Taitosukoyaka Acupuncture - Taito City

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Taitosukoyaka Acupuncture

住所 :

石巻ビル 2F 2 Chome-11-6 Negishi, Taito City, Tokyo 110-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88797
Postal code : 110-0003
Webサイト : http://www.p-sukoyaka.com/

石巻ビル 2F 2 Chome-11-6 Negishi, Taito City, Tokyo 110-0003, Japan
西川浩司 on Google

30以上の治療院、整骨院を経験しましたが、ここが一番! 治療だけではやく、痛みの原因の動作やフォームを改善するためのトレーニングまでしっかり教えてくれます! スポーツやっている人は是非!
I have experienced more than 30 treatment clinics and osteopathic clinics, but this is the best! Treatment alone is quick, and it even teaches you how to improve the behavior and form of the cause of pain! If you are playing sports, come on!
takashi morita on Google

内反小趾がひどく成り仕事で地下足袋が履けないほど痛みが出てしまい困っていた時に紹介してもらいました。 通い始めてから足の痛みも消えて体のバランスもみてもらって凄く良いです。 足の使い方が良くなったおかげで数年悩まされた魚の目もキレイに消えて最高です‼️
I was introduced when I was in trouble because my varus toes became so bad that I couldn't put on my jikatabi at work. It's great to see the pain in my legs disappear and my body balance after I start going. Thanks to the improved use of the legs, the eyes of the fish that have been troubled for several years disappear cleanly and it is the best! ️
Mei T on Google

巻き爪に悩んでいたので、巻き爪の治療を受けてきました。 治療は痛いイメージがありましたが、特に痛みもなく終わりました!(先生の腕の良さ) もし、巻き爪に悩んでいる方がいたら『すこやか整骨院』での治療をオススメします! ありがとうございました!
Since I was troubled with curly nails, I had been treated for curly nails. The treatment had a painful image, but it ended with no pain! (Goodness of teacher's skill) If you have a problem with curled nails, we recommend you to treat yourself at “Smooth Osteopathic Institute”! Thank you very much!
マハルジャンシャム on Google

This is a wonderful osteopathic clinic where you can understand the pain of the players and support them accordingly. My knee was injured during a practice of judo a month and a half ago, and I am now being treated. At first it was very difficult to get down the stairs, but now it's easier to get down! Thanks to you, you can participate in mountain climbing training at the end of this month! thank you very much! ! I'm glad to meet the director Dr. Kazami! !
大友類 on Google

ランニングで痛めた足首の治療のため通院しました。 ただ治療をするだけでなく、怪我をしてしまった根本の原因について一緒に考えてくださるなど、患者さんへの対応が非常に丁寧な接骨院だと思います。 また、夜21時まで診療しているので仕事(学校)が遅くなった場合に通う事が出来るところもいいところだと思います。
I went to the hospital to treat my ankle that was hurt by running. I think that it is a very polite osteopathic clinic that not only treats patients but also thinks about the root cause of the injury together. Also, I think it's a good place to be able to go to work (school) when work (school) is late because the clinic is open until 21:00 pm.
佐藤治人 on Google

The explanation and response to the cause of the pain were very polite. The pain improved immediately, and I was taught training that I could do on my own. I can highly recommend it.
こばやしとしゆき on Google

一年ほど前に仕事で腰を傷めてしまった時に行きました。今でも仕事で腰や肩を傷めたら通ってます。 基本行くのが仕事後の、平日の夜なのですがあまり待たずに案内して貰えます。 怪我の程度にもよるのでしょうが、診察自体もさほど時間がかからず、スムーズに終わります。 腰と肩の治療で何度か通ってますが、とても助かっています。 物流センター等、肉体労働をされてる方で鴬谷の近くや通り道の方でしたら、駅からも近いので通いやすいと思います。 とても綺麗で、清潔な医院さんなのでその点でも通いやすいです。
I went there about a year ago when I hurt my back at work. I still go there if I hurt my back or shoulders at work. Basically, I go after work on weekday nights, but you can get guidance without waiting too much. Depending on the severity of the injury, the examination itself will take less time and will be completed smoothly. I've been to the waist and shoulders several times, and it's been very helpful. If you are a person who is doing manual labor such as a distribution center and is near Uguisudani or a passage, it is easy to go because it is close to the station. It's a very beautiful and clean clinic, so it's easy to go to that point as well.
soncha on Google

I started going to the hospital because I was injured in club activities. I'm really grateful that it will teach you in detail and in an easy-to-understand manner, from the cause of the pain to how to cure it and what you should be careful about after it has healed! Even if you don't know what it is, but it hurts, the cause will be immediately identified and treated! The treatment is different from the usual "Put a compress and rest", and he / she uses the equipment and massages while giving a concrete explanation, so what kind of treatment do you receive now? I think it's really good to know clearly what you are doing! It's not an easy place to go, but it's open until 9 pm, so it's recommended for people who want to go to the end of club activities or work.

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