季節郷土料理の店 胡蝶

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 季節郷土料理の店 胡蝶

住所 :

Suwacho, Kitakami, 〒024-0034 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://kocho-kitakami.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–10PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 5–10PM
Tuesday 5–10PM
Wednesday 5–10PM
Thursday 5–10PM
Friday 5–10PM
街 : Iwate

Suwacho, Kitakami, 〒024-0034 Iwate,Japan
ラージマウス17 on Google

写真撮り忘れた??? お刺身 おいしかったです?
I forgot to take a photo ??? The sashimi was delicious ?
みつき on Google

お料理美味しかったです 値段は それなりにしますが 接客態度は暖かく気取った感じはありませんでした
The food was delicious The price is reasonable, but the customer service attitude was warm and unpretentious.
Kosuke Maeda on Google

Kitakami's famous restaurant where you can enjoy delicious sake, satisfying dishes, and side dishes. There is also a private room in the back, which is perfect for meetings and other occasions. A beautiful landlady welcomes you.
石川シュウジ on Google

北上で開業して60年を向かえる胡蝶さん。 女将の笑顔が素敵です!これからも地元で愛されるお店として応援しています。 写真は60周年を記念してお客様に配った手ぬぐいになります。
Mr. Kocho, who has been in business for 60 years in Kitakami. The landlady's smile is wonderful! We will continue to support it as a store loved by the locals. The photo is a towel handed out to customers to commemorate the 60th anniversary.
tk 310 on Google

口コミ通り美人で接客の良い女将さんと美味しい料理でした。 ただ1つ残念なのがバイトさんかな?注文した料理が中々届きませんでした。残念・・
It was a delicious dish with a beautiful and good customer service as word of mouth. The only unfortunate thing is Mr. Bite? I didn't receive the food I ordered. Sorry ...
EI NA on Google

From the appearance, I thought that it was high-class, I took a step, it was high-class, and when I saw the landlady, I thought it was high-class, but it was surprisingly reasonable. The price is reasonable, which is unthinkable in the city, so you can feel free to use it. The dashi stock was mama, but there was nothing dissatisfied with the generous sashimi. I had all the meat and fish, but I was very satisfied. If you come here, please enjoy this dish! !! I would like you to develop a signboard menu like this. All of them are above average, but I'm a little regrettable that I couldn't find a moving gem. I will use it again.
samu onaca on Google

いやいや大当たりでした。接待でも使えそうな雰囲気の良さ(個室あり)女将さんたちの接客も◎ もちろんお料理も美味しい!肉も魚も美味しい!!日本酒のラインナップもいい線攻めてます。下手に盛岡に宿を取るより北上の胡蝶でたらふく食った方が満足度高いような気がします。
No, it was a big hit. Good atmosphere that can be used for entertainment (private room available) The hospitality of the landlady is also ◎ Of course the food is delicious! Meat and fish are delicious! !! The lineup of sake is also good. I feel that it is more satisfying to eat a lot with Kitakami's butterfly than to stay in Morioka poorly.
P on Google

平成19年から登録が始まった日本風景街道の一つとなっている「広瀬川せせらぎ縁道」に沿って、今も老舗料亭の名残りを残す胡蝶さん。近くにいながら何故か今回が初訪問となりました。 口コミサイトの情報から板前さんと女将さんに期待して行きましたが、女将さんは前評判通りで美人さんで接客も素晴らしいものでした。一方の評判の板前さんについては供された料理から既にこちらにはいらっしゃらないものと推察することになりました。 お店の設えからくる和の雰囲気の良さや、ツボを押さえた日本酒のラインナップや、何にも増して女将さんの接客によりこれからもジモティからの支持を受け続けることと思います。
According to the "Hirosegawa Seseragi Margin", which has become one of the Japan Scenic Routes that began registration in 2007, Mr. Hyocho, who still has a remnant of old-fashioned restaurant. This is my first visit for some reason while being close. I expected it to Mr. Itamae and Monna from the information on the word-of-mouth site, but Memon was as good as the previous reputation and the customer service was wonderful. About the reputation of it, it was supposed that it was assumed that it would not come to here already from the provided food. I think that I will continue to receive support from Jimoti from the goodness of the atmosphere of the Japanese coming from the setting of the shop, the lineup of sakes with pressed points, and the service of the female general above anything else.

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