Takasagoya - Kitaibaraki

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takasagoya

住所 :

2650 Otsucho, Kitaibaraki, Ibaraki 319-1702, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 319-1702
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11AM–2PM

2650 Otsucho, Kitaibaraki, Ibaraki 319-1702, Japan
柴谷一智 on Google

ランチをしようと、いつもは、日立方面しか行かないのですが、久し振りに勿来方面に行きました。寿司屋で、ヒットしたので、早速、行きました。 行列が当たり前なので、開店少し前に行きましたが、誰もいませんでした。スペシャルを頼みましたが、シャリとネタは小さめ。ネタは新鮮でした。鰯のつみれ汁と茶碗蒸し、デザート付きでした。首都圏なら、3000円くらいするかもしれません。 これで、1080円は、食べる価値、有りです。
I always went only to the Hitachi area when I tried to have lunch, but after a long time I went to the Nakoso area. I went at a sushi shop because I hit it. Because the procession is commonplace, I went a little before the opening, but no one was there. I asked for a special, but Shari and Neta are smaller. The story was fresh. It was steamed with sweet potato miso soup and sea bream, and with dessert. In the metropolitan area, it may cost around 3,000 yen. Now, 1080 yen is worth eating.
w I on Google

11:30頃夫婦で入店 前客3人。ちらし寿司、寿司ランチ注文。提供まで30分ほどかかりました。時間に余裕のある方はよいかも。寿司ネタは細く、ランチでお安く提供しているからでしょうか? 残念でした。
Around 11:30, a couple entered the store with 3 front customers. Chirashizushi, sushi lunch order. It took about 30 minutes to serve. It may be better if you have time to spare. Is it because the sushi ingredients are thin and are offered cheaply at lunch? That's too bad.
長谷川 on Google

Speaking of Kitaibaraki Otsucho, anglerfish is famous. It's Anko Nabe from the end of the year to winter. You can also eat at this shop. Lunch time in the daytime may not be possible, but it is delicious so please try it. Lunch will be crowded from night, so please be careful if you do not have time. Since it is a fishing port in front of you, there is no doubt about fish. However, the pork cutlet is also delicious.
ともととも on Google

The nearby market cafeteria was full and the waiting time was terrible, so I chose this one. Although the parking lot is small, as soon as I stopped in the frame and got off, I was told by a part-time worker that I was the owner of the store. When I said that it was impossible, then I was asked to go to the next parking lot, and when a customer who had just finished eating came out and said that he would stop when that person was vacant, that aunt was smoking again, so it was still impossible. Please stop next to me ...? Hmm, give priority to customers who have finished eating and neglect customers who are going to eat from now on. At the end of the phrase, the customer's car that came later is given priority and put in. The food looks delicious, but the unpleasant store that can only serve such customers is a problem before the meal. As other people have commented, that aunt's mouth and eyes from above only make the store's reputation worse. Never approach again. ☆ I don't even want to wear it.
rempotion on Google

I had a daily lunch set. Just the right amount that you can be satisfied with the rich contents. But the price is as low as 1000 yen. Sushi is really delicious! In addition to the set, I ordered anko sauce with vinegar and learned how delicious it was. I'm worried about the limited 6 meals and 16 pieces of rice balls (chawan steamed, bowl, dessert included), so I want to go again!
Etsu Hase on Google

It is Takasagoya after a long absence. The sushi lunch was sold out today, so I ate a daily set meal. The photo shows sushi lunch, chawanmushi, miso soup, etc.
鈴木直人 on Google

2021年11月20日来店 写真は、高砂弁当。茶碗蒸し(海老入り。笑)、煮魚(写真は鯛)が付いて税込1100円也。
Visited on November 20, 2021 The photo is Takasago bento. 1100 yen including tax with chawanmushi (with shrimp, lol) and boiled fish (pictured is sea bream).
Take Kamo on Google

The contents and cost are substantial. Lunch is recommended and is 1100 yen including tax. Limited special sushi is small but 16 pieces. Daily lunch includes sushi and steamed tea bowls, small bowls, fried foods, miso soup, and desserts.

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