Tagaya Orthopedic Surgical Clinic - Isesaki

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tagaya Orthopedic Surgical Clinic

住所 :

1989-3 Tsunatorimachi, Isesaki, Gunma 372-0812, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 372-0812
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–12PM

1989-3 Tsunatorimachi, Isesaki, Gunma 372-0812, Japan
洋子 on Google

The teacher is interesting and explanation polite, but it is crowded anyway. .
ああ on Google

いつも忙しいなか冷静な対応有難うございます。 個人的な話も気にかけてくれて、気持ちが少し落ち着きます。
Thank you for your calm response while you are always busy. He also cares about personal stories and makes me feel a little calm.
原正樹 on Google

この★1個も付けたくないくらい❗ コロナでリハビリは出来ないと言われて他の接骨院に行った後に保険屋からまだ整形外科も行くよう言われてい行たっら うちはもう関係ないからと言われた、仕事休んで行ったのに最悪‼️ 2度と行かない
I don't want to attach even this one ❗ I was told that I couldn't do rehabilitation in Corona, and after going to another osteopathic clinic, I was told by an insurer that I should also go to orthopedics. I was told that it didn't matter anymore, so it was the worst time I went to work! ️ Never go again
薫ラベンダー on Google

決行混んでます。 先生も丁寧な説明をしてくれました。 スタッフの皆さん親切ですし受付のスタッフ丁寧です。 注射の腕も良いです。痛くない。 皆さん動きが良いですね、テキパキとこなして行きます。見ているこっちが、目が回りそう‼ 皆さん ありがとうございます。 これからも頑張ってくださいね❗
I am crowded. The teacher also explained politely. Everyone of the staff is friendly and polite reception staff. Injection skill is also good. Painless. Everyone is good movement, I will do it as quickly as possible. Here we are seeing, my eyes are turning! Thank you, everyone. Please continue to do your best in the future.
yoshiakiきよき on Google

靴づれで足の指が膿んで痛むので皮膚科に行くか迷ったが、ここに初診で来ました。 消毒する時と薬を塗る時に、指が裂けそうな位強く指開かれたので激痛で辛すぎました? ちゃんと皮膚科に行くべきでした。
I wondered if I could go to dermatology because my toes were aching and hurting because of shoeing. When disinfecting and applying medicine, my finger was opened so strongly that my finger might tear, so it was too painful and painful I should have gone to dermatology properly.
kuroinu mitsukubi on Google

I heard from an acquaintance that when I went with a letter of introduction from a municipal hospital, it ended with "Foreigners do not see a doctor." It is a hospital that selects patients by race and nationality.
c take on Google

急激な外部衝撃の損傷と経年での椎間板の擦り減りや椎体変位の痛みは全くの別物で、専門家でなくとも画像を見れば一目瞭然。それなのに殆どの整形外科の開業医は交通事故の損傷ではないのに交通事故として治療を継続してしまう。 ここはその判別をし交通事故絡みの長期通院を拒否している点は好感が持てる。
Sudden external impact damage and the pain of disc wear and vertebral body displacement over time are completely different things, and even non-experts can see at a glance. Yet most orthopedic practitioners continue treatment as a car accident, even though it is not a car accident injury. I like the fact that this is the case and the long-term hospital visits related to traffic accidents are refused.
sachi on Google

It was crowded and the receptionist told me that I had to wait 30 minutes, but I waited for more than an hour. There were two receptionists and I got the impression that one person's attitude was not very good, but the nurses and teachers were kind.

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