老舗 亀まん

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 老舗 亀まん

住所 :

Takatomachi Nishitakato, Ina, 〒396-0211 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : http://www.s-kameman.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–6:30PM
Sunday 8:30AM–6:30PM
Monday 8:30AM–6:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 8:30AM–6:30PM
Friday 8:30AM–6:30PM
街 : Nagano

Takatomachi Nishitakato, Ina, 〒396-0211 Nagano,Japan
yuya hata on Google

まんじゅう美味しいです お隣のあかはねさんと食べ比べてみました 皮が柔らかかったです あんこは甲乙付けがたい バラでも買えて一個110円
Steamed buns are delicious I tried to eat and compare with the next door The skin was soft Anko is hard to put on You can buy even a single rose 110 yen
miho iwa on Google

隣り合って饅頭屋が2件あります 私はこちらに気がつかずにいましたが(笑) とってもとっても有名ですし 美味しいです(^q^) 諏訪でも くらすわ さんで買えますが やはり本店まで足を運ぶと言いなぁと思いました 小さなお饅頭亀まん かわいいです 酒蒸し饅頭と 黒糖饅頭もありました どちらも美味しい♪♪♪
There are two manjuyas next to each other. I didn't notice here (laugh) Very famous It's delicious (^q^) You can buy it at Kuruwa, even at Suwa After all, I thought that I should go to the main store Small bun cute With steamed buns There was also brown sugar bun Both are delicious♪♪♪
しろっぽ(レッキス) on Google

しっかりとしたこしあんで美味しかったです。久々にお伺いしましたが、お饅頭の亀がハワイアンなカメに変わった気がします。しかも子亀も、、可愛かったです。 中津川のどら焼きもつぶあんで塩けも感じられ美味しかったです。
It was delicious with a firm strain. I've visited you after a long time, but I feel that the turtle with buns has turned into a Hawaiian turtle. Moreover, the turtle was also cute. The dorayaki on the Nakatsugawa was squashed and salt was felt, so it was delicious.
on Google

高遠と言えば 亀まん と言うくらい 人気のお店 とにかく 亡き爺ちゃんや その仲間の爺ちゃん達から 亀だぞ!亀のマークだぞ!! 間違えるなよ!と うるさく言われました (๑´ㅂ`๑)笑 昔から 愛されているお店です。 お饅頭以外も (๑´ڡ`๑)美味しいです 高遠に来たら ぜひ
Speaking of Takanobu Kamen Popular shops say as Anyways Dead grandpa and From their grandpa grandpa It's a turtle! It's a turtle mark! ! Do not make a mistake! When I was annoyed (1 'ㅂ `1) lol It is a shop loved from long ago. Other than buns head (1 'ڡ `1) It is delicious If you come to Takashi
150cm on Google

老舗の高遠まんじゅう屋さん。バラ売りあり。縁起の良い亀の焼き印が目印です! 「子亀まん」はポンッと口に放り込めるほどの小ささで、通常のおまんじゅうサイズの「亀まん」と併せて買うととても可愛らしいです。 しっとりとした生地とあんこが美味しかったです♪ありがとうございました。
A well-established Takato manju shop. There is a rose sale. The mark of auspicious turtle is a mark! "Kokime Man" is so small that it can be dumped into the mouth, and it is very cute to buy along with a regular steamed bun size "Kame Man". The moist dough and anko were delicious ♪ Thank you.
Takashi Maeshima on Google

Kameman has several stores, but Takato is the main store. There is also a store with a history and a box of sweets piled up in the mountains. The famous confection "Kameman", which seems to have more bean paste than skin. 110 yen per piece is cheap! I will buy 10 souvenirs and return.
あらら?arara? on Google

