ナオイオート 下妻店 軽未使用車 新車 中古車 普通車

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ナオイオート 下妻店 軽未使用車 新車 中古車 普通車

住所 :

Tage, Shimotsuma, 〒304-0812 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://sale.naoiauto.jp/unused/
街 : Ibaraki

Tage, Shimotsuma, 〒304-0812 Ibaraki,Japan
ママヤミク on Google

After searching on the Internet, I came to the store and responded promptly. I heard that the tires had deteriorated, so I had them replaced after purchase. There was no unreasonable sales and I was able to purchase it very comfortably.
キサラギ on Google

作業場の釘とかをきちんと整理整頓してください。車検終わった車に、刺さってました。そこがマイナス 後は全体的に安い=チェーン店だからか、それなりの店て感じはわかるけど。もう少し、頑張ってほしい
Please keep the nails in the workplace neat and tidy. I was stuck in a car that had been inspected. After that, it's cheap overall = it's a chain store, so you can see how it feels like a store. I want you to do your best
梨乃Reno on Google

故障や疑問に対して迅速に対応して頂きました。 購入時だけでなくサポートもしっかりして頂けるのでかなり好印象です?‍♀️
We had you respond promptly to breakdowns and doubts. It's a pretty good impression because you can get solid support as well as at the time of purchase ?‍♀️
はなちゃんぬ on Google

今回初めての利用だったのですが、担当の方がとても親切で良かったです! 今回タントを買ったのですが、下妻店にあったものの色で悩んでいたら違う店舗から希望合ったものを持ってきて下さりそれに決めました。 妥協しないで買えたのでとても嬉しいです!!
This was my first time using it, but I'm glad that the person in charge was very kind! I bought a Tanto this time, but if I was worried about the color of what was in the Shimotsuma store, I decided to bring it from a different store. I am very happy that I could buy it without compromise! !!
犬山猫太郎 on Google

I was not worried because I explained the details when purchasing. Cleaning at the time of delivery is also perfect. The response was quick and the product was a bargain. I did a good shopping. Thank you very much.
さく on Google

車を探していました。なにが欲しいか、最初はぼんやりでしたが、色々相談にのってもらいました。最後までとても親身に対応していただき、無事に車を購入する事が出来ました! マネージャーさんをはじめ、スタッフさんの対応はいつ来てもとても気持ちいいです。 本当に,色々ありがとうございました!
I was looking for a car. At first I was vague about what I wanted, but I asked for various consultations. I was very kind to the end and I was able to purchase the car safely! The support of the staff, including the manager, is always very pleasant. Thank you so much for everything!
金子兼太郎 on Google

自動車としては格安の車両でしたが、走行距離も少なく外内装共にキレイで調子も良く、満足出来るものでした。 保証も1年付くそうで、この価格でこれ以上は望めないのでは?と思えるものでした。 大満足です。
It was a cheap car for a car, but the mileage was short and the exterior and interior were clean and in good condition, so I was satisfied. It seems that it comes with a one-year warranty, so you can't expect any more at this price? I thought it was. I am very satisfied.
永塚幸男 on Google

A little less than a year has passed since I searched for Alto Works and Alto Turbo RS, and in the meantime, production of Alto Works ended ... When the market price went up and I was about to give up, the red Alto Turbo RS running on the Internet information site seems to be a little good price I found a reasonable vehicle at Naoi Auto's Shimotsuma store! I contacted him immediately and went to see it. I've seen about 12 Alto Works and Alto Turbo RS in less than a year, so I immediately realized that this is a good vehicle. There were various things, but the purchase was decided! The store manager who was in charge was also a good person, and I had him do the tire replacement at a reasonable price with this selfishness, and also had the schedule to go to pick up after replacing the parts that were subject to recall. .. Even when I went to pick it up, an elderly person came to the store looking at the leaflet, told the female staff that they were looking for a manual car, and the female staff was kind enough to listen to the story. .. Naoi Auto is recommended.

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