
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 豊国酒造

住所 :

Takanuki, Furudono, Ishikawa District, 〒963-8305 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://azuma-toyokuni.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 8AM–5PM
Tuesday 8AM–5PM
Wednesday 8AM–5PM
Thursday 8AM–5PM
Friday 8AM–5PM
街 : Fukushima

Takanuki, Furudono, Ishikawa District, 〒963-8305 Fukushima,Japan
Plasir.net Business on Google

I am a sweet lover, but this refreshing feeling and taste are good
Otk Ys on Google

It was Saturday, but the shop was open. Happy to buy one step.
910 maroon on Google

I was able to purchase my own thin sardine.
H. Nishimaki on Google

We recommend that you visit the store once to feel the history.
mamoru shirai on Google

価格は、道の駅と同じ。 見学はしていないので、普通評価。 酒は旨いと思う。「幻」は高いがアルコール添加だそうなので、純米の「超」を購入。鑑評会は「幻」とのこと。 10月頃限定の「超 純米吟醸」が気になる。 10月13日雨の中、「超 純米吟醸」を求めに訪れる。売り切れとのことにガッカリ。予約の分しか残っていない。仕方がないので「一歩己 純米吟醸」を買った。ちなみに、3月頃作ったのを、「一歩己」の方はビン保管、「超」の方は冷温槽保管だそうだ。新酒は12月らしいが、時期未定とのこと。 んっ、ふと気づいて道の駅に寄ってみたら、「超 純米吟醸」ありました。評判いいので、たくさん仕入れたとのこと。3本残っていたので、1本無事購入。「一歩己」は特約店のみらしい。千葉県には印西市に1軒あると言っていた。 20191111純米吟醸があるかと寄ってみた。 今年は9月発売とのことで売り切れ。通常の超を購う。んー、もしかしてと道の駅に寄るが❌。ついでだ、カケダにも。あった!!
The price is the same as Road Station. Since there is no tour, it is evaluated normally. I think sake is delicious. “Phantom” is expensive, but it seems that alcohol is added. The appraisal is "Phantom". I am curious about the “ultra-pure rice ginjo” limited to October. Visited in the rain on October 13 in search of “Ultra Pure Rice Ginjo”. I was disappointed that it was sold out. Only reservations remain. I could n’t help but bought “Ippo myself Junmai Ginjo”. By the way, what I made in March seems to be bottle storage for "Ippo" and "cold storage" for "Super". The new liquor seems to be in December, but it has not been decided yet. Well, when I noticed it and stopped by the roadside station, there was “Ultra Pure Rice Ginjo”. He said he bought a lot because he had a good reputation. Since 3 were left, 1 was purchased safely. “One Step Self” seems to be an exclusive dealer only. He said in Chiba Prefecture there is one in Inzai City. 20191111 I asked if there was Junmai Ginjo. This year sold out in September. Buy a normal super. Well, maybe I stop by the road station. Also for Kakeda. there were! !
中畠伸 on Google

全国新酒鑑評会金賞、東北新酒鑑評会首席の実績をもつ。純米酒ではない普通の酒ですでにうまい。大七と双璧をなす福島の二大日本酒メーカー。なんと言っても水がいい。古殿町は米も野菜もみな甘くて上手い。ちっちゃな田んぼや畑を年寄りが手間かけて作っているから。名もなき町民が作っている色々なものが、時代が進歩しなかったために逆に美味しくて安全なまま残っている。 でも、そんな作り方できるのは今の年よりだけだから、この人たちが引退したら、あとは分からない。今のうちにてこ入れすべし。 実は、山奥に行くとあちこちで蛍飛んでる。町の明かりは消した方がいいと思う。蛍可哀想。蛍や山菜狩りに、勝手に人の土地には入らないでね。
He has a record of chief priest of the National Aquarium Appraisal Gold Award, Tohoku Shuzo Review Board. It is good already with ordinary sake that is not pure rice wine. The two big sake manufacturers in Fukushima, which makes it twofold with Daigo. Even if it says anything, the water is nice. Rice and vegetables are all sweet and good in Koneda Town. Because old people make little rice paddies and fields with time and effort. Various things that the townspeople without a name are making remain adversely tasty and safe because the times did not progress. But since such methods can only be done from the current year, if these people retire, I do not know the rest. You should leverage it now. Actually, when I go to the mountains, I'm flying around here and there. I think that it is better to turn off the lights in the town. Fluorescent poor. Do not enter the land of a man without permission for hunting firefly or wild vegetables.
くろめひか on Google

Sake and sake lees. Simple but reliable. "One step self" and "super" are famous. Now, "super" nigori liquor is on sale.
Horikawa Yoichi on Google

生酒の「一歩己」いぶき が好みです! 江戸時代の天保年間から創業200年以上とのことです?
I like the "one step myself" Ibuki of sake! It is said that it has been in business for over 200 years since the Tenpo period in the Edo period ?

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