Taisho - Kobe

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Taisho

住所 :

Ikuno-504ー4 Dojocho, Kita Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 651-1503, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 651-1503

Ikuno-504ー4 Dojocho, Kita Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 651-1503, Japan
藤井厚 on Google

P有り。しかし、道も駐車場も狭いんで道場駅前の有料PかJR宝塚線(1時間に4本)を利用した方が良いかと思います。 鯖寿司が美味いです。肉厚な鯖と甘めの酢飯がギッチリ詰まっててボリュームがあります。 ラーメンの味はあっさりしてます。食堂の味ですね。チャーシューは赤身で分厚いです。しっかりして固め。 細麺は柔らかめで提供されます。申入れすれば、硬めになるのかな。
There is P. However, the roads and parking lots are narrow, so I think it's better to use the paid P or JR Takarazuka line (4 lines an hour) in front of the dojo station. The mackerel sushi is delicious. The thick mackerel and sweet vinegared rice are tightly packed and there is a volume. The taste of ramen is light. It's the taste of the dining room. Char siu is lean and thick. Firm and firm. Thin noodles are served with a soft texture. I wonder if it will be harder if you apply.
ひろあぴたん on Google

道場駅から三田駅に行く途中にぷらっと寄りました(^ ^)あっさりラーメンとサバ寿司を注文。 酢飯甘めで美味しかった( ^ω^ ) ラーメンはすごいあっさり!ご主人オススメの昆布のみじん切りにしたのを入れたらまた味が変わって美味しかったです! 他にお客さんもいなくて外でオススメの場所とか春にわ桜がキレイなどなどお話をしてお店後にしました(^ ^) こじんまりして知る人ぞ知るって感じのラーメン屋さんでした⭐️ うちは好きな味でした( ^ω^ )
On the way from Dojo station to Mita station, I stopped by a platter (^ ^) I ordered ramen and mackerel sushi. The vinegared rice was sweet and delicious (^ ω ^) Ramen is very simple! When I put the chopped kelp that my husband recommended, the taste changed again and it was delicious! There were no other customers, and we talked about recommended places outside and beautiful cherry blossoms in spring. It was a ramen restaurant that people who knew little by little knew ⭐️ We had a favorite taste (^ ω ^)
ワカメ太郎 on Google

再投稿です。 ラーメンは個人の好みがあると思いますが、自分は好きです。個々で判断を。 鯖寿司は昔本職でつくられていたそうで、 美味しく頂きました。
It is a repost. I think ramen has personal tastes, but I like it. Make individual judgments. It seems that mackerel sushi was made by a professional in the past. We had delicious.
chiriko0723 on Google

