Taitosuteshon Utsunomiyaberumoruten - Utsunomiya

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Taitosuteshon Utsunomiyaberumoruten

住所 :

ベルモール宇都宮 2F 6 Chome-2-1 Yoto, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0904, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 321-0904
Webサイト : https://www.taito.co.jp/store/00001836

ベルモール宇都宮 2F 6 Chome-2-1 Yoto, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0904, Japan
こまさきとしこ on Google

There were many types of UFO catchers and games, and it was a lot of fun! The crepes from the nearby crepe shop were also delicious! ️
H. Tkhs on Google

久々に行ったゲームセンターがここだったのですが、今のゲームセンターは電子マネーが使えるんですね。 現金を持たなくてもゲームができる事に衝撃を受けました。 わざわざ両替機に行って 重い100円玉を持ち運ぶ苦労がなくなった事を知って嬉しくなり、予想以上にお金を使ってしまいました。 コレが狙いだとしたらまんまと策にハメられた事になってしまいますが、久しぶりのゲームセンターは非常に楽しめました。 数回やってトイストーリー4の新キャラクターのフォーキーのぬいぐるみを取ることができました!!
The game center I went to after a long time was here, but now the game center can use electronic money. I was shocked to be able to play games without having cash. I went to the money changer and was glad to know that I had no trouble carrying a heavy 100-yen coin, and I spent more money than expected. If this was the aim, it would have been a bad idea, but I enjoyed the game center after a long time. Several times, I was able to remove the stuffed toy of the new character of Toy Story 4! !
いあ on Google

お店の方の中には、かなり優しい方がいらっしゃいます。 クレーンゲームで苦労していると、置場所を変えてくれたり、コツを教えてくれたり。 特に子供に優しい方々に感謝ですね。 しかし、真面目なのか、、、はたまた基本に忠実なのか、変に元に戻す方もいます。 人間性が出ると言うか、その方には頼まないようになりました。あとは、心なしか土日明け、、、アームが強いように思うのは私だけでしょうか、、、。
Some of the shops are quite kind. If you are having a hard time playing a crane game, they will change the location and give you tips. I am especially grateful to those who are kind to children. However, there are some who are strangely undoing whether they are serious or faithful to the basics. I say that it has humanity, or I don't ask that person anymore. After that, I'm the only one who thinks that the arm is strong after Saturday and Sunday.
佐藤仁 on Google

クレーンゲームがかなり多く設置されていて、とても楽しめます。 各筐体の設定はまちまちですが、取りやすい設定だと思います。 景品は流行りもの(今は呪術廻戦、東京リベンジャーズ)が多いけど、どの店舗も共通ですからね…。 小さいお子さんには寛容な雰囲気があるので、チャレンジが上手く行かないときは、店員さんに声掛けしてみると良いですよ。 (景品をくれる訳ではないので悪しからず。)
There are quite a lot of crane games installed and you can enjoy it very much. The settings for each chassis are different, but I think they are easy to take. Many of the prizes are fashionable (currently Jujutsu Kaisen, Tokyo Revengers), but they are common to all stores ... Small children have a tolerant atmosphere, so if the challenge doesn't go well, it's a good idea to talk to the clerk. (It doesn't give you a free gift, so don't be afraid.)
どじょう on Google

クレーンゲームの評価 3本爪 確率全然こず大金必須。 スイートランド 落とし口付近にプラ板を傾けて設置しており、景品なかなか落とせない。 コンビニキャッチャー 先端の出っ張りを超えれず取れない。下段のゴミ景品は簡単に取れる。エリア別設定かも。 末広 アームパワーありで取り方知ってれば普通に取れる。 ペラ輪 動かない、下降制限厳しい、距離長いなど難度激高。 2本爪マスコット山盛り台 撫アーム、移動制限、初期位置が奥で手前が押せないなどで厳しい。 店員 声小さい。動き悪い。笑顔なし。返事しない。嘘つく。設定ミスを確認しない(他の店員に確認してもらい返金済)。やる気が感じられず、教育が行き届いてない。接客はタイトーの中で最低。
Crane game rating 3 claws A lot of money is required without any probability. Sweet land The plastic plate is tilted near the drop opening, making it difficult to drop the prize. Convenience catcher It cannot be removed because it cannot exceed the protrusion of the tip. You can easily get the garbage prize in the lower row. It may be set by area. Suehiro With arm power, if you know how to take it, you can take it normally. Pella wheel Difficulty such as not moving, strict descent restrictions, and long distances. Two-claw mascot heaping stand It is strict because of the stroking arm, movement restrictions, and the initial position is in the back and the front cannot be pushed. salesperson The voice is small. It doesn't move well. No smile. I will not reply. Lie. Do not confirm the setting error (refunded by having another clerk confirm it). I don't feel motivated and I'm not well educated. The customer service is the lowest in Taito.
Crea*くれあ* on Google

