ラ・パルレ 梅田本店

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ラ・パルレ 梅田本店

住所 :

Taiyujicho, Kita Ward, 〒530-0051 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : https://www.parler.co.jp/salon/umeda.html
街 : Osaka

Taiyujicho, Kita Ward, 〒530-0051 Osaka,Japan
秦玖流美 on Google

It was very good because he explained in an easy-to-understand manner during the experience. He / she suggests a method of care at home that is not overwhelming during the treatment.
チヒロチッチ on Google

エステは初めてだったのですが、丁寧に説明いただいて安心してこちらを利用することにしました。 セルライトができるしくみや体質にあったダイエット方法などをアドバイスくださったり、その日の体調に合わせてくださるところが気に入っています。
It was my first time to use a beauty treatment salon, but I decided to use it with confidence after receiving a detailed explanation. I like the fact that he gives me advice on how cellulite can be made and how to diet according to my constitution, and that it suits my physical condition on that day.
道長りん on Google

以前に別の場所で痩身はやったことが あったのですが、また最近になってセルライトが戻ってきてしまったのでキャンペーンを 見て来店しました。店内はとても綺麗で清潔感 があり、施術も丁寧でスタッフの皆さんも とても親身になってお話を聞いてくださったり こちらの体悩みに向き合ってくださいます。 これからも通い続けたいです。
I've done slimming elsewhere before There was, but recently cellulite has returned, so I started a campaign I came to see it. The inside of the store is very beautiful and clean The treatment is polite and the staff are also Be very kind and listen to me Please face this physical problem. I want to continue going.
hana hina on Google

親身になってお話を聞いて下さり、自分に合ったコースが選べて、とても良かったです。 施術も丁寧で、大変良かったです。
It was great to be kind and listen to the story and choose the course that suits me. The treatment was also polite and very good.
よしおよしだ on Google

They will think about what to do to become their ideal self, so I feel like I can lose weight, and I was treated in a comfortable space.
林きらり on Google

It was my first time at an esthetic salon, but I thought I would do my best to go on a diet because they responded politely and in an easy-to-understand manner and listened to me in a friendly manner.
Wakaba Idei on Google

I was able to go with peace of mind even for the first time because he was polite from the first course explanation. I have a cellulite course, but I am glad that I can handle it from the beginning to the end while communicating with the staff.
N U. on Google

From the time of my first experience, I was treated very kindly and politely. Since I officially joined, the volume has increased further, and it was a service full of hospitality that properly faced me personally. It was also great to hear the part you want to lose the most first! Although it was for dieting purposes, it can be relaxed as an esthetic treatment, so I will use it as a place to heal my daily fatigue! Thank you again for today.

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