Sushi Kappo Fukuro - Takahashi

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sushi Kappo Fukuro

住所 :

1190-1 Ochiaicho Abe, Takahashi, Okayama 716-1321, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 716-1321
Webサイト :

1190-1 Ochiaicho Abe, Takahashi, Okayama 716-1321, Japan
tomoko on Google

It was very luxurious and delicious.
Jiro JIRO on Google

たまたま手作り弁当しかなかった。 残念です。鰻食べたかった。
It happened that there was only a handmade bento. I'm sorry. I wanted to eat eel.
藤原英昭 on Google

I have eaten several times, but it is always delicious. I will go again.
春馬君忘れない on Google

Today, I got a slightly rich Fukuro lunch for 1,700 yen ? Tempura, small bowls, sushi, chawanmushi, soup, coffee after meal ☕️, everything was very delicious ? The owner is also a friendly person I talked about various things, and I can easily go alone (I was worried if I could enter alone at first, but my mother went to eat lunch with my acquaintances and recommended me, so be courageous. It was a delicious and rewarding lunch for me ? I wanted to go eat a sushi set meal next time ? It's a calm, delicious and wonderful restaurant with repeat decisions ? It was a treat ?
フジモト on Google

いつ行っても明るく元気な大将が迎えてくれます(#^.^#) 食材も常に良いものをかっています。 味も優しく、飽きの来ない味付けで、本当に美味しく食べれます\(^o^)/ 騙されたと思って1度行って見てください(#^.^#)
A cheerful and energetic general will welcome you whenever you go (# ^. ^ #) I always buy good ingredients. The taste is gentle and you won't get tired of it, so you can eat it really deliciously \ (^ o ^) / Think you were deceived and go once (# ^. ^ #)
mori mori on Google

I had a delicious lunch with me before I moved. Let's come with my wife this time.
Hisashi Machida on Google

うな丼が抜群‼️ この価格でこの旨さ。(1,600円?)やはり高梁では鰻が捕れるのか?寿司も鮮度が抜群‼️大将に聞くと、業者に任せないで自ら市場に仕入れに出向いている、とのこと。目利きに優れている。隠れた名店。
Unagi is outstanding!旨 This is at this price. (1,600 yen?) After all, can you catch a whale in Takahashi? Sushi is also exceptionally fresh! When asked General, he goes to the market to buy himself without leaving it to the supplier. Excellent at discerning. A hidden shop.
アットマークすすむ on Google

連休初日、ドライブ途中でランチに立ち寄ったのは「福ろう」さん、幹線道から少し中に入った立地、隠れ家和食店さんですね! 前日予約でオープン時間に訪問、入り口近くの小上がり席に入ります。店名の梟小物が沢山展示されていますね、福を少し分けて頂きましょう^^ 注文は「福ろうランチ」、待つこと10分少々でやって来ました。籠の中には小鉢が沢山、手の込んだ和食の数々ですね!! すまし汁と茶碗蒸しも付いています。 籠もりの中には天ぷら・酢の物・サラダ・茶碗蒸し・小鉢3品構成。手前の煮物では煮豆が好みの味わい、天ぷらネタは大きく、熱々の茶碗蒸しは具だくさんで美味しかったです。 握りは6貫、シャリは普通サイズで酢は弱め、ネタはしっかり大きいですね。岡山の老舗割烹寿司店さんご出身だと言うことも納得です!! 食後には珈琲&お茶を頂きながら暫しまったり...もう少しのんびりしましょ 旦_(-ω- ,,)
On the first day of consecutive holidays, it was Mr. Fukurou who stopped by for lunch on the way to the drive, a location just inside the main road, and a hideaway Japanese restaurant! Make a reservation the day before and visit during the opening hours and take a small seat near the entrance. A lot of owl items with the store name are on display, so let's divide Fuku a little ^^ The order came in "Fukuro Lunch", a little 10 minutes waiting. There are many small bowls in the basket, and there are many elaborate Japanese dishes! ! Includes sushi soup and steamed egg bowl. Inside the basket there are tempura, vinegared food, salad, steamed egg custard, and 3 small bowls. The boiled food in the foreground was boiled beans, the tempura was large, and the hot steamed rice bowl was delicious with plenty of ingredients. The grip is 6 pieces, the shari is a normal size, the vinegar is weakened, and the material is firmly large. It makes sense to say that you are from a well-established Kappo Sushi restaurant in Okayama! !! After a meal, I can have coffee and tea for a while. . . Let's relax a little more Dan_(-ω- ,,)

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