いつも人がいっぱいです!人気のキャラクターがありハマりますがキャッチャーはあまり取れません。店員さんに言うとチャンスはあるかも( ̄▽ ̄;) プリクラは撮影や落書きするとこが丸見えで撮りにくい。 小さな子が遊べる空間もあるのでいいと思います。
There are always a lot of people! There are popular characters and I'm addicted to them, but I can't get a lot of catchers. There may be a chance to tell the clerk ( ̄ ▽  ̄;) It is difficult to take a photo booth because it is completely visible when shooting or scribbling. I think it's good because there is a space where small children can play.
ACE on Google

初のベルモのタイトー(⌒‐⌒) 予想より広かった☆ 大きいぬいぐるみが多かった印象。 基本フィギュア取りなので今回もフィギュアやりました。 200円設定も多くて安い日のみに次回以降は行こうかと。 大箱系は手前半分(10cmないくらい)はアームが入れられない特殊な設定。 奥を振るか突くかしか手がない。 Qポスは手前にもアームが入れられる通常設定。 末広橋渡しなので万が一手前に来ちゃって届かなくても 奥へ移動してくれたり…アシストは神アシストでどの店よりも良かった。 たぶん手前を攻められないからアシスト甘めなのかなと。 100円だったらすごく楽しめたなーとの感想でした。 次回はお菓子も交えて遊びたいかと。 追記。 今日は比較的100円台が多かったのですごく楽しめました☆ 橋渡しは奥を振るだけの簡単な設定なので誰でも取れるかなと。 玉のせのDリングみたいなやつも交互に振れば10手もいらずに 取れました。 ペラ輪は突き攻めのが動きました❗ 月曜日はベルモだわw☆ 追記。 3/28の月曜日100円dayはクレサも無ければ設定もキツかった。 100円だからクレサないのは仕方ない。 設定は特に橋渡し系が… アシスト頼んでる人が多数見られた。 本体に紐が付けられてて凄く底持ちが難しくアームが流れてしまうので ほぼシリコンに擦れてアームパワーが逃げます。これが狙いか( ̄▽ ̄;)中々取れない感じ。 奥から手前に持ち上げる力もない。取れるのコレ? ただちゃぶ台返し出来る台見つけたので次回からはそれも踏まえて プレイしようかと。 3月末の月曜日は回収日なのかな? Twitterの更新も無かったから怪しい100円dayなのかと次回以降気をつけようかと。 良いお店ですが3月末の設定のキツさに☆減らします。 アシスト頼んだショートカットの女性…ガラスの閉め方が凄く乱暴でした。不快。
The first Belmo Taito (⌒-⌒) It was wider than expected ☆ Impression that there were many large stuffed animals. Since I'm taking a basic figure, I did a figure this time as well. There are many 200 yen settings, so I thought I'd go after the next time only on cheap days. The large box system has a special setting that the arm cannot be inserted in the front half (about 10 cm). I have no choice but to shake or poke in the back. Q POS is a normal setting where you can put an arm in front of you. Because it is a bridge over Suehiro, even if it does not reach you by any chance He moved to the back ... Assist was God Assist, which was better than any other store. Maybe I can't attack the front, so I think it's a sweet assist. It was an impression that I really enjoyed it if it was 100 yen. Next time I want to play with sweets. postscript. I had a lot of fun today because there were relatively many in the 100 yen range ☆ I wonder if anyone can take the bridge because it is a simple setting that just shakes the back. If you shake the D-ring on the ball alternately, you don't need 10 hands. I got it. The pella wheel moved to attack ❗ Monday is Belmo w ☆ postscript. On Monday, March 28th, 100 yen day was difficult to set without Cresa. It's 100 yen, so it's unavoidable not to have Cresa. The setting is especially for the bridging system ... Many people were asking for assistance. Since the string is attached to the main body, it is very difficult to hold the bottom and the arm will flow. Almost rubbed against silicon and arm power escapes. Is this the aim? ( ̄ ▽  ̄;) I feel like I can't get it. There is no power to lift it from the back to the front. Can you take this? I just found a table that can be flipped, so from the next time I will take that into account Let's play. Is Monday at the end of March the collection day? There was no update on Twitter, so I wondered if it was a suspicious 100 yen day and I should be careful from the next time onwards. It's a good shop, but it will be reduced to the tightness set at the end of March. A short cut woman who asked for assistance ... The way to close the glass was very rough. Uncomfortable.
AdventurerSoul 16 on Google


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