フジアルテ株式会社 大阪オフィス

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact フジアルテ株式会社 大阪オフィス

住所 :

Taiyujicho, Kita Ward, 〒530-0051 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877777
Webサイト : https://fujiarte.co.jp/
街 : Osaka

Taiyujicho, Kita Ward, 〒530-0051 Osaka,Japan
小賀恵梨奈 on Google

In order to reduce the labor of securing human resources, I consulted with this factory dispatch company. The cost of hiring can be clearly understood to some extent at an early stage rather than the usual hiring with advertisements, etc., so the budget was also easy to understand when considering in-house. thank you for helping me.
ぐっちー先生 on Google

There are many jobs that are in very good conditions, and I can work for a manufacturing company in Osaka as desired. The sales staff in charge have a good feeling, and it is easy to discuss any problems at work.
gabu梓 on Google

I moved to Osaka city with my lover and I registered with this dispatch company for a job allowance for couples. The staff is also kind.
如月弥生 on Google

I was a temporary agency when I was looking for a job in Osaka. Immediately after registering, I found a job that fit my wishes. The response during the interview was also nice.
児玉慎司 on Google

I have registered with a temporary staffing company in a few places so far, but I was looking for a place where I could introduce a full-fledged job in the manufacturing field, so this seemed to be very good for me. I am grateful to work in Osaka as desired.
吉田理穂 on Google

I think that the projects were plentiful and the follow-up system was relatively substantial. I found a good job safely in Osaka city. It was my first time registering with a temporary staffing company, but I'm glad I chose this one.
こなみかちゅこ on Google

When I changed jobs, I was registered with this temporary agency. I am grateful for introducing a job that suits my conditions in Osaka. I think it was a good response.
ずんずん on Google

When I was looking for a job in Osaka, I registered with this staffing company by introducing my acquaintance. I was depressed because I couldn't get the job I wanted, but the counseling was very kind, I was eager to listen to my advice and gave me advice, so I was able to face my job more positively than before going. I am very grateful to the person in charge.

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