
3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ひかり鶏高輪台店

住所 :

Takanawa, Minato City, 〒108-0074 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
街 : Tokyo

Takanawa, Minato City, 〒108-0074 Tokyo,Japan
yamamoto on Google

The sauce that falls in the middle is recommended. I also recommend the first salad.
Tats Horiuchi on Google

安くて好きな焼き鳥屋なのですが、久しぶりに行ったら焼き鳥が全部すごく脂っぽくて、塩で頼んだけどコショウがききすぎててなんか味が濃いし、どうしちゃったのって感じでした。星5つ付けたかったのだけど、これじゃダメ。そう思ったら脂だらけで真っ黒で滑る床とかが急に気になってしまって... 近所だし、もっと使いたいから、改善してほしいなぁ...
It's a cheap and favorite yakitori restaurant, but when I went there for the first time in a while, all the yakitori were very greasy, and I ordered it with salt, but the pepper was too strong and the taste was so strong that I felt like what happened. I wanted to add 5 stars, but this is no good. When I thought about it, I suddenly became worried about the floor, which was full of fat and slipped in black ... I'm in the neighborhood and I want to use it more, so I want to improve it ...
Chari Chari on Google

Yakitori was delicious. The price is very reasonable. It's a pity that the variety of alcoholic beverages is a little small. It doesn't seem to have non-alcoholic beer.
antaba an on Google

良厳。サラダは美味しかったけど、焼き鳥は価格なりで味は今一つ。 カウンターなのか焼き場の方なのかは分かりませんが接客力弱し、、、この辺り店がないからですかね、、、
Good and bad. The salad was delicious, but the grilled chicken is pricey and the taste is one. I do not know whether it is a counter or a bakehouse, but the ability to serve customers is weak, ..., because there is no store around here ,,,,
ねこあくび on Google

分煙が全くできていないので、隣席のおっさんグループからストレートに漂ってくるたばこの煙まみれで食事をすることになり最悪だった。せめて、禁煙席と喫煙席は分けて欲しかった。 料理は家庭料理風で、そこそこおいしい。焼き鳥(焼き物)もメニューが豊富。さっと飲むのには最適。お店は清潔感がなく、テーブルや壁が油でベタベタで汚れも目立つ。女性には向いていないかも。
The worst thing was that I had to eat in a smoke-filled cigarette straight from the uncle group next door because there was no smoking. At least, I wanted a non-smoking seat and a smoking seat separately. The food is home cooked and delicious. Yakitori (yakitori) also has a rich menu. Perfect for a quick drink. The shop is not clean and the tables and walls are greasy with oil and dirty. It may not be suitable for women.
kero keron on Google

お安く頂けます。 味は可もなく不可もなく。
You can get it cheaply. The taste is neither good nor bad.
黒胡椒 on Google

A reasonably cheap yakitori izakaya. Expectations for food are reasonable. But sometimes there is a chance. The curry dria is surprisingly spicy and tastes like a coffee shop. The specialty Tori-senbei is fried with meat, not with skin, but the cromo is crunchy. The store isn't so big, but the clerk calls it with a ping-pong bell like a family restaurant.
じょっぱりベオ on Google

この辺りで焼き鳥はここだけ? カレードリアが少し印象と違った。ドリアというか白米の上にひき肉とチーズと卵乗せた丼みたいな感じ。 ただそれ以外は比較的満足出来る味だったのでまた行くと思う 19時までビールが安いのもいいね。 接客は近所にある焼き鳥屋さんって感じ。神経質な人は気になるレベル。
Is this the only yakitori around here? The curry doria was a little different from the impression. It's like a bowl of minced meat, cheese and eggs on top of white rice. But other than that, the taste was relatively satisfying, so I think I'll go there again. It's nice that beer is cheap until 19:00. The customer service is like a yakitori restaurant in the neighborhood. Nervous people are worried about it.

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