Appuruhigashimatsuyamaten - Higashimatsuyama

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Appuruhigashimatsuyamaten

住所 :

1 Chome-2-3 Wakamatsucho, Higashimatsuyama, Saitama 355-0037, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89777
Postal code : 355-0037
Webサイト :

1 Chome-2-3 Wakamatsucho, Higashimatsuyama, Saitama 355-0037, Japan
柳澤和実 on Google

The staff is kind
杉山義明 on Google

Purchase correspondence is quite good
E-Appleカズ on Google

eアップル は 高いおもちゃ。 みんな振り向いて、面白い。?
e apple Expensive toys. Everyone turned around and it was interesting. ?
酒井久義 on Google

Depending on the type of car, it will be more expensive than other buyers. Then there are cases where unusual limited items are sold at stores.
バスの運転手 on Google

今の店長サンは、業界30年のベテランで、とっても親切で安心して愛車をお願い出来ます。 他のお店で値段の付かなかった古い車も(もちろん程度によります)気持ち良く引き取ってくれて感謝です。
The current store manager, Sun, is a veteran with 30 years in the industry, and he is very kind and can ask for his car with confidence. I am grateful that you can comfortably pick up old cars that were not priced at other shops (depending on the degree, of course).
まーくんNo.1 on Google

The response was good and the assessment was pleasant.
はせ on Google

The correspondence was good and I was satisfied with the purchase.
加納泰治 on Google

I visited the store about 4 times, sold 3 cars and bought 1 new old car. It was very pleasant to have a polite explanation and response each time.

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