
2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 南白土ごとう医院

住所 :

Tairaminamishirado, Iwaki, 〒970-8025 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–12PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–12PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–12PM
Thursday 8:30AM–12PM
Friday 8:30AM–12PM
街 : Fukushima

Tairaminamishirado, Iwaki, 〒970-8025 Fukushima,Japan
水槽のもけけ on Google

もぅ20年近く通っていますが 先生はサバサバした感じの良い方だと思います。 皆さんがクチコミで不愉快な受付の方々? それぞれ個性はありますが 私は不快にさせられたことはないんですよね… むしろ 立ち話しちゃうくらい。 薬だけ頼んでおく事もできるし 距離的にちょっと遠いのですが ずっとお世話になってます。
I have been going for almost 20 years. I think that the teacher is a good person. Are you unpleasant receptionist with reviews? Each has its own personality I've never been uncomfortable ... Rather, I will stand up. You can just ask for medicine It ’s a little far away Thank you for your continued support.
KoBaYaShi MiChiKo on Google

I was told that my mother forgot my insurance card. Can you tell me your cell phone number when you answer the phone? I don't understand the meaning ... I was watching my favorite anime, and my phone was a little far away and I couldn't hear it well. I know I forgot my insurance card. Finally the talk was connected! If you think, it's already good! ! I got ridiculous. Am i bad Then, from the beginning, can you tell me because I want to get in touch with my mother by saying this? Isn't it good to hear that? I understand that if I say that! I may have been taught honestly. But ... why am I bad? Huh! Isn't it just that you've taken away people's fun time? ? I ’m sorry I ’m sorry! ! I got cut. Don't be fooled by the rude attitude, but be a little bullish and speak again to speak properly! Because it ’s busy because patients have priority, it ’s already over business hours. What is patient priority. One person did not respond properly, the attitude to escape ... I was amazed. It was a hospital where my mother attended, and during this time it was a place where I found my illness. To be honest, I thought that it was a "good hospital?" Oh ... But I was disappointed that it was a place to make this rude attitude a family. And when I say this, I feel something obscene, such as “patient priority” ... When you have something in your patient, it ’s your family first. This time it was an insurance card, but if my mother was really ill, is this the same way? In this era, it's natural that evaluations are taken for granted. There is no such unreasonable response, and no one should be sad.
寺島貴紀 on Google

知人が40度の熱があり関節も痛く、インフルエンザの疑いもあり辛くて近くのこの病院に行った所、対応は遅くほったらかしにされてました。体調が悪い方はお伝えくださいと書いてあるのはなんなのか… その方はこの病院をやめて別の病院に行った所、すぐにベットを用意され水枕等で診察まで安静にさせてもらう事ができ、すぐに診てもらえた。結果、インフルエンザでした。インフルエンザの疑いのある人を放置して何も対応をしないここを病院と呼べません。
The acquaintance had a fever of 40 degrees, the joints hurt, there was a suspicion of influenza, and when I went to this nearby hospital, the response was delayed. What is written to tell you if you are in poor health ... The person left this hospital and went to another hospital. A bed was prepared immediately and the patient could be rested until a medical examination with a water pillow. The result was influenza. If you leave a suspected flu patient and do nothing, you can't call it a hospital.
しのれな on Google

ヤブです。 うちの母誤診で死にかけました。 腹痛で診察しに行って、お腹触って腸炎と言われ、薬だけもらって帰ってきて、薬飲んでも痛みも引かず1日痛いって苦しんで、腸炎にしては症状がおかしいから、次の日また連れて行って痛み引かないしおかしいからと言ったのに結果また同じ事言うから、レントゲン撮ってってお願いしたら、撮るほどじゃないんだけどなぁって笑いながら言われ、イラってしながら母を待ってたら呼ばれて、腸のとこにカゲがある言われ、速攻共立の紹介状。 共立に言ったら検査やらなにやらやって、そく手術になりました。結果腸閉塞。 共立の先生によく我慢出来ましたね。相当痛かったはずですよー。あと少し遅かったら亡くなってましたよ。って言われました! 次の日ごとう医院に診察代払いに行った時に、母は腸閉塞でしたって言ったら、へー腸閉塞だったんだぁって笑いながら言われました。まぢクソヤブ医者!笑い話じゃねーわ。
Yab. I died of my mother's misdiagnosis. I went to see my abdominal pain, touched my stomach and told me that it was enteritis, I just got the medicine, I took it and I did not hurt and suffered for a day, and the symptoms were strange for enteritis. I took it again and told me that it wasn't painful and it was funny, but the result is the same thing again, so if you asked me to take an X-ray, I wasn't enough to take it but I was laughing It is called when I wait for you, and there is a lizard in the intestine. When I told Kyoritsu, I did a lot of examinations, and then I had surgery. Result bowel obstruction. I was able to endure the Kyoritsu teacher well. It should have been a lot of pain. I died if it was a little later. I was told! When I went to the clinic for the next day to pay for the examination, my mother said that she had an intestinal obstruction. Well fucking doctor! It ’s not a laugh.
す、ほっ on Google