R2.2/9 娘の引っ越しの為に神戸入り。 先日から3回目の神戸ですが。わたくし、何の収穫も無しだったんで〜。 そんなわけで。今回は、わたくしのどんピシャの昭和なお店に来訪です ? 娘の家から10分くらいのトコ。だんだんと田舎道へ〜。ホンマにこの辺りにあるんぢゃろうかとゆーくらい。山すそ、田んぼばかり!そんな中ありました??? めっちゃ古民家(*゚Д゚*)‼︎ リノベーションぢゃないです( ̄▽ ̄;) だけど。私の大好きなこのノスタルジックな建物。キュンキュンします(笑) 兵庫県神戸市北区道場町生野504ー4 《大正》 ラーメン 550円 焼き鯖寿司550円 ラーメン 1日15食限定 鶏ガラスープ。大将のお人柄が出ているような優しいスープ。チャーシューも優しいお味で柔らかくて旨い?次回は持ち帰り、決定だわw 焼き鯖寿司は1本分のお値段です✌️3人でシェア。 こちらも大将、こだわっての焼き鯖寿司です。大阪まで仕入れされていたけど。それは大変で今は、初めは抵抗があったそうだけど今回はノルウェー産の鯖を使っているとのこと。保健所の方がノルウェー産の鯖は虫がいないしオススメです。と言われたみたい。その時の美味しい時期のサバをチョイスする等拘っていますよ。 あまり好きではない鯖寿司ですが焼き鯖寿司の丁寧な仕事をしているのがわかるほど、?かったのでお持ち帰りしようとしたら、もぉないと言われて? 次の時に予約してきて〜ってw 超穴場〜??? 行ってよかった*\(^o^)/* #兵庫県 #神戸 #大正 #ラーメン #中華そば #焼き鯖寿司 #鯖寿司 #超穴場 #安すぎ #安価 #旨い #この値段で大丈夫? #ラーメンパトロール #古民家ら #マニアなお店 #リピあり #OKAYAMAから発信 #japan
R2.2 / 9 Entered Kobe to move his daughter. This is the third Kobe since the other day. I had no harvest. That's why. This time, I visit a showa shop of my dondon pisha. About 10 minutes from my daughter's house. Gradually to the country road. Honma is around here. Mountain skirt, only rice fields! Meanwhile, there was a very old house (* Д *). ︎ No renovation ( ̄ ▽  ̄;) However. This nostalgic building that I love. I'll do it (laughs) 504-4 Ikuno, Dojo-cho, Kita-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo Prefecture 《Taisho》 Ramen ¥ 550 Grilled mackerel sushi 550 yen Ramen 15 15 meals a day only Chicken glass soup. A gentle soup with the character of a general. The char siu is also soft and delicious with a gentle taste. Grilled mackerel sushi is the price of one bottle. Share by 3 people. This is also the admired, sticky grilled mackerel sushi. Although it had been purchased up to Osaka. It was difficult, but at the beginning there was resistance, but this time he uses Norwegian mackerel. It is recommended that the health center has no insects from Norwegian mackerel. It seems to have been said. I'm concerned about choosing mackerel at that time. I don't really like Saba sushi, but I'm sorry that I've been doing polite Saba sushi delicate work, so if I tried to take it home, I was told it wouldn't be much. I will make a reservation at the next time w Super secret place ~ ??? * \ (^ O ^) / * #Hyogo #Kobe #Taisho #ramen #Chinese soba #Baked mackerel sushi #Saba sushi #Super secret #Too cheap #Cheap #delicious #Is this price OK? #Ramen patrol #Old houses #Maniac shop #Lipi #Call from OKAYAMA #japan
h k on Google

百丈岩の帰りに寄りました。 営業時間になると、ノボリが出てました。 割と細い道路沿いにあります。 昔ながらのラーメンて感じ。 好みは人それぞれでしょうが、僕は好きやなー。鯖寿司セットで850円。 鯖寿司はよく下処理されているのか、いやなニオイもなく、美味しい。 山登りの帰りに是非。
I stopped by on the way back from Hyakujoiwa. When it was business hours, there was a nobori. It is located along a relatively narrow road. It feels like old-fashioned ramen. People have different tastes, but I don't like it. Saba sushi set is 850 yen. Perhaps the mackerel sushi is well prepared, it has no unpleasant odor and is delicious. Come on your way home from the mountain climb.
ibarakimax on Google

For one person on a motorcycle at noon on Saturday. It's a little difficult to find the place when you enter the side road, but you can see the climb from the street faintly, which is a landmark. The parking lot is a space for several cars in front of the store, so the capacity seems to be quite limited. The exterior and interior of the shop was a renovated private house that was quite old, and the interior was like bare veneer. I'd rather like this kind of store, but I don't think it's suitable for people who want cleanliness and newness. The restaurant is mainly ramen, but the favorite is mackerel sushi. I was satisfied with the thickness. Ramen seems to have soy sauce and miso, but considering the price, I think it's good. It was simple and I felt it was handmade. However, the noodles are a little overcooked, so that was the only disappointment. Next time, I would like to have miso ramen. It also seems to be compatible with takeout such as mackerel sushi. By the way, payment is only cash payment.
拝一刀 on Google

Google mapsいじっててたまたま見つけました。麺が若干茹で過ぎ?か柔らかいかなぁ〜と思いつつも素朴な醤油ラーメンで美味しかったです。鯖寿司は少し硬いかなぁ〜でもこちらも美味しかったです♪ラーメンとのセットはマストだと思います?
I happened to find it while playing with Google maps. Is the noodles a little too boiled? I thought it was soft, but it was delicious with a simple soy sauce ramen. Saba sushi is a little hard, but it was also delicious ♪ I think the set with ramen is a must ?
Konstantin Shalnov on Google

Only place in the area to have a lunch, descent ramen and Saba sushi. Recommended! Works till 3PM

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