手打ち蕎麦 とおるや

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 手打ち蕎麦 とおるや

住所 :

Takamatsu, Suruga Ward, 〒422-8034 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://tooruya.business.site/
街 : Shizuoka

Takamatsu, Suruga Ward, 〒422-8034 Shizuoka,Japan
まめすけ on Google

Order a half forest and kiss tendon. Osojo is also delicious but is a rarity is tempura! And cheap! Shop to provide this level of tempura I do not think the other at lunch. Shop atmosphere is also good.
古谷淳彦 on Google

Two kitchens and three Nakai. There are many voices, but there are many useless chats in the kitchen. Stunning thin noodles. He has a waist and is a master of buckwheat noodle making. I ordered Kaketomori. Both soba noodles are delicious. A reasonable price of 1595 yen for both. It's a thriving store that you can wait for after noon with the help of low prices. In addition, a parking lot is secured and it is easy to use.
たぷ。 on Google

お蕎麦屋さんはココで間違いなし! リピーターです。 天ぷらは薄づきの衣でサクサクしていて 軽くて美味しい。 薬味野菜そばと野菜天ぷら盛り合わせを ペロリと食べてしまいます。 そば湯もとても濃厚で風味が良くて好きです。 店内は清潔感があり◎
There is no doubt that the soba shop is here! I'm a repeater. The tempura is crispy in a thin garment Light and delicious. Assorted condiment vegetable soba and vegetable tempura I will eat it with a lick. I like soba hot water because it is very rich and flavorful. There is a feeling of cleanliness inside the store ◎
N S on Google

It was a very delicious restaurant for the first time in a long time. Looking at the reviews on Googlemap, I visited without reservation after 13:00 on Saturday. The store was full and I wrote my name in a notebook and waited for about 10 minutes. Customers who finish eating and leave the store continue to rush. It seems that there was a group of about 10 people in the store with a capacity of about 20 people, and if it weren't for these people, it wouldn't have been so crowded in terms of time. I ordered a vegetable tempura as a single item in addition to the new condiment vegetable soba on the menu. After waiting for about 10 minutes, two items came out at the same time. First of all, I was very impressed by eating soba. The onion, carrot, perilla, Japanese ginger, and sardine were chopped, and it was the best match with the crispy and healthy texture and the texture of supple, chewy and responsive buckwheat noodles. It had a sweetness like new soba, and I ate it in a blink of an eye, and I regretted that I should have made a large serving (the amount of this soba was a little small). And tempura is the best again. It seems to use good quality rice oil, and it has a light and crispy texture even when it is cold, and it is free from stomach upset and oil sickness. Furthermore, when I ate it with the salt placed in the seasoning, it was even more delicious without being messy. In addition, rice oil is perfect because it has a perfect dietary fiber and nutrition. After-meal soba hot water can be obtained upon request. Please feel free to ask for it. I was sent to a cheerful greeting, and I thought this was a repeat.
鈴木良和 on Google

Kake soba 850 yen, kiss tempura 660 yen, oyakodon (small) 660 yen The tempura was crispy and delicious, but the oyakodon felt watery when cooled. Soba is normal but generally expensive
小鳥遊けさお on Google

高松セットで、半もりとキス天丼を注文しました。 そばも美味しくて、天丼の天ぷらもサクサクしていて美味しい? セットにすると、そば一人前プラス小丼のセット的なお店が多いけど、それだと多すぎて食べきれない… こちらのお店は、半もりと小丼のセットなので、抵抗なくセットで頼めるし、女性にも食べやすく良心的だと思いました。 またお邪魔したいと思います。
I ordered a half-mori and a kiss tendon with the Takamatsu set. The soba is delicious, and the tempura in the bowl is crispy and delicious ? When it comes to a set, there are many shops that have a soba serving plus a small bowl, but that's too much to eat ... This shop is a set of half-boiled rice and small bowl, so you can order it as a set without any resistance, and I thought it was easy for women to eat and conscientious. I would like to bother you again.
ブルーフォックス on Google

お蕎麦はコシがあって良き。蕎麦つゆは少し濃いめかな。味は可もなく不可もなく。ただ、ワサビが残念。本ワサビとかならもっとおいしい。 お水を頼んだけど、一回忘れられて、2回目頼み直し。グラスが小さすぎてすぐ飲み干してしまう。何回も頼まないとなので、お冷やのグラスを大きくするか、セルフでもいいからピッチャー置いといてくれると、喉乾きな自分には助かる。 蕎麦湯がおもしろい。
Soba is good because it is chewy. The soba soup is a little thick. The taste is neither good nor bad. However, wasabi is disappointing. This wasabi is even more delicious. I asked for water, but I forgot it once and asked again for the second time. The glass is too small to drink quickly. I have to ask for it many times, so if you make the cold glass bigger or leave it on the pitcher because you can do it yourself, it will help you if you are thirsty. Soba hot water is interesting.
halo halo on Google

美味しかった! こんな近くに!求人誌を見ていて発見。 美味しそうなお蕎麦やさん。いつも通りすぎていた。 友達誘ってお昼に伺いました。とても愛想のよいいらっしゃいませ。そしてドラえもんのジャイアンお出迎え。(笑) とおるやセットを注文。お蕎麦がとても上手くしめられており、風味喉ごしがよい。野菜天丼は彩り良くて♪ レンコンが美味しい。薬味がいいですね。 今年一番美味しかったです?お蕎麦。また行きます♪ 京都出身のスタッフの御姉様♪また会いに行きますね✨ ジャイアン♪にも会いに行くよー♪
was delicious! Near this! I found it by looking at the job magazine. Soba noodles that look delicious. I was passing by as usual. I invited a friend to visit at noon. Welcome to be very friendly. And welcome to Doraemon's Gian. (smile) I ordered Toruya set. The soba is very well squeezed and has a nice flavor. The vegetable tendon is colorful ♪ Lotus root is delicious. The condiments are good. It was the most delicious this year ? Soba. I will go again ♪ The older sister of the staff from Kyoto ♪ I'm going to see you again ✨ I'm going to see Gian ♪ too ♪

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