フランス料理 リパイユ

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact フランス料理 リパイユ

住所 :

Sumiyoshicho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, 〒231-0013 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8989
Webサイト : https://ripaille-yokohama.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 12–3:30PM
Sunday 12–3:30PM
Monday 12–3:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 12–3:30PM
Thursday 12–3:30PM
Friday 12–3:30PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa
Description : Cozy dining room with antique decor, serving dishes from the Lyon region in creative set menus.

Sumiyoshicho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, 〒231-0013 Kanagawa,Japan
T I on Google

記念日に利用させて頂きました。クラシックフレンチのフェアを開催中だったようで、とてもボリュームある濃厚な料理がどれも素晴らしかったです。 ワインのペアリングコースがあるのも、気軽に楽しめて良いですね。
I used it on the anniversary. It seems that a classic French fair was being held, and all the rich and voluminous dishes were wonderful. It's nice to have a wine pairing course, so feel free to enjoy it.
能城俊哉 on Google

馬車道の路地裏に有る、フランス料理のお店。丁寧かつ繊細なお料理を頂ける大人のお店です。 ワインはボトルで頼むのも良いですが、お料理に合わせたセットがあり、そちらがオススメ。 記念日を素敵な空間で過ごすことができました。
A French restaurant located in the back alley of Bashamichi. It is an adult restaurant where you can enjoy polite and delicate dishes. It is good to order wine in a bottle, but there is a set that matches the dish, and that is recommended. I was able to spend the anniversary in a wonderful space.
Hamidashi Yokohama on Google

5年ぶりくらいでしょうか、味もボリュームもよかった記憶があり、緊急事態宣言が出る直前にお邪魔しました。 前菜は4皿。 特に低温でじっくり調理したサーモンが見た目も美しく、美味しく感じました。 メインは2皿。 お魚は舌平目のムニエル、バターが香るソースがたまらない。お皿を前に、深呼吸してからいただきました。 お肉は、予約時に羊が食べられたら…とお伝えしていたところ、仔羊を用意いただきました。ありがたい。 火入れの加減が絶妙で、脂と肉汁が…思わずうなります。こういうのが食べたかったのです。思い出して今また食べたい気分になっています…。 厳しい状況が続くと思いますが、頑張ってほしいお店です。お昼も行ってみたいです。
Perhaps it was the first time in five years, I remember that the taste and volume were good, so I visited him just before the state of emergency was declared. There are 4 appetizers. Especially, the salmon cooked slowly at low temperature looked beautiful and tasted good. Mainly 2 dishes. The fish has a sole meuniere sauce and a buttery sauce. I took a deep breath in front of the plate. As for the meat, I told him that if the sheep could be eaten at the time of booking, he prepared the lamb. Thank you. The degree of burning is exquisite, and the fat and gravy ... growl involuntarily. I wanted to eat something like this. I remember and feel like eating again ... I think the difficult situation will continue, but I want you to do your best. I want to go there for lunch as well.
大竹敏生 on Google

Elegant taste and nice shopkeeper. It's a calm atmosphere.
Ayam Sg on Google

幼なじみが、結婚祝いをしてくれました。 とろける美味しさで心もお腹も満たされました!!また行きます!!!
My childhood friend gave me a wedding gift. The melting taste filled my heart and stomach! !! I will go again! !! !!
やまか on Google

記念日にランチで伺いました。 ランチだったからか肩肘張らず楽しめるレストランだと感じまして、とても居心地がよかったです! お味ももちろん良いです。個人的にはエイのお料理、珍しく、どんな味がするのかワクワクでした。とても脂が乗っていて柔らかいのですがお魚としての食感も楽しめいい意味で予想と違う味,印象に残っています♪ パンも美味しかったです。
I visited for lunch on the anniversary. Because it was lunch, I felt that it was a restaurant that I could enjoy without having to worry about it, so it was very comfortable! Of course the taste is also good. Personally, I was excited to see what the stingray food tastes like, which is unusual. It's very greasy and soft, but you can enjoy the texture as a fish and it has a different taste and impression than expected in a good way ♪ The bread was also delicious.
Rita Costa on Google

Good French Food. Cozy place. We enjoyed it!
Matthieu BRODIN on Google

Delicious and original. The course was great and a good selection of wine to accompany each dishes. Parfait ?

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