4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Kiyokawa, Kisarazu, 〒292-0051 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Kiyokawa, Kisarazu, 〒292-0051 Chiba,Japan
Rロビロビン on Google

入り口が少し奥まったところにあって裏手の階段を上がった2階に玄関があります。外観はスーパーとか建築現場の事務所?って感じですがお店に入ると和モダンな内装で雰囲気✨いいです?席はお寿司屋さんのカウンター席と畳にテーブル&椅子でほんのり高級感✨大人が楽しむお店かな? ランチのコースでお寿司・天ぷら・うなぎを堪能?めっちゃ美味しかった〰️接客も感じ良くてリピしたいと思わせてくれるお店でした❤️
There is an entrance on the second floor, which is a little deeper than the entrance and goes up the stairs on the back. Is it a supermarket or an office at a construction site? It's a feeling, but when you enter the shop, the atmosphere is Japanese modern interior ✨ It is nice ? The seats are counter seats of sushi restaurants and tatami mats with tables & chairs are a little luxurious ✨ It's a shop that adults can enjoy ? I enjoyed sushi, tempura and eel on the lunch course ? It was so delicious 〰️ It was a shop that was very pleasant and made me want to repeat again ❤️
石川吉彦 on Google

Lunch 2,500 yen course, dessert after eating, coffee and taste is also very satisfying ❗ The shop is on the second floor of the construction company, so if it is the first time, it will be passed a couple of times!
村川洋子 on Google

ランチは、2500円夜3000円で同じものでした 木の香漂うこじんまりした落ち着いたお店です❗
Lunch was the same for 2500 yen and 3000 yen at night It is a small and calm shop with a wooden scent ❗
Selena Zaslavski on Google

The food is very delicious and the inside is nice and great. I will go again.
Kou Ko on Google

The appearance is small and a little confusing. The interior is very beautiful. I ordered a course menu of about 3000 yen. Appetizers, tempura, sashimi, sushi and desserts were all very delicious. The customer service was also good and wonderful. All of them are first-class products, and I honestly thought they were a little-known spot. I've been here about four times, and if you're lucky, you can eat high-quality sushi. There was only one problem. It was that there was a poor customer. Two of the four visits. I talked so loudly that I couldn't talk properly without thinking about the surroundings, and I got a lot of points for the content, no, I got it, 〇〇-chan and □□ -chan should keep it for the time being. Was extremely vulgar to write. To be honest, it was just a gerontocracy. I was talking about the same thing last time, so I immediately noticed it. The shop itself is very good, so it was very disappointing that such customers had settled in. Without this, it was definitely ☆ 5. I couldn't enjoy the meal at all in this condition without being warned. It was so unpleasant that I couldn't really understand the taste. I don't think I'll ever go again
tonbo 0105 on Google

娘の七五三のお祝いでディナータイムに訪店。 刺身、焼き鳥、鰻、お寿司、一品料理。 どれも美味しかったです! お寿司のメニューは無いので、店員さんにメニューを出して貰いました。 是非、また行きたいです。
Visited the store at dinner time to celebrate her daughter Shichigosan. Sashimi, yakitori, eel, sushi, single dish. They are all delicious! There is no sushi menu, so I asked the clerk to serve it. I definitely want to go there again.
maeda kenichi on Google

会社の人から教わり伺いました。 店舗が2階にあるので、足元には十分ご注意を❗️ 第一印象は洗練された固いイメージでしたが、話してみると気さくなとても居心地の良い店でした。 他のお客さんはコースメニューを頼んでいて、とても美味しそうでした。 自分達は単品メニューや、メニューには無い物まで対応していただき、心使いのある店長でした。 そして料理の鮮度がとても良く美味しかったです。 次回はコースメニューが気になるのでそちらを食べてみたいと思います。
I heard from a person in the company. The store is on the 2nd floor, so be careful about your feet ❗️ The first impression was a sophisticated and solid image, but when I talked about it, it was a friendly and very cozy shop. Other customers were asking for a course menu and it looked very delicious. We were the store managers who were kind enough to handle single item menus and items that were not on the menu. And the freshness of the food was very good and delicious. Next time, I'm curious about the course menu, so I'd like to try it.
kurumi t. on Google

外観からは想像できない和モダンで素敵な店内でした。 ランチタイムとは言え、1700円でデザート&コーヒーまで付いてお値打ちだと思います。 個人的希望ですが、甘口醤油があったら尚よし? お店の方も、とても感じの良い対応でした。
It was a nice Japanese modern store that you can't imagine from the outside. Even though it's lunch time, I think it's a good value for 1,700 yen with dessert and coffee. Personally, I would love to have sweet soy sauce ? The shop staff was also very pleasant.

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