
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ルマーブル

住所 :

Tsunatorimachi, Isesaki, 〒372-0812 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87799
Webサイト : http://lumarble.com/
街 : Gunma

Tsunatorimachi, Isesaki, 〒372-0812 Gunma,Japan
ki hi on Google

I am very satisfied because it was more affordable than other stores and the finish was high quality. I'd like to see you again.
プリスモイド(プリスモイド) on Google

キャンペーンをしているとのことで、echelon nano-filを施工していただきました。事前の相談にも親切にのっていただき、施工も文句無しでした!これからもメンテナンス含めて是非お世話になりたいお店です! お二人ともすごく親切丁寧に接客、作業をしてくれました。本当に良いお店です。
I was asked to have echelon nano-fil installed because of the campaign. You were kind enough to consult in advance and there was no complaint about construction! It is a shop that I want to be taken care of by all means from now on including maintenance! They both worked very kindly and carefully. It is a really good shop.
安田航 on Google

以前お世話になっていた山本さんがコーティング屋さんをオープンし早速伺いました。技術面では何も心配なく信頼できるし丁寧で、何より人柄が良いので女性のお客様でも安心していけるお店だと思います。 店舗も明るく清潔感あったので普通の屋外にあるコーティング屋さんとは違った感じです。今後も車の事はルマーブルさんにお願いします。
Mr. Yamamoto, who had been indebted before, opened the coating shop and visited us immediately. In terms of technology, I think that it is a shop that can be trusted by female customers because it is reliable and polite without any worries, and has a good personality above all. The store is also bright and clean, so it looks different from a regular outdoor coating shop. I would like to ask Mr. Lumarble about the car from now on.
平尾久美子 on Google

To get a good, polite and well-finished job, you have to be prepared for the cost, but Le Marble is very good. I'm afraid that it's okay to make it so cheap. Mr. Yamamoto was a very reliable person.
Nori 932 on Google

コーティングのメンテナンスをお願いしました。 当日にウィンドウコーティングのメンテナンスも相談したところ、サービスでやって頂けて感謝です。 とても優しく丁寧な方で、仕上がりも文句なしです。 リーズナブルで今後も洗車も含めてお願いしようと思います。 ありがとうございました!
I asked for maintenance of the coating. When I consulted about window coating maintenance on the day, I am grateful that the service was available. He is a very kind and polite person, and the finish is perfect. It is reasonable and I would like to ask you to include car wash in the future. Thank you very much!
なおなお on Google

Thank you for your polite explanation to various questions. The water spots are clean and I am satisfied with the finish.
ふくろう on Google

1年前に施工してもらいました。はっきり言って最低レベル…コーティングしたのか分からない。 これなら洗車機のコーティングと同レベル…とてもじゃないけど1年メンテナンスなんて受ける気になれない。 本当に無駄金でした…自分でジーオンした方がマシ 安い理由が分かる。エシュロンは良いかも知れないが腕がないとしか… 良い口コミしてる人は偽善
I had it constructed a year ago. To be clear, the lowest level ... I don't know if it was coated. This is the same level as the car wash coating ... It's not very, but I don't feel like undergoing maintenance for a year. It was really a waste of money ... It's better to do it yourself I understand why it is cheap. Echelon may be good, but only without arms ... People who have good reviews are hypocrisy
くまくま on Google

今回初めてガラスコーティングでお世話になりました。 物腰が低く、ちょっとしたお願い事も嫌な顔せずに 対応してくれたのでとても満足しています! 勿論丁寧な仕事ぶり、仕上げにも満足しています! 今後ともメンテ等で伺いますので対応宜しくお願いします!
This was my first time taking care of glass coating. Low-minded, without a disgusting face I am very happy with the response! Of course, I am satisfied with the polite work and finishing! We will ask you for maintenance etc. so please take care!

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