自転車専門店 輪徳

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 自転車専門店 輪徳

住所 :

Suwagata, Ueda, 〒386-0032 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 12–8:30PM
Tuesday 12–8:30PM
Wednesday 12–8:30PM
Thursday 12–8:30PM
Friday 12–8:30PM
街 : Nagano

Suwagata, Ueda, 〒386-0032 Nagano,Japan
Ishii h. on Google

If you want to go out with a bicycle for a long time, this is a good place for you. We can also do maintenance with confidence.
松田智智子 on Google

すごくいい店です 小さいけど 社長は知識も技術もすごく上手で 壊れた自転車を修理できて ありがとう!!
It's a very nice shop, but the president is very good in knowledge and technology. Thank you for repairing the broken bicycle! !!
jun saitoh on Google

It ’s a very nice bicycle shop. The shop owner feels sensible, but he devised as much as possible at a limited cost.
Yoichi SHIBATA on Google

The shop owner is also polite, and you can rest assured that you can handle everything from purchase to maintenance. At first glance, it may seem like a highly specialized shop, but it is also recommended for general users.
たまじゅん on Google

A very cheap and friendly shop owner. If it's a bicycle, you can bring it here ?
泰弘 on Google

自転車の専門店と言う言葉がふさわしいお店です。 住宅街の奥に店舗があり外見からはここがそのお店とはわからないたたずまいの建物がこのお店ですが店内は普通の自転車店とは異なるパーツの陳列とフレームとタイヤとリムが並びます。 店長さんもかなり片寄った専門知識で面白いです。 たぶんですが、その手の話しをすれば一日中話しているのかなと思います。 いずれにしても凄い専門店だと思います。
It is a store that is suitable for the word bicycle specialty store. There is a store in the back of the residential area, and this is a building that does not seem like that from the outside, but this store has a different display of parts, frames, tires, and rims than a normal bicycle store. The store manager is also quite biased and interesting. Probably, I think if I talk about that kind of thing, I'm talking all day long. In any case, I think it's a great specialty store.
ちびたげ on Google

移転されていました。 電話はまだ繋がりません。 11月15日から繋がるようになるご予定とのことでした。
It was relocated. The phone hasn't connected yet. It was planned to be connected from November 15th.
とし(とし) on Google

店主の人柄が最高です。 初めて行った時にとても親切に対応していただき、即購入を決めました。 知識の豊富さ、経験が素晴らしく自転車のことならここで決まり! とてもいい店に出会えました!
The personality of the shopkeeper is the best. When I first went there, I was very kind and decided to buy it immediately. If you have a great deal of knowledge and experience about bicycles, this is the place to go! I met a very good store!

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