
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact スキレット

住所 :

Tahi Shimomachi, Takamatsu, 〒761-8075 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88789
Webサイト : https://skillet-amp.com/
街 : Kagawa

Tahi Shimomachi, Takamatsu, 〒761-8075 Kagawa,Japan
pom on Google

I went there for the first time. It's wider than I imagined, and I'm at a loss for a wide variety of products that can meet all kinds of needs. You can enjoy it for hours.
腐った納豆 on Google

雑貨屋さん、レイアウトも丁寧だし、品数も凄く多くて買うに良し、ウィンドウショッピングにも良し‼️長時間過ごせそうな場所です。 駐車場もそれなりに泊めやすく、良かったです。 中にイートインがあるわけではないので本当に買い物メインで自分が買い物の時、(さぁ❗買うぞ‼️)みたいな本気度を感じれます! 店員さんも対応良いし、何かプレゼント見るときはまた、行こうかなーって思います。
Goods shop, layout is polite, the number of items is very large, good for buying, good for window shopping.場所 A place where you can spend a long time. The parking lot was easy to stay at and was good. There isn't an eat-in inside, so when you're really shopping and you're shopping, you'll feel like you're going to buy! The clerk is also good, and I think I'll go again when I see something.
深江朝希 on Google

There are many unusual and cute items, so give them as gifts. ◎ You can also buy your own interior here.
Pucci Don on Google

取り扱っている商品を見る限りでは、子ども向けというよりどちらかというと大人向けのお洒落な雑貨屋さんといった感じです。 センスのあるギフトを贈りたい時にはオススメだと思います。
As far as the products we sell, it's more like a fashionable general store for adults than for children. I think it is recommended when you want to give a gift with a sense.
ito chiaki on Google

無料で可愛くラッピングしていただきました!! ちょっとしたプレゼントには、本当にここのお店はおススメです! 可愛い物が多すぎて、なかなか決められないのが難点です(笑)
I had you wrap it cutely for free! !! This shop is really recommended for small gifts! The difficulty is that there are too many cute things to decide (laughs).
めい on Google

It is a general store that has a wide selection and is my favorite
加藤梅雪 on Google

You can buy a little fashionable daily necessities.

品揃えがよく、店員さんも笑顔で 買い物していて気持ちの良い雑貨屋です。 駐車場の停めやすさも問題なし。 様々な機会に、プレゼントを探すのに良い。 おしゃれな雑貨が揃っています。
The product lineup is good, and the clerk smiles. It is a general store that feels good to shop. There is no problem with the ease of parking in the parking lot. Good for finding gifts on various occasions. Fashionable miscellaneous goods are available.

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