
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 高砂慶友整形外科

住所 :

Takasago, Katsushika City, 〒125-0054 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://takasago-keiyu.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–12:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Takasago, Katsushika City, 〒125-0054 Tokyo,Japan
梶川大輔 on Google

先日、清水先生にお世話になりました! 右膝を曲げると痛みがあり、下肢が浮腫んでましたが施術後は軽減しました。 ありがとうございました!
The other day, I was taken care of by Dr. Shimizu! I had pain when I bent my right knee, and my lower limbs were swollen, but it was alleviated after the procedure. thank you very much!
井原直行 on Google

診断結果を一週間で変える病院です。コルセットも他でみてもらうと、体に合っていないコルセットを買わされました。 他の所で、調整手直しに出しています。 専門なのに、いい加減過ぎです。
It is a hospital that changes the diagnosis result in a week. When I looked at the corset elsewhere, I bought a corset that didn't fit my body. Elsewhere, I am making adjustments. Even though I'm a specialist, it's too sloppy.
たま on Google

私は腰の痛みがひどくて色々な整形外科に行きましたが、痛みが改善されませんでした。 近所に高砂慶友整形外科がオープンしたので 藁をもつかむ気持ちで行ってみました。 先生は私の症状をきちんと聞いて下さり、痛みが和ぐようにお手伝いしますよ。とおっしゃりリハビリを勧められました。 半信半疑でリハビリ室に行くと、とても広くビックリしました。 電気治療をした後、私の現状を話しながら40分ほどストレッチなどしていただき身体がすごく楽になりました。 担当してくれた方は「歪みの無い身体を作ること、身体は繋がってるから自分はその手伝いをしている」とおっしゃっていました。 通っていく内に友人からも「歩きがスムーズになったね」と言われクリニックの方には大変感謝しております。
I had a lot of lower back pain and went to various orthopedic surgeries, but the pain did not improve. Keito Takasago Orthopedic Surgery opened in the neighborhood I went with a feeling of holding straw. The teacher will listen to my symptoms and help you relieve the pain. I was advised to rehabilitate. When I went to the rehabilitation room with no doubt, I was very surprised. After electrical therapy, I was able to stretch for about 40 minutes while talking about my current situation, which made my body much easier. The person in charge said, "To make a body that is not distorted, I am helping because the body is connected." While I was traveling, I was very grateful to the clinic that my friend told me that my walk was smooth.
jyh tou on Google

良い点 ・2階(レントゲン室とか)の看護師さん、受付の方の対応は丁寧。特にレントゲン室の男性看護師はほかの医院と比べてもトップクラスに丁寧だったように思う。 ・自分が行ったとき(平日の夜)は人が少なくあんまりまたなかった。 悪い点 ・診察が恐ろしいほど雑、混んでるわけでもないのに1分程度で適当にすましてる。何様のつもりなのか知らないが血液検査の結果が来たら前回と全く別のことをいうくせに終始上から目線等医師の能力・人間性にも問題がある。 ・1階の受付、看護師、医師の感じが悪い、医師は上述の通りだし、受付・看護師は本当に2階と同じ医院なのか疑うレベル ・最近できたくせに現金払いのみ 総評 整形外科なので足が痛い等で遠くの病院に行きたくない場合には痛みと相談して最低限としてありかなと思います。私は歩けるレベルだったので他の病院に行けばよかったと後悔しました。医師は何人かいるみたいなので他の医師に当たればまた違うのかもしれないです。
good point ・ The nurses and receptionists on the 2nd floor (such as the Roentgen room) are polite. In particular, the male nurse in the roentgen room seems to be top class polite compared to other clinics. ・ When I went there (weekday nights), there weren't many people and there weren't many people. Bad points ・ The medical examination is horribly messy and not crowded, but it takes about 1 minute. I don't know what I mean, but when the blood test result comes, there is a problem with the doctor's ability and humanity, such as looking from the top, even though it is completely different from the last time. ・ The receptionist on the 1st floor, the nurse, and the doctor feel uncomfortable, the doctor is as described above, and the receptionist / nurse is at the level of doubting whether the clinic is really the same as the 2nd floor. ・ Cash payment only General comment Since it is an orthopedic surgery, if you have a pain in your leg and do not want to go to a distant hospital, consult with the pain and think that it is the minimum. I was at a level where I could walk, so I regretted that I should have gone to another hospital. It seems that there are several doctors, so it may be different if you hit another doctor.
あー on Google

