Sushi Yonekura - Sendai

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sushi Yonekura

住所 :

プラスワンビル 1F 14-4 Tachimachi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0822, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 980-0822
Opening hours :
Saturday 5:30–11PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 5:30PM–12AM
Tuesday 5:30PM–12AM
Wednesday 5:30PM–12AM
Thursday 5:30PM–12AM
Friday 5:30PM–12AM

プラスワンビル 1F 14-4 Tachimachi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0822, Japan
pi pi on Google

テンポよく出されるお料理に満足 美味しいお酒のラインナップが豊富 会津娘のうすにごりが美味し✨
Satisfied with the dishes served at a good tempo Abundant lineup of delicious sake The thinness of Aizu Musume is delicious ✨
ysuo 77 on Google

I had an acquaintance living in Sendai take me to the sea urchin, sashimi, grilled food, and sushi.
f Jotrvykv9 on Google

美味しい、美味しくないとかではなくて、人が残念です。 ここで食べる人の気持ち分かりません。 あり得ない寿司屋です。
It's not that it's delicious or not delicious, but people are disappointed. I don't understand the feelings of those who eat here. It's an impossible sushi restaurant.
まろろん on Google

コスパが、とても良いと思います。親方や店員さんも気さくで楽しんで食事が出来ます。日本酒もお手頃なのでいろいろ楽しめます。 個人的には、シャリが小さいのが嬉しいです。
We think that cospa is very good. The master and the clerk are also friendly and can enjoy eating. Sake is affordable and you can enjoy it in various ways. Personally, I am glad that the shari is small.
Koshio Yuichi (Kossy.Tokyo) on Google

Sushi held by an up-and-coming master located a little away from Kokubuncho. You can enjoy sushi and knobs from off Sanriku and in the sea, along with local sake. Since the general is from Kesennuma, he seems to have eaten delicious seafood, and he is very particular about purchasing. I'm a friendly person, so I think it's a good idea to eat while talking to the general at the counter.
Genli Wu on Google

Suŝia restoracio en strateto iomete okcidente de Bansui strato. En la butiko plilongigita vendotablo daŭras de la enirejo, kaj ŝajnas esti sidloko kiel tatamĉambro malantaŭe. Kompreneble, ĉe la vendotablo, vi povas manĝi rigardante suŝion, kie la kuiristo forigas fiŝojn de la neta kesto kaj kaptas ĝin. La personaro estas amika kaj komforta manĝi. Plej bone estus diri al ili nur tion, pri kio vi ne lertas, kaj lasi la reston al fidinda kuiristo, kiam vi volas manĝi ĝin.
Sushi restaurant in an alley just west of Bansui street. In the shop an extended counter continues from the entrance, and appears to be a seat like a tatami room at the back. Of course, at the counter, you can eat while watching sushi, where the chef removes fish from the neat box and catches it. The staff is friendly and comfortable to eat. It would be best to tell them only what you are not good at, and leave the rest to a reliable cook when you want to eat it.
meg iwa on Google

Not only is the sushi delicious, but I'm glad that we also have a variety of sake.
松浦和平 on Google

姪っ子にお寿司をせがまれたので、折角なので美味しいお寿司屋さんへ連れて行こうと鮨よねくらさんへ。 事前に姪っ子のお祝いの旨を伝えて予約したところ、姪っ子の好きなネタを教えてくれれば、普段扱っていないネタも仕入れてくれるとの事で、甘えさせていただきました? 姪っ子含め弟夫婦、私達も美味しくて満足の一日でした
My niece asked me to make sushi, so I went to Sushi Yonekura to take me to a delicious sushi restaurant. When I made a reservation by telling my niece's celebration in advance, if you tell me your niece's favorite material, I will buy the material that I do not usually handle, so I was spoiled ? It was a delicious and satisfying day for my younger brother and his wife, including my niece.

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