Takasago Ekimae Wakuwaku Orthopedic Clinic - Katsushika City

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takasago Ekimae Wakuwaku Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

5 Chome-27-15 Takasago, Katsushika City, Tokyo 125-0054, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Postal code : 125-0054
Webサイト : https://wakuwakuseikotsu.jp/store/takasuna/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–12PM
Tuesday 10AM–12PM
Wednesday 10AM–12PM
Thursday 10AM–12PM
Friday 10AM–12PM

5 Chome-27-15 Takasago, Katsushika City, Tokyo 125-0054, Japan
森田修平 on Google

It was my first treatment. We asked them to find out the cause of the pain in a blink of an eye from interviews, casual conversations, and physical conditions. The treatment was a professional skill! The pain reduction and lightness of the body after the treatment were exceptional! I will go again! !! !! Thank you ?
NO END on Google

産後3か月から骨盤矯正を含めた産後矯正で通っています。ベビーカーで来院でき、ぐずったら受付の方があやして下さるので安心して通えます。整骨院は初めてで比較はできませんが、丁寧な施術で、施術後は毎回身体が軽くなって嬉しいです。 3ヶ月フリーパス券を使っていますが、次回の予約も取りやすくとてもお得だと思います。お散歩がてら行って、セルカやパパスでお買い物して帰れるので無駄がなくて大変助かっています。
I have been attending postpartum correction including pelvic correction since 3 months after giving birth. You can come to the hospital with a stroller, and if you get tired of it, the receptionist will take care of you so you can go there with confidence. It's my first time at Sekkotsuin and I can't compare it, but I'm glad that the treatment is polite and my body feels lighter after each treatment. I am using a 3-month free pass ticket, but I think it is very profitable because it is easy to make the next reservation. I can go for a walk, shop at Selka or Papas, and go home, so it's very helpful without waste.
M I on Google

高砂駅前にある整骨院です。 O脚改善のために現在3回の施術を受けました。 治るまでに半年かかると言われたので、まだ真っ直ぐにはなっていませんが、脚が外側に開かなくなったので少しずつ効果を感じています。 治るまでこれからも通い続けようと思います。
It is an osteopathic clinic in front of Takasago station. I am currently receiving 3 treatments to improve my legs. I was told that it would take half a year to heal, so I haven't straightened it yet, but I'm feeling the effect little by little because my legs can't open outwards. I will continue to attend until he is healed.
Eri Mototakaya on Google

右ひじから肩にかけての痛みが我慢できなくて来院しました 丁寧に話を聞いて頂き、施術してもらううちに、実は全身色々な部分が原因で不調を起こしていた事がわかりました 現在は、慢性的に感じていた頭痛や肩こりもいつの間にか改善されていました 右ひじの痛みはすっかり治り、気をよくした私は骨盤矯正治療を始め、今は腰痛改善の為、通っています 院内の雰囲気は明るく元気があり、何よりスタッフさんがとても親切で気軽に相談に乗ってくださるので通うのが苦になりません 整骨院と思えば珍しいですが院内にフェイシャルエステスペースもあり、そちらも最近通うようになりましたが、その効果は出ています 化粧ノリが良い! はり治療も受けられます 体の痛みやコリで悩んでいる方は気軽に一度施術を受けてみることをお勧めします
I came to the hospital because I couldn't stand the pain from my right elbow to my shoulder After listening carefully to the story and having the treatment performed, I found out that in fact, I was having trouble due to various parts of the whole body. Now, my chronic headache and stiff shoulders have improved before I knew it. The pain in my right elbow has completely healed, and I feel better. I started pelvic correction treatment, and now I am going to improve my back pain. The atmosphere in the hospital is cheerful and energetic, and above all, the staff are very kind and willing to consult with us, so it will not be a pain to go to. It's rare to think of it as an osteopathic clinic, but there is also a facial beauty treatment salon in the hospital, and I've been going there recently, but the effect has come out. Makeup paste is good! You can also receive beam treatment If you are suffering from body pain or stiffness, we recommend that you feel free to try the treatment once.
さきゅん on Google

京成高砂駅の直ぐ近くにあり、アクセスしやすく、通いやすいです。 姿勢矯正治療をしてもらい、背中の痺れ、腰痛が改善されました。 長時間ゲームするわたしにとって身体のメンテナンスをするのに欠かせない整骨院です! 姿勢が悪い方、デスクワークをする方におすすめです(*^_^*)
It is very close to Keisei Takasago Station, so it is easy to access and go. I had my posture corrected and my back numbness and back pain improved. It is an osteopathic clinic that is indispensable for physical maintenance for me who play games for a long time! Recommended for those with poor posture and those who do desk work (* ^ _ ^ *)
宮城竜志 on Google

It is an osteopathic clinic near Keisei Takasago Station. The inside of the store was spacious and the measures against infectious diseases were good, so I was able to use it with confidence. Also, at the time of the treatment, he listened to my symptoms carefully and gave me careful advice along with the treatment according to the symptoms. I was very satisfied.
竹本洋子 on Google

首凝り、肩こりで来院しました。初回から施術後は大分楽になりました。やはりメンテナンスは必要と実感しました。 鍼の効果も同様、即効性がある事には助かります。駅近で、仕事帰りにも寄らせて頂いてます。そして必ず声掛けをしてくださり元気を貰ってます。 続けて通える雰囲気、立地は本当にありがたいです。
I came to the hospital with stiff neck and stiff shoulders. From the first time to the post-treatment, it became much easier. After all, I realized that maintenance was necessary. The effect of acupuncture is also helpful because it has an immediate effect. Near the station, I'll drop by on my way home from work. And he always speaks to me and gives me energy. I really appreciate the atmosphere and location where I can continue to go.
星久美子 on Google

高砂駅前にある整骨院です。 矯正治療をし姿勢が良くなり、中々、治らなかった腰の痛み、首の痛みが良くなりました。先生も明るく院の雰囲気も良いのでオススメです。傷みが出ないように運動やトレーニングも教えてくれて健康維持管理のためにこれからも通うので宜しくお願い致します‼️
It is an osteopathic clinic in front of Takasago station. After the orthodontic treatment, my posture improved, and the pain in my lower back and neck that didn't heal improved. I recommend it because the teacher is bright and the atmosphere of the hospital is good. He also teaches me exercise and training so that I don't get hurt, and I will continue to attend for health maintenance. Thank you! ️

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