50年ちょっと生きてきただけだが、そこそこ人並みの体験は積んできたと自負している。学校を卒業して、就職して。夜学にも行った、結婚もした。子どもも生まれ移住して、子どもは巣立ちという程度のごく普通だがひと通りのことは体験してきた。未体験なことは、死ぬことと刑務所に入ることくらいだろうか。 死ぬことはいずれなんとかなるからさておく。問題は刑務所に入ることがそのものが希望(?)なのだ。  なんで、そんなことを言い出したかというと、花輪和一「刑務所の中」の影響に他ならない。花輪和一とは極めて特殊な作品を描く漫画家だ。おどろおどろしくグロテスクな怪奇漫画を主とする。"怪奇"と断じてよいか定かではない。かのジャンルには日野日出志や古賀新一といった作家が有名だが、彼らの作品はどこか一歩引いた、ここまでくればフィクションだよな。と感じられるのに対し、花輪はどこかおかしなお前は絶対に向こう側のヤツだよな、と思わされる独特な世界観を持つ作家である。  そんなマイナー、いやアンダーグラウンドな作家が唯一メジャーに認められた作品が「刑務所の中」なのだ。拳銃所持で逮捕された彼が懲役刑を受け、2年間の受刑生活を描いた作品である。内容はといえばものの見事にどうという事がない。刑務所での生活が淡々と語られる。刑務所の日課、作業はどういったものか、ただそれだけである。どんな罪を犯し、償っているか。待遇改善!なんてことはカケラもない。  私が気になるのは刑務所の食事だ。いわゆるくさい飯というものだが、これがなんとも美味そうなのだ。実際にはすごい薄味だし、麦飯ほど不味いものはない。と訊くが、花輪の語り口のためなのか一度でいいから食べてみたいと思わされる。 メニューでもっとも熱く語られるのが甘いものだ。日常的に薄味で、甘味などほとんどない生活だから、だれもが甘さに飢えているのだという。粒餡にマーガリン、フルーツミックス缶に牛乳という薄気味悪いメニューが受刑生活史上最高のものとして扱われる、うへぇ。  一説によれば受刑者管理のためにわざと甘味を抑制しているのだとか。確認はしていないが、別の書であんこを巡って大の大人がケンカしたり、チョコレートを食べたくてたまらないヤクザの大親分さんがいたりするらしいから案外、本当のことかもしれない。   「老舗 亀まん」 南信 高遠にある和菓子屋さん、創業明治8年というから筋金入りだ。HPによれば明治時代、銭湯「亀の湯」を開業した初代が、来店客に振る舞った饅頭が評判となり専門店化したのだという。  「亀まん頭」 "亀の湯"から一字とって名づけられたこの亀まん。しっとりとした皮の中に、どしっとした密度の高いこしあんが鎮座している。よくある温泉まんじゅうあるいは蒸窯まんじゅうに似てはいるが、皮、あんこ双方の存在感が素晴らしく、他とは一線を画したものだといえる。   受刑生活はよいが、その前に入るだけの悪いことをしなければならない。私のような小心者に何ができるというのだ。という事でまっとうなカタチで刑務所に入ることなど無理だろうから、どこかで見学ツアーでもやってないか、なんとなく調査中である。
I've only lived a little over 50 years, but I'm proud that I've gained a reasonable amount of experience. After graduating from school and getting a job. I went to night school and got married. The children were born and emigrated, and the children are very normal, but I have experienced a lot of things. The only things I haven't experienced are death and entering prison. It's a sequel. Set aside because it will manage to die. The problem is that it is the hope (?) Of entering the prison itself. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. The reason why I said such a thing is the influence of Kazukazu Hanawa "in prison". Kazukazu Hanawa is a manga artist who draws extremely special works. Mostly horrifying and grotesque and strange manga. I'm not sure if it's okay to say it's strange. Authors such as Hiji Hino and Shinichi Koga are famous in that genre, but their work is a step back somewhere. On the other hand, Hanawa is a writer with a unique view of the world that seems to be the one on the other side. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. The only work in which a minor, or an underground writer, is recognized as a major is "in prison." He was arrested for possessing a pistol and was sentenced to imprisonment for two years. Speaking of content, there is nothing to say about it. Life in a prison is talked about. Jail's daily routine, what the work is all about. What crimes are you making and what are you paying for? Improved treatment! There is no piece. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. What I care about is the prison meals. This is so-called kusai rice, but it looks like it's delicious. In fact, it's very light, and nothing is less delicious than barley rice. However, I think that I would like to eat it because it is for the narration of the wreath because it is okay at once. It's a sequel. The sweetest thing on the menu is the hottest. It is said that everyone is hungry for sweetness because they are light-weight everyday and have little sweetness. Ugh, the spooky menu of bean paste, margarine, fruit mix cans, and milk is treated as the best in history of prison life. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. According to one theory, the sweetness is deliberately suppressed to manage prisoners. Although I have not confirmed it, it may be unexpectedly true because it seems that there are other adults fighting about anko in another book, and there is a Yakuza main boss who wants to eat chocolate. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. "Long-established Kameman" Nanshin is a Japanese confectionery shop located in Takato, and since it was founded in the 8th year of the Meiji era, it is a hardcore business. According to the HP, the first generation that opened the public bath "Kamenoyu" in the Meiji era became a specialty store with the popularity of buns that acted to customers. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. Turtle head This Kameman is named after a letter from "Kame no Yu". In the moist skin, the dense and dense koshi-an bean paste is enshrined. Although it resembles the usual hot spring manju or steamed kiln manju, the presence of both the skin and anko is excellent, and it can be said that it is different from the others. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. The life of a prison is good, but you have to do bad things to get in front of it. What can a small person like me do? Since it is impossible to enter a prison with a decent form, I am currently investigating whether I am doing a tour tour somewhere.
マックカラン on Google

スタンダードな亀まんも皮が柔らかく一番高遠まんじゅうの中でも美味しいと思う。 他にもウグイスあんや酒饅頭など色々入ってる5色まんじゅうオススメです。
The standard turtle bun has a soft skin and is the most delicious among the Takato buns. We also recommend the 5 color buns that contain various ingredients such as warbler buns and sake buns.

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