited before the spread. It was my first time, so I added green onion toppings to the mixed soba noodles. I added various other toppings, but I couldn't put it on the plate, so it was served on a separate plate. I wonder if it tastes so good.
ゆず on Google

ランチセットで煮干しラーメンの塩と山わさび丼をいただきました。 普段は煮干し系は苦手で食べないのですが、こちらは煮干し初心者の私でも美味しく食べれました。むしろあっさりなのに旨味もあって他もチャレンジしたいと思いました。 山わさび丼はわさびがきつかったです(笑) ごちそうさまでした。
I had the salt of dried sardines and the wasabi bowl on the lunch set. I usually don't eat dried sardines, but even I, a beginner of dried sardines, could eat it deliciously. Rather, it was light but delicious, so I wanted to try other things. Wasabi was tight on the mountain wasabi bowl (laughs) Thank you for the meal.
Goro Goro on Google

極濃厚煮干し豚骨+山わさび丼のランチで910円。 こういうチェーン店が近くにあるとうれしいね。 山岡家独特の店舗から漂う獣臭もしないのでよい。また行こうと思います。
Extra-rich dried pork bones + mountain wasabi bowl lunch for 910 yen. I'm glad that such a chain store is nearby. It is good because it does not have the animal odor drifting from the store peculiar to the Yamaoka family. I will go again.
ride onケンモ on Google

極濃煮干し豚骨つけ麺を頂きました。 麺は中太…香りがしない。スープの煮干しは確かに濃いです。ついでに、煮干しの苦味ありで塩っぱいな? 濃厚にしたいのは解るけど、なんでも混ぜたら良い訳ではないと思う。 淡麗煮干しラーメンがどうなのか分からないので、本当に煮干しにこだわってるのか、名前だけなのかを自分なりに評価します。 カウンター9席微妙に、テーブル4人×4、座敷6人×2、駐車場沢山。
I had a very thick dried pork bone tsukemen. The noodles are medium-thick ... they don't smell. The dried sardines of the soup are certainly thick. By the way, the bitter and salty sardines ? I understand that I want to make it rich, but I don't think it's good to mix everything. I don't know what the sardines are like, so I'll evaluate whether I'm really particular about sardines or just the name. 9 seats at the counter, 4 tables x 4, 6 tatami mats x 2, lots of parking lots.
ono shuukou on Google

鬼煮干しラーメン❗️トッピング無 麺大盛 濃厚であり柚子の風味あり癖になります。ドロドロですが食べやすいです。この味は好き嫌いがあると思いますが私は好きですのでまた食べたい味です。個人的なマイナス点は焼豚よりローストビーフの方が合うような気がします。 2枚目が豚骨煮干ラーメン 麺大盛り 美味い?
Oni Niboshi Ramen ❗️ No toppings Noodles are rich and have a habit of yuzu flavor. It's muddy, but it's easy to eat. I think I like this taste, but I like it so I want to eat it again. Personally, I feel that roast beef is more suitable than roast pork. The second piece is pork bone sardine ramen, a large serving of noodles, delicious ?
Abinash Khattri on Google

It was a nice ramen restaurant. The soup was really delicious.

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