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Contact 住吉小学校前接骨院・整体院

住所 :

Takasago, Katsushika City, 〒125-0054 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://s-katsushika.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–2PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–12PM
Tuesday 10AM–12PM
Wednesday 10AM–12PM
Thursday 10AM–12PM
Friday 10AM–12PM
街 : Tokyo

Takasago, Katsushika City, 〒125-0054 Tokyo,Japan
ネルチャン on Google

I had a pain with Achilles tendonitis, but it got better with repeated treatments. I'm doing triathlon, so I'll do my best to get good results.
パンダくー吉 on Google

My right leg hurts and I can only walk for 15 minutes from a year and a half ago. Considering the cause, it doesn't hurt even if I walk for a long time from 3 months after the start of treatment, and it seems that I can go to Oze where I wanted to go. I feel lighter.
ゆず on Google

頭痛で通院しています。 長年頭痛が酷く、吐き気や起き上がれない日もあり仕事を休んだりした日もありました。MRI検査をしましたが異常はなく、薬も効かず・・頭痛とどう上手く付き合っていこうか悩んでいました。 そんな中、少しでもよくなればと思い、こちらへ通院しました。だんだん頭痛の回数が減っていき、今ではあの頭痛の痛み、吐き気が治りました!薬を飲まなくてよい日がくるなんて思っていませんでした。 先生の施術のおかげです!安心して通えます。
I go to the hospital because of a headache. I had a severe headache for many years, and on some days I had nausea and couldn't get up, and on other days I was absent from work. I had an MRI scan, but there were no abnormalities, and the medicine didn't work ... I was worried about how to deal with the headache. Meanwhile, I went to the hospital, hoping that it would improve even a little. The number of headaches gradually decreased, and now the headache pain and nausea have healed! I didn't expect the day when I wouldn't have to take any medicine. Thanks to the teacher's treatment! You can go with confidence.
川崎トライアスロンクラブ on Google

トライアスロンの大会前は、私自身はもちろん、クラブの仲間も佐藤先生に治療してもらいます。 そのおかげで、トレーニングのケガや、持病等が治ったり、軽減し、トライアスロンが続けられています。 最近、私は、トライアスロンの最高峰と言われている「アイアンマントライアスロン」に出るため、台湾へ行ってきました。この競技は、水泳3.8㎞→自転車180㎞→ランニング42㎞を走ります。 私は腰と膝の持病を持っており、競技中、痛みでつらくなると覚悟していました。少しでも痛みを抑え、調子が良いまま競技をしたいと思い、台湾出発の前日に住吉小学校接骨院に通い治療してから出発しました。 真面目に正直な事なのですが、大会中、一度も腰と膝の痛みが出なかったのです。本当です。 私自身も驚きでした! アスリートの皆さん!ぜひ、通ってみてください。
Before the triathlon tournament, I will be treated by Dr. Sato as well as myself. Thanks to this, training injuries, chronic illnesses, etc. are cured and reduced, and triathlons continue. Recently, I went to Taiwan to participate in "Iron Man Triathlon" which is said to be the highest triathlon. This competition will run from swimming 3.8 km → bicycle 180 km → running 42 km. I had lower back and knee problems and was prepared to be painful during the competition. I wanted to play with a little pain and feel good, and I went to Sumiyoshi Elementary School Osteopathic Hospital on the day before my departure from Taiwan. Seriously honest, I never had back or knee pain during the tournament. It's true. I was also surprised! Athletes! Please go through.
Sophia on Google

I was taken care of by the pelvic correction before and after childbirth. It was good to go through because the back pain during pregnancy and the pain in the coccyx after childbirth were alleviated. It was a smooth reservation without having to wait because it was a complete reservation system.
村上あい on Google

産前のマタニティ整体と、産後の骨盤矯正でお世話になりました。 仰向けに寝っ転がれないような腰痛がすっかり良くなり、快適に過ごせるようになりました。ありがとうございました! 子連れOKなのが助かります。 今後はメンテナンスで定期的に通いたいと思います。
I was taken care of by maternity manipulative treatment before childbirth and pelvic correction after childbirth. My back pain, which makes me unable to lie on my back, has improved and I am now able to spend my time comfortably. thank you very much! It is helpful to be able to bring children. In the future, I would like to go regularly for maintenance.
ぽぽにょ on Google

産後の骨盤矯正で治療しました。一回の治療で腰の痛みはだいぶ取れ、4回目くらいには痛みも怠さも無くなりました。 治療前はキツかったズボンも今ではゆとりが出るくらいに履けるようになり、見た目もスッキリしました。 治療してくださる方も色々お話してくださるので育児の合間に気分転換できて良かったです。
I was treated with postpartum pelvic correction. The pain in my lower back was relieved with one treatment, and the pain and negligence disappeared by the fourth treatment. The trousers that were tight before the treatment can now be worn to the extent that there is plenty of room, and the appearance is also refreshing. I'm glad that I was able to change my mood between childcare because the people who treat me also talk to me in various ways.
k s on Google

Thank you for your help in treating back pain. I've been worried for a long time and couldn't go anywhere, but now that I'm going to the hospital, my pain is getting better and better, and now I'm spending my daily life without any worries. He gave me accurate advice and made me strict about what was wrong, and I thought that I was really trying to improve the patient. I look forward to working with you.

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