Suzuki Arena Okegawa - Okegawa

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Suzuki Arena Okegawa

住所 :

127-10 Kano, Okegawa, Saitama 363-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88779
Postal code : 363-0001
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM

127-10 Kano, Okegawa, Saitama 363-0001, Japan
bon k on Google

新型ハスラー買いました❗️お花もらいました✨ 親身になってくれるお店でしたよ。 今までも他県の色々なスズキのディーラーを利用してきましたが、とても丁寧な良い店舗だと思います。
I bought a new hustler ❗️ I got flowers ✨ It was a shop that was kind to me. I have been using various Suzuki dealers in other prefectures until now, but I think it is a very polite and good store.
Eagle-One on Google

中古のETCを知人から入手したので取り付けようとセットアップ店をネットで検索したら、前にリコールの件でお世話になったことがあり、ETCのセットアップ店にもなっていたので電話で問い合わせをしたところ、年配の男性の方(フロントマン?)が電話対応に出られて、セットアップの依頼をしたいと伝えるとサービスの方に確認を取るので少々お待ちくださいと言われしばらく電話口で待たされ、戻って来て再度質問で車種を聞かれたのでホンダ車だと伝えると、急にうちでは出来ません。オートバックスにでも行ってくださいと言われた。 散々待たせた挙句に断る!?だったら、長々と待たせないで、最初に車種を聞いて他メーカー車は対応できないと言って欲しかった。 電話代もただじゃないんだぜw何より、対応が痛すぎ。 セットアップをお願いしたかっただけで、車両に取付しろって言ってるわけじゃないのに断られたのが未だに謎w 前に別保有のスズキ車のリコールの件でお世話になった時はとても素晴らしい対応で、今回の様な酷い対応じゃなかった記憶があったので問い合わせしてみたんですが残念です。 店全体の問題と言うよりは店員個々の対応力の問題なのでしょうが。 こういう人材は店にとってマイナスイメージですね。
I got a used ETC from an acquaintance, so I searched the setup shop on the net to install it, but I was taken care of by the recall before, so I made an inquiry by phone because it was also an ETC setup shop. , An elderly man (frontman?) Answered the phone and told the service that he wanted to request a setup, so he was told to wait for a while and waited for a while, then returned. When I came and asked the car type again, I told him that it was a Honda car, but suddenly I couldn't do it. I was told to go to AUTOBACS. I refuse to wait for a long time! ?? Then, instead of waiting for a long time, I wanted you to ask the model first and say that other manufacturers' cars cannot handle it. The telephone bill is not free. Above all, the response is too painful. I just wanted to ask for setup, but I wasn't telling you to install it on the vehicle, but it was still a mystery w When I was taken care of by the recall of another Suzuki car I had before, it was a wonderful response, and I remember that it was not a terrible response like this time, so I made an inquiry, but it is a pity. It's not a problem of the whole store, but a problem of individual clerk's responsiveness. This kind of human resources has a negative image for the store.
Osan Rider on Google

申し訳ないが客対応が良くない。 よく教育されていて受付、サービス、他皆同じ態度である。各個人ではなく、問題はマニュアル、または営業方針などにありそう。合理化、効率化促進は良いが直接の客対応部分の簡略化はダメ。お客商売なのだから誠実な応対は必須。それで信頼を得る。 建物や身なりが綺麗なだけではね〜
I'm sorry, but the customer service is not good. Well educated, receptionist, service and everyone else has the same attitude. The problem is likely to be in the manual, business policy, etc., not in each individual. Rationalization and promotion of efficiency are good, but simplification of the direct customer support part is not good. Since it is a customer business, sincere response is essential. It gains trust. It's not just that the building and the appearance are beautiful ~
sirakobato miyakou on Google

エンジンから異音がするで、来店したのですが 整備の人が顔を見せることもなく、車を見るでもなく 「今整備がいっぱいで予約となります」、、、 はぁ??重大な故障の前兆だったらどうするの? エンジンが完全に壊れて走行中に命に係わる事故が起きたら?? 最悪の対応です、まず根本からして成っていません こんな、ディ-ラーの対応は今まで経験したことが無く もう、開いた口がふさがりません。 車という、使い方によっては凶器にも、自らの命を無くしてしまう事にも こんな安易な考え方で商売しているなら、野菜を売る程度にとどめた方が良いです あ、八百屋さんでもこんなに酷くないか、、、、
I came to the store because the engine made a strange noise. Neither the maintenance person shows his face nor looks at the car "Now the maintenance is full and reservations will be made." Huh? ?? What if it is a sign of a serious failure? What if the engine is completely broken and a life-threatening accident occurs while driving? ?? Worst response, first of all it doesn't consist of the root I've never experienced such a dealer response The open mouth is no longer blocked. Depending on how you use the car, it can be a weapon or you can lose your life. If you are doing business with such an easy way of thinking, it is better to sell only vegetables. Oh, isn't the greengrocer so terrible ...
WRAATH “Z1” PLEASE on Google

I don't want to add ☆, but I had to do it for evaluation ... I asked for a preview because I was planning to purchase it, but the clerk in charge did not like the customer service and withdrew early. Although he is a man wearing tall glasses, he felt that the way of explanation and the wording atmosphere were not suitable for customer service, and he was discouraged from purchasing (-_-;) When I bought it before, I bought it with the store manager customer service. But this time it's off!
家族が1番 on Google

Isn't there much willingness to sell? I didn't want to buy at this dealer.
DXスペ夫 on Google

たくさんの中古車が並んでいるのが特徴的なお店です。 ただ肝心の新車展示車両がお店の奧にあったり、離れた位置にあったり、納車前車両とごちゃ混ぜになってたりとスタッフさんがいないとわからないレイアウトは正直意味不明です。 お店はキレイなんですけどね。
It is a characteristic shop where many used cars are lined up. However, the layout that you can't understand without the staff, such as the important new car display vehicle being in the back of the store, being in a distant position, or being mixed up with the vehicle before delivery, is honestly meaningless. The shop is beautiful, though.
めだか三昧 on Google

書ききれないほどの非常に不快な出来事がありました。 予約日に行ったら違う日と言われた。(予約日を家族に連絡しているので間違いない) ここから以降はあり得ない対応の連発でここには書ききれないのでやめときますが とにかく最低な店舗です。 2度と行きません。
There was a very unpleasant event that I couldn't write. When I went to the reserved day, I was told that it was a different day. (There is no doubt that the reservation date is notified to the family) From here onward, I will stop because I can not write here because of a series of impossible correspondences Anyway, it's the worst store. I will never go again.

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