
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 諏訪の水穴

住所 :

Suwacho, Hitachi, 〒316-0001 Ibaraki,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Ibaraki

Suwacho, Hitachi, 〒316-0001 Ibaraki,Japan
サカイマコト on Google

採石場に近く…… 結構シュールな場所……(笑)
Close to the quarry ... A pretty surreal place ... (laughs)
久保忠 on Google

It is a beautiful and mysterious space ???
みけねこ on Google

ここから2キロほど南東に諏訪神社を創建した神官・万年大夫藤原高利が、ある日、自らの夫婦像を彫って諏訪神社に納めると,信濃国に通じているという「諏訪の水穴」に入りそのまま戻らなかったと伝えられる。ずっと後世になって光圀も「諏訪の水穴」に入ってみたが、狭くなった「三ノ戸」の石壁に「ここより入るまじ」と刻んで引き返したと伝えられる。戦後、少し下流に砂防ダムが造られたせいで土砂がたまり水穴は埋もれてしまったが、地元の復元運動によって昭和57年頃に旧の姿に戻ったそうです。 鮎川に沿って市道7号線(梅林通り)を北西に進んでいくと、北側に石碑と説明板があり、ここから川原に降りていくことが出来ます。想像していたより大きな水穴からは、まぎれもなし・・・信州は諏訪湖からの(ですよね?)清水が穴の奥からドクドクと流れ出しております。 さて、このままちょいと入洞して長野県の諏訪湖観光へ行きたいところでしたが、そう言えばまだ自分の像も彫っていないことですし。そのうちといたしましょうか。
One day, Takatoshi Fujiwara, a priest who founded Suwa Shrine about 2 km southeast of here, carved his own image of his wife and put it in Suwa Shrine. It is reported that he did not return as it was. Mitsukuni also tried to enter the "Suwa no Mizuana" in later generations, but it is said that he turned back by carving "Major to enter from here" on the narrowed stone wall of "Minoto". After the war, a sabo dam was built a little downstream, so earth and sand accumulated and the water holes were buried, but it seems that it returned to its old form around 1982 due to the local restoration movement. If you go northwest along city road 7 (Umebayashi-dori) along the Ayukawa, you will find a stone monument and an explanation board on the north side, from which you can descend to the river. From the larger water hole that I had imagined, there is no doubt ... In Shinshu, fresh water from Lake Suwa (isn't it?) Is flowing out from the back of the hole. By the way, I wanted to go to Lake Suwa sightseeing in Nagano prefecture as it is, but by the way, I haven't carved my own statue yet. Shall we go sometime?
コロネ310 on Google

清水がわき出る鍾乳洞。 中には入れませんが、周辺がよく整備されており、川を渡って入り口までいけます。
Limestone cave where Shimizu comes out. You can't go inside, but the area is well maintained and you can cross the river to the entrance.
ぽんまめ on Google

You can do it slowly without the effects of corona. Water is clean and cold, and you can do it if you soak your feet. Since it is a historic site, please refrain from playing. There is no parking lot nearby. Care must be taken when stopping on the shoulder.
山田あんこ on Google

It was a cool place. In the foreground, there is a person who has a tent. Isn't it pitch black at night?
ジェイソン(tarky) on Google

神官の万年太夫(藤原高利)はこの水穴に入ったきり戻らなかったらしいが、何処に繋がっているのでしょうか?信濃国?それとも黄泉の国?? いずれにせよ、黄門様が進入禁止⛔にしたので謎のままですね。 なお、日立市郷土博物館に万年太夫が諏訪神社に納めた自身の木像が展示されていたので写真貼付しておきます。ロマンがありますね。(^○^)
It seems that the priest Mannen Tayu (Takatoshi Fujiwara) did not return to this water hole, but where is it connected? Shinano Province? Or is it the land of Yomi? ? In any case, it remains a mystery because Mr. Huangmon has banned entry ⛔. In addition, the wooden statue of Mannen Tayu's own at Suwa Shrine was exhibited at the Hitachi City Museum, so I will attach a photo. There is romance. (^ ○ ^)
mini de マジ? de booon のminiぶらりch・ミニ日和 on Google

初訪問。 何度も側を通っていて 通りから見える神社の存在は知っていましたが ここに水穴(鍾乳洞)が存在する事は最近まで知りませんでした。 諏訪の水穴 神社自体は長野県の諏訪大社の流れを組むようです。 伝説もあったり 中々神秘的な場所です。 装備がなかったので外から眺めたのみですが 長靴やヘッドランプなどの装備をし 傷を付けたり荒らしたりしなければ 自己責任で中に入るのは可能のようです。
First visit. I knew the existence of a shrine that I could see from the street after passing by many times, but until recently I didn't know that there was a water hole (limestone cave) here. Suwa's Mizuana Shrine itself seems to follow the flow of Suwa Taisha Shrine in Nagano Prefecture. It is a mysterious place with legends. I didn't have any equipment, so I only looked at it from the outside, but I had to wear boots, headlamps, and other equipment to scratch or damage it. It seems possible to go inside at your own risk.

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