Taiyoken Fukushima - Osaka

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー






Contact Taiyoken Fukushima

住所 :

5 Chome-13-1 Fukushima, Fukushima Ward, Osaka, 553-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 553-0003
Webサイト : http://taiyouken.web.fc2.com/

5 Chome-13-1 Fukushima, Fukushima Ward, Osaka, 553-0003, Japan
momo h on Google

唐揚げが人気と聞いて夫婦でランチに。旦那さんは唐揚げ定食、私は唐揚げがそんなに得意じゃないので長崎ちゃんぽんを選択。 ちゃんぽんは普通です!でも旦那さんにもらった唐揚げがめちゃくちゃ美味しかった! ジューシーなのにさっぱりしてて、しつこくなくて、油物苦手なのに、大きいのをひとつ食べられました。唐揚げのタレにカラシを溶いて、そこに付けて食べるのが最高でした。 お値段も¥690で、福島にしては安いです!また行きたいって旦那さんが喜んでました!
I heard that fried chicken is popular, so I went to lunch with my husband and wife. My husband has a fried chicken set meal, and I'm not so good at fried chicken, so I chose Nagasaki Champon. Champon is normal! But the fried chicken I got from my husband was really delicious! It was juicy but refreshing, not persistent, and I was not good at oil, but I ate one big one. It was best to melt the mustard in the fried chicken sauce and attach it to it. The price is ¥ 690, which is cheap for Fukushima! My husband was happy to go again!
Kz Oku on Google

JR大阪環状線福島駅より徒歩2分ほどのところにある中華料理屋さんです。 皿うどんはボリュームたっぷり。 唐揚げも美味しかったです。
It is a Chinese restaurant located about a 2-minute walk from Fukushima Station on the JR Osaka Loop Line. Sara udon has plenty of volume. The fried chicken was also delicious.
りんゴリラ on Google

唐揚げ定食コスパ最強です。 テキパキとしつつ感じの良いお姉さんが仕切ってくれて、少しだけ外待ちしましたが 着席してすぐに提供してくれました。 福島でこの値段790円さらにランチタイムは100円引きは凄いです。 唐揚げもジューシーながら 塩コショウや辛子など色々な味変も楽しめて(どれも美味しい!)大満足でした?
The strongest fried chicken set meal cospa. I waited for a while because my older sister, who was nice and nice, was in charge of it. He took a seat and provided it immediately. In Fukushima, this price is 790 yen, and 100 yen discount at lunch time is amazing. While the fried chicken is juicy I enjoyed various taste changes such as salt and pepper and mustard (all are delicious!) And I was very satisfied ?
澤田秀樹 on Google

休日に大阪市へ野暮用があったので、久しぶりに行きました。人気の唐揚げは家族で食べるためテイクアウトし、お店では皿うどん。 皿うどんは通常のお店の1.5倍はあり、食べても食べてもなかなか減りませんが、美味しいので飽きることなく完食できます。 たくさんの野菜に豚肉、イカ、エビもしっかり入っており、これで790円はお得感いっぱい!? お店のお姉さんは気さくで元気いっぱい。1人でお客さんと従業員を切り盛りしています。 職場の異動でなかなか来れなくなったけど、また機会があれば行きたいです!☺️
I went to Osaka City on a holiday, so I went there for the first time in a while. The popular fried chicken is taken out for family eating, and Sara Udon is served at the restaurant. Sara udon is 1.5 times as large as a regular restaurant, and it doesn't decrease easily even if you eat it, but it's delicious so you can finish it without getting tired. Pork, squid, and shrimp are well contained in many vegetables, and this is a great deal for 790 yen! ? The shop's older sister is friendly and full of energy. One person manages customers and employees. I couldn't come because of the change of workplace, but I would like to go again if I have a chance! ☺️
もこ on Google