The hospital is very beautiful. It was smooth from the reception desk to medical examination, X-ray, and accounting. The teacher was very kind to me in a calm atmosphere, reading the questionnaire and listening to my symptoms. I was very impressed with the guidance and voice of the nurse. The X-ray technician also responded politely.
とも on Google

運動療法の予約がなかなかとれず2週間に1度のペース。それなのに毎月 療法計画のため2000円以上の診療費。 リハビリは温熱や電気、ウォーターベットなど機械任せのみ。体の調子は聞かれずに受付職員?が案内して機械を操作するのみ。 調子が悪いところを言っても診察を受けてく ださいと言われるだけ。診察もレントゲン写真を観るのみで身体を動かしての診察はなし。 駅に近いので便利ですが、私には合いませんでした。
It was difficult to make an appointment for exercise therapy, and the pace was once every two weeks. However, due to the monthly treatment plan, the medical expenses are 2000 yen or more. Rehabilitation is only left to machines such as heat, electricity, and water beds. Reception staff without being asked about your physical condition? Only guides and operates the machine. Even if I say something is wrong, I will get a medical examination Just be told. There is no medical examination by moving the body just by looking at the X-ray. It's convenient because it's close to the station, but it didn't suit me.
柳澤照子terukoyana on Google

私は金町慶友クリニックへ行っております。 そこで治療してくださる先生が高砂から来てくださってます。 骨切り術で退院したばかりなのでリハビリにいっております。 毎日違った理学療法士に施術していただいております。 粒揃いで知識豊富な先生ばかりです。 総合病院にいらした為、多くの患者さんを治療しているだけあります。 こんなに素晴らしい理学療法士に出会えるとはラッキーです。 手の空いている時は医学書で勉強してます。
I am going to Kanamachi Keiyu Clinic. The teacher who treats me there comes from Takasago. I have just been discharged from the hospital due to osteotomy, so I am going to rehabilitation. We have different physiotherapists perform the treatment every day. All the teachers are well-rounded and knowledgeable. Since I came to a general hospital, I am only treating many patients. I am lucky to meet such a wonderful physiotherapist. When I have a free hand, I study with medical books.
Taksshi Iwamoto on Google

足親指を粉砕骨折して来院。(初診で粉砕は分かりませんでした。要CT) 設備はレントゲン、外科処置室もあり。町の形成外科では最高です。 待ち時間も短く(1時間は待つが)対応も文句ありません レントゲンしかないので、処置して一カ月、曲がってついた骨を見て 他の病院を勧めてくれました。紹介状無料。 CTと観血的手術の設備があればなぁ 儲からないのに、患者の為に仕事してくださり、ありがとうございます 【見立て】本人:いてぇなぁ爪はがれてるくらいか? 先生:ここは設備無いから他に行け、後で痛みが出るぞ、しっかり治せ付くかは分からない。本院は遠いから紹介状書くよ? 【施術別病院】切開、全身麻酔、曲がってついてるから骨切るね、付くか分からないよ、待ち時間は2時間~、入院
He visited the hospital with a crushed fracture of his big toe. (I did not know the crushing at the first visit. CT required) Facilities include X-rays and a surgical procedure room. Great for plastic surgery in town. Waiting time is short (although I wait for 1 hour), there is no complaint about correspondence I only have an X-ray, so I treated it for a month and looked at the bent bones. He recommended another hospital. Free referral letter. I wish I had CT and open surgery equipment. Thank you for working for the patient, even though it's not profitable [Assuming] Principal: Hey, are your nails peeling off? Teacher: I don't have any equipment here, so I can go elsewhere, and I'll get pain later, I don't know if it will be cured. Since this hospital is far away, I'll write a letter of introduction, right? [Hospital by treatment] Incision, general anesthesia, bone cutting because it is bent, I do not know if it will be attached, waiting time is 2 hours ~, hospitalization

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