
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鮨仙

住所 :

Taira, Iwaki, 〒970-8026 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8979
Opening hours :
Saturday 12–2PM
Sunday 12–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 12–2PM
Wednesday 12–2PM
Thursday 12–2PM
Friday 12–2PM
街 : Fukushima

Taira, Iwaki, 〒970-8026 Fukushima,Japan
志賀寿仁 on Google

Even though I took it home, the material was very fresh (^^) ? Even though time passed, the rice was delicious and very delicious ?????
kaz kas on Google

If you look at the photos I have posted, it will be obvious. Looking from the outside of the store, it looks like a high-end store, and I expected it. I was disappointed when I saw the dryness of the red shellfish and the color of the sea urchin and tuna. What's the rotation below?
佐久間明 on Google

お酒と肴を飲んだあと、お鮨をご馳走になりました。 肴として食べた煮付けは美味しかったですが、肝心のお鮨(特上)については満足出来ませんでした。ネタの鮮度はイマイチ、軍艦の海苔はべちゃっとしていました。 たまたまかもしれませんが…。
After drinking alcohol and side dishes, I had a sushi treat. The simmered dish I ate as a side dish was delicious, but I wasn't satisfied with the essential sushi (special). The freshness of the material was not good, and the seaweed of the warship was sticky. It may happen, but ...
yu m on Google

It was delicious. It's a beautiful shop.
大和田秀仁 on Google

It's a restaurant with good ingredients, good taste, and good personality.
makoto kishi on Google

いわきに行った際に寿司が食べたくて入店。この辺では高級な部類らしくランチ時だったが空いていた。 せっかくなので特上にぎり3500円を注文した。鮑やほっき、雲丹等の にぎり9カンに玉子焼き、みそ汁が付く。にぎりが小さめだが味は最高 追加で2カンと巻物頼んで5000円。 結構贅沢なランチになったが満足のいく味でした。
When I went to Iwaki, I wanted to eat sushi and entered. On this occasion it seems to be a high class class and it was lunch time but it was empty. I ordered 3500 yen on a special purpose because it is awesome. Abalone, goddess, cloud, etc. Grilled omelette with omelette and miso soup. It is small but the taste is the best I ordered 2 scrolls and scrolls for an additional 5000 yen. It was quite a luxurious lunch, but it was a satisfying taste.
m2g -office on Google

数年ぶりにお邪魔しました。 改めていい店だなぁと思います。 巾広の白木カウンター、カウンターバックに酒など並べないシンプルな空間。 魚知りつくした大将の目利きは文句なしにやっぱり美味い。 帆立の真髄はここで教えてもらった。 ネタ全て最高っす、pic複数あげといたんでよ〜く見て下さいw 季節じゃないけどホヤは一生忘れない逸品だったの思い出した。
I visited for the first time in several years. I think it's a good shop again. A simple space with a wide shiraki counter and no sake on the counter back. The connoisseur of the general who knew the fish was delicious without complaint. The essence of Scallop was taught here. All the stories are the best, I'll give you more pics It's not the season, but I remember that Hoya was a gem that I would never forget.
橘みかん on Google

知り合いに連れて行ってもらいました。 ネタも新鮮で、大満足。 お店の雰囲気やお店の方も親切だし、落ち着いて食事できます♪
I had an acquaintance take me. The material is also fresh and I am very satisfied. The atmosphere of the restaurant and the people at the restaurant are kind, so you can have a calm meal ♪

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