Takahagi Golf Center - Hidaka

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takahagi Golf Center

住所 :

1348-1 Takahagi, Hidaka, Saitama 350-1213, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8989
Postal code : 350-1213
Webサイト : http://takahagigolfcenter.com/

1348-1 Takahagi, Hidaka, Saitama 350-1213, Japan
酒巻たまさん on Google

受付の、女性の方が素晴らしい? 其れだけで、通っています。??
The female at the reception is better ? That alone is passing. ??
松本善雄 on Google

It's quite a vacant practice area.
タカハシ“カバラン”トモカツ on Google

1540円2時間5カット(250球?)安い! 日曜昼にきましたが結構混んでました。快晴だと逆光で見えづらいです。 球は割とボロいです。
1540 yen 2 hours 5 cuts (250 balls?) Cheap! I came on Sunday afternoon, but it was quite crowded. It is hard to see due to backlight when it is sunny. The sphere is relatively ragged.
廣瀬賢人 on Google

I didn't check how many balls there were in a box, but in 5 boxes and 2 hours, ¥ 1540 was the cheapest and best at the driving range. However, on the right side of the 1st floor seat, the tip is about 120M and I don't know where it flew. In that case, the seats on the 2nd floor look good and look good. The lounge is large and it is a practice area where you can relax while resting for 5 boxes and 2 hours.
大塚勇 on Google

It's been two years since I became a member, and everyone who is practicing is practicing quietly, so I think it's a good practice area.
S R on Google

日高カントリークラブでラウンドした後、こちらで反省の練習をしました。平日の火曜日だったのですが、2時間300球のお得なプランがあり、こちらでお願いしました。1300円弱です。都内のゴルフ練習場では考えられないような料金でした。 曜日によってサービスの内容が異なるので詳しくは公式サイトで料金を確認してください。 初めての訪問であることを伝えると、球の貸出機の使い方など丁寧に説明してくれました。今では珍しくなったパンチカード式です。一回、機械に差し込むと50球が払い出されるようになっていました。 打席は1階と2階があります。今回はアプローチの練習を特に念入りにやりたかったので、1階を選びました。 1階からは奥の方が見にくいので、150ヤード以上飛ぶようなクラブでは、どこに着地したかが今ひとつわかりにくいです。150ヤード以上をメインで練習したいときには2階の打席の方が良いかもしれません。 また日高に行く機会があったら、ぜひまた立ち寄りたい練習場です。
After the round at the Hidaka Country Club, I practiced reflections here. It was Tuesday on weekdays, but there were plenty of plans for 300 hours for 2 hours, I asked for it here. It is less than 1300 yen. It was a fee that we could not think about in the driving range of Tokyo. Since the content of service varies depending on the day of the week, please check the charge on the official website for details. When I told that it was my first visit, I gently explained how to use the ball lending machine. It is a punch card formula that became rare now. Once inserted into the machine, 50 balls were to be paid out. Batting has 1st floor and 2nd floor. This time I chose the first floor because I wanted to take the approach practice very carefully. Since it is hard to see the inner part from the first floor, it is hard to understand where the landing came when the club flying over 150 yards or more. If you want to practice on the main with over 150 yards, batting on the second floor may be better. If you have the opportunity to go to Hidaka again, it is a practice area you would like to stop by again.
Mayu Ikeda on Google

First golf! it's the first time! When I told him, he made it the most endless place. The price was reasonable, it was wide, and I was happy to see the teacher a little on the day! (Lectures are sure to be reserved in advance!) On the way back, you can take a bath or eat rice at Saiboku, so you can exercise, relax and have a good holiday ~ ♪
Ryo Stephen on Google

値段が安いです。平日の夕方6時頃訪問した時は5カット(250球)で1100円でした、 かなりお手頃な値段です。球は自分で置くタイプです。
The price is cheap. When I visited around 6 pm on weekdays, it was 1100 yen for 5 cuts (250 balls), It's pretty affordable. The ball is a type that you put yourself.

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