穴場的なお医者さんです。 駐車場に車が多くてもそこまで待たずに診察を受けることができました。 ドクターはさっぱりした方です。いろいろと相談に乗ってくれました。 おすすめです。
It's a little-known doctor. Even if there were many cars in the parking lot, I was able to receive a medical examination without having to wait that long. The doctor is a refreshing person. He gave me various consultations. it's recommended.
A Wa on Google

以前は別のところに通っていましたが、閉院してしまったため、小学生以来、約10年振りにかかり、それ以来10年程利用しています。 私にとって1番良いと思うところは、皮膚科があること!以前は郷ケ丘に行ってましたが、待たされること3時間なのに、診断は5分!はぁ?ですよ。ここは待っても15分くらいで診察も早いので、イライラしません。 風邪を引いた時も通ってますが、椅子に満員状態でも1時間も待たされたことないです。 じっくり診てもらいたいというわけではなく、早く薬出してほしい方には最適な病院かと。
I used to go to another place, but since the hospital was closed, it's been about 10 years since I was in elementary school, and I've been using it for about 10 years since then. The best thing for me is having a dermatologist! I used to go to Satogaoka, but I had to wait for 3 hours, but the diagnosis was 5 minutes! Huh? you know. Even if you wait here, it takes about 15 minutes and the examination is quick, so you won't get frustrated. I go there when I catch a cold, but I haven't had to wait an hour even when the chairs are full. I don't want you to take a closer look, but I think it's the best hospital for those who want to get medicine quickly.
maimai RO on Google

The teacher was kind and always went with my family. However, the aunt at the reception desk is in a bad mood from the beginning of the morning, and the tone of talking to the patient is rough. While asking a question, eh? I can't hear you ... and then, when I talk to you, I'm sick and walk away. Normally, adults don't do that, right? Is it unavoidable because I am busy? I thought, I talked to two young receptionists and laughed. The aunt only seems to have a bad influence. The patient can only be thought of as being ridiculed. As you can see in the word of mouth, there were other people who were disgusted at the reception, and I thought that this aunt hadn't changed. I'm sorry that the nurses and teachers made me very good, but I didn't like it at the reception.
miyo miyo on Google

腰背部痛で受診しました。 ドクターは優しくて感じがよかったです? 待ち時間は新患ですから多少は仕方ないと思っていましたが、ドクターと話してからはさばきが早くてあっという間でした。ナースも良いかたで良かった。 痛みについてはレントゲンをかけてから 背中の肉離れ、ぎっくり腰、背中?とのこと。 電気、低周波かな?をかけたあとでドクターが注射をしてくださいました。 痛み止と筋肉をほぐす薬、湿布を処方して頂き終了。院内で薬がでるので私は助かりました❗ 外科のドクターは、多方面からさばさばした対応が出来てよいなあと思います?
I had a medical examination because of back pain. The doctor was kind and nice ? Waiting time was a new illness, so I thought it couldn't be helped, but after talking to the doctor, the judgment was quick and quick. It was good that the nurse was also good. After applying X-ray for pain Strained back, tight back, back? And that. Electricity, low frequency? The doctor gave me an injection after I put it on. Prescribe a pain reliever, a muscle-relaxing drug, and a compress. I was saved because the medicine was available in the hospital ❗ I think it would be nice if the surgeon could handle everything in a variety of ways ?

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