
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact フォーバイフォーグラヴェル

住所 :

Taima, Minami Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0336 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Webサイト : http://4x4gravel.xyz/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Taima, Minami Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0336 Kanagawa,Japan
こばやし on Google

今回、足回りリフレッシュの為に利用。 次回も利用したい。
This time, it is used for refreshing the suspension. I want to use it again next time.
R1 ADDICT on Google

Maybe it's the first time I've been served such a worst customer. Is it because it looks? If you can make a negative evaluation, you will get a negative score.
萩谷充俊(D) on Google

基本の整備力が有ってこそのチューンを体現している。ブレーキとかデフとか足周りとか。パーツ組み込みでも安心で間違いないっすよ。 危ない時は止めてくれます。相談、相談。
It embodies the tune only with basic maintenance ability. Brake, differential, suspension, etc. There is no doubt that it is safe to incorporate parts. It will stop when it is dangerous. Consultation, consultation.
キ・ヨーノ剛 on Google

Thank you for the best. He gave me various consultations. It's worth going from a distance. I would like to consult you in the future.
K M on Google

Today, we had a custom lift-up, muffler, and tire change! We are very grateful for your support and cooperation from the consultation stage. I am very satisfied with the safety, security, and reliability of the product. Thank you very much. Thank you again.
yajio on Google

オーナー様御1人のようで忙し時に訪問するとお客様を相手にしてくれません。 お忙しいのは分かりますが対応方法を少しお考えいただいたほうが宜しいかと思います。二度と行きませんよ!
If you visit when you are busy like one owner, you will not be able to deal with customers. I understand that you are busy, but I think you should think a little about how to deal with it. I won't go again!
seiki toriumi on Google

ワコーズ添加剤を入れてもらいました。ワコーズ種類も豊富で、店内にもいろんなものが売ってました。 対応もよかったので、また利用させていただきたいと思います。
I had Wako's additive added. There are many kinds of Wakozu, and various items were sold inside the store. Since correspondence was also good, I would like to use it again.
うどんまる。 on Google

1度自分でできなかった部品の取り付けをお願いしてやってもらったのですが,オーナーの対応が悪く,こんな風にしたいと言った時によく分からないからこっちも相談に乗れないと一蹴された事があったのと ジムニーのリフトアップキットの持ち込みで工賃等がいくらになるのかが知りたいと言ったところ,自分でできなかった部品の取り付けをしたので貴方の車はパーツの持ち込みでは取り付け等したくないと言われたので評価的には星1ですが出来るならマイナス付けたいところです。 一見の客の足元見たりするような店なのでおすすめ出来ません。
I was asked to install parts that I couldn't do myself once, but the owner's response was bad, and when I said that I wanted to do it like this, I was dismissed because I could not get a consultation. There was When I said that I wanted to know how much the wages etc. would be if I brought in Jimny's lift-up kit, I was told that I did not want to install parts in your car because I installed parts that I could not do myself. Therefore, it is rated as 1 star, but I would like to add a minus if possible. It is not recommended because it is a shop where you can see the feet of customers at first glance.

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