The shop that I always gave up in a line. It was a weekday night, but I was lucky to get in smoothly. I was surprised at the volume of the sara udon ? The crispy noodles and the noodles that became savory over time are delicious ~ The fried chicken is crispy and juicy ? The dumplings are also delicious ☺ Nagasaki sara udon, half chicken karaage, Dumplings and bottled beer are too cheap for 1960 yen. Next time I would like to eat curry rice and mapo tofu.
jrfnaotaka on Google

昭和40年創業という大洋軒。数々の雑誌やテレビで取り上げられている老舗有名店。 多くの方がそのボリュームで有名な「唐揚げ」を取り上げていますが、今日頂いたのは、こちらも有名な「長崎皿うどん」を注文。うわさ通りのとにかく大きい皿に、野菜たっぷりのあんがかかった皿うどん。横に置いた「中華風冷奴」と比べて頂ければ、その大きさを理解頂けるのではないかと。 本当に美味しくで、お腹一杯でした(^o^)
らふてーどん on Google

初訪問? 有名な唐揚げ(3個)と皿うどんをいただきました!!まずもってボリュームにビックリ?‼️ 唐揚げハーフは3個ですが、1つがでかい✨3個でも充分食べごたえあり! そしてメインに注文した皿うどん!思ってた以上にこれまたでかい✨ 唐揚げも皿うどんもサイズだけでなく味も良しです? 次は玉子春巻き食べたいなぁ? 3月下旬再訪問? 13時すぎでしたので、店外の待ちなしで入れました❗️ 今回は玉子春巻き定食? ふわふわと外側のパリっと感、中のあんが一体となったウマい春巻きで大満足でした?️
First visit ? I had the famous fried chicken (3 pieces) and Sara Udon! !! First of all, I was surprised at the volume ?‼ ️ There are 3 fried chicken halves, but one is huge ✨ 3 fried chicken is enough to eat! And the Sara Udon I ordered for the main dish! This is bigger than I expected ✨ Not only the size but also the taste of fried chicken and sara udon is good ? Next time I want to eat egg spring rolls ? Revisited in late March ? It was past 13:00, so I entered without waiting outside the store ❗️ This time the egg spring roll set meal ? I was very satisfied with the fluffy and crispy outside, and the delicious spring rolls with the horse inside ?️
lakeside blue on Google

福島にある大洋軒さんです。 よく通る通りから少し路地にはいったところにある中華風のご飯屋さんです。カウンター10席程のお店です。 から揚げを一押しにされてたので、から揚げ定食を注文、ほかにちゃんぽんや春巻き、酢豚や、皿うどんも美味しそうです、もち餃子、エビチリ、八宝菜などもありました。 ビールも飲めます。 大衆食堂って感じの入りやすい中華やさん。 さて唐揚げですが、看板通り外はバリッとしていながら、なかはジューシーでうまい、卓上にある唐揚げだれにカラシ、または塩コショウでパクパクいけちゃいます。油っこさもさっぱりしててご飯が進みます。量もなかなかの量で満足できます。唐揚げマウンテンとありますが、マウンテンにはもうちょい足りないかな(笑) 他のメニューも気になる、普段使いとしてですが次回は酢豚か皿うどんあたりに挑戦したいな。 また行きますよ
This is Taiyoken in Fukushima. It is a Chinese-style rice restaurant located in an alley a little from the street that you often go through. It is a shop with about 10 seats at the counter. I was pushed to fried chicken, so I ordered fried chicken set meal, and also champon, spring rolls, vinegared pork, sara udon, mochi dumplings, shrimp chili, and eight treasures. You can also drink beer. Chuka-ya is easy to enter as a popular dining room. As for fried chicken, the outside is crispy as the signboard says, but the inside is juicy and delicious, and the fried chicken on the table can be fried with mustard or salt and pepper. The oiliness is also refreshing and the rice goes on. You can be satisfied with the amount. There is a fried chicken mountain, but I wonder if the mountain is not enough (laughs) I'm curious about other menus, but as a regular user, I'd like to try vinegared pork or sara udon next time. I will go again

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