Suzuki - Utsunomiya

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Suzuki

住所 :

4 Chome-3-8 Inter Park, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0118, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 321-0118

4 Chome-3-8 Inter Park, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0118, Japan
玄米茶 on Google

Before taking a test drive, I got a little relieved because I had a copy of the license and explained that voluntary insurance is unlimited for personal objects, but there is no vehicle insurance.
健二(ゼロ美の夫) on Google

I asked for a recall. Probably because of that, it was a very polite response. You can rest assured that the beautiful waiting room has a space for children to play in the middle, so that you can always play within the reach of your parents. There were plenty of test rides.
今井昌弘 on Google

A flashy nail, a shirt from which the first button was removed, a color control, a bright hair color. I do not feel the feeling of hospitality,. Even if it is business, the impression is important. This is not to shop for 100 yen?
名無しのうさぎ on Google

点検とリコールで来店 雨が降っていた為店内で待つことに 待たされたテーブルからはテレビも見れず、雑誌もなく、紙パックのお茶を頂きましたが飲み終わってしまうし、時間潰すのが大変でした Wi-Fiも使えないので使えるようにしてもらいたいです 点検前に聞かれませんでしたが、洗車してもらえてなくてガッカリしました これ以上待つのは嫌だったのでそのまま帰りました
Visit the store for inspection and recall It was raining so I decided to wait in the store I couldn't watch TV from the waiting table, I didn't have a magazine, and I had a paper carton of tea, but I ended up drinking it and it was hard to kill time. I can't use Wi-Fi, so I want you to be able to use it. I wasn't asked before the inspection, but I was disappointed that the car wasn't washed. I didn't want to wait any longer, so I just went home
近江健次 on Google

冷房が効かない為、見積りに行ったらコンプレッサーから異音がしてて壊れかけてると言われたので修理を検討し結局、個人の車屋で修理した結果、コンプレッサーは何も問題なくガス漏れを処置して直りました。どこを点検してるんだろう。12万円を騙し取られる所でした。 もう二度と行かない。
Since the air conditioner does not work, when I went to estimate it, it was said that the compressor was making a strange noise and it was broken, so I considered repairing it and eventually repaired it in my own car shop, the compressor treated gas leaks without any problems I've fixed it. Where are you checking? It was a place where I could trick the 120,000 yen. I will never go again.
さる on Google

ルームランプの設定をコンピューターを使ってやってもらおうと来店、予約の確認をされ、無いと言ったら忙しいと言われ拒否!どー見ても暇そうですけど❗️ しょうがなくその足で雀宮店に行ったら、ぢゃー合間にやっちゃいますねとすぐやってくれて料金もタダ❗️しかも子供にお菓子までくれて✨接客業はところですよね❗️
I came to the store to have the room lamp set using a computer, and the reservation was confirmed. If I said no, I was told that I was busy and refused! It looks like I'm free to look at it, but ❗️ If I couldn't help but go to the Suzumenomiya store with that foot, I would do it in the meantime, and the fee would be free ❗️ Moreover, the children would even give me sweets ✨ The hospitality business is just around the corner ❗️
佐藤淳一 on Google

知り合いが新車の納車日に営業マンが納車の新車をぶつけて、板金してから後日納車をしますって! このお店どうなってるの?
An acquaintance says that the salesman will hit the new car on the delivery day of the new car, sheet metal it, and then deliver it at a later date! What's going on with this shop?
to shi on Google

法定1年点検で来店。いつもだったら初めに飲み物を用意してくれるのだが、今回は無かった。 他の客には用意してくれてるのに。 営業マンの教育がなってない。
Visited the store with a legal one-year inspection. I usually prepare drinks at the beginning, but this time I didn't. Even though they are prepared for other customers. The sales staff is not educated.

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