
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact すし処とと浜

住所 :

Takasago, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0063 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
街 : Saitama

Takasago, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0063 Saitama,Japan
高村康男 on Google

First of all, I think everyone will fall in love with the personality of the master. I only use the counter, but the shop is large and there are many customers such as groups, so it feels like a common person. Of course, the food is delicious and we recommend it at a reasonable price.
黒石誠治 on Google

The general's personality is good and you can drink comfortably. We recommend the counter seats where you can talk. Many of the sake dishes are fresh, and the meal set that includes sushi is also a great deal.
T MORI on Google

おいしかったです ランチ850円でお腹いっぱいになり、デザートも頂きました 今度は握りを食べに来ます
It was delicious I was hungry for 850 yen for lunch and I received a dessert I will come to eat a handful this time
N K on Google

ランチで利用しました。 当然回るお寿司よりシャリもネタもずーーーっと美味しいくて、サラダとアイスがついて1,050円。 お店の方もとても親戚で、いい時間を過ごせました。 他にもにぎり寿司、アナゴ丼など、1,000以下のランチもありました。
I used it at lunch. Naturally Shari and sushi are delicious than sushi which turns around, and it is delicious with salad and ice, 1,050 yen. The shop was also very close and I had a good time. There were also lunches of less than 1,000, including nigiri sushi and anago rice bowl.
佐藤信夫 on Google

It's inconspicuous on the mezzanine floor, but it's easy to enter, the taste is good, the price is reasonable, and you want to go there again. Urawa is known for its eel town, where the store manager and people are good at talking, but it seems that there were many sushi restaurants in the past.
中村誠司 on Google

The area around Urawa Station has a fairly high level of impression. The price was reasonable. Scrolls such as shrimp yu rolls are also delicious. I also ate tempura.
Ray 。 on Google

ランチ利用。カウンター席は店員さんと楽しくお話されてる常連さん達がおり、ひとり若干肩身の狭さを感じながらも笑、美味しく頂きました。 ホタルイカが美味しかったな〜。 デザートを出して下さるタイミング等、きちんと気にかけて下さいます。ごちそうさまでした。
Use for lunch. At the counter seats, there were regulars who enjoyed talking with the clerk, and while feeling a little narrow shoulders, they laughed and enjoyed it. The firefly squid was delicious. Please pay attention to the timing of serving dessert. Thank you for the meal.
あおさま on Google

先月夜利用させてもらいました このようなご時世ですが、常連さんのようなお客さんが3組くらいほかにいました 全体的にコスパがいいなと思ったのと茶碗蒸しなどは出汁が化学調味料など使っていない自然の出汁の味でとても美味しかったです 駅から近い割には、あまりメインな場所ではないのと2階なので通りすがりで入る感じではないですが、穴場的な感じかなと思います また行きたいと思います
I used it last night It was such a time, but there were about 3 other customers like regulars. Overall, I thought that cospa was good, and the soup stock was very delicious because it was a natural soup stock that did not use chemical seasonings. Although it's close to the station, it's not a very main place and it's on the 2nd floor, so it doesn't feel like you're passing by, but I think it's a little-known place. I think I want to go again

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