ぶらっ菜 本店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ぶらっ菜 本店

住所 :

Sumidamachi, 〒500-8843 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Webサイト : https://burassaihonntenn.owst.jp/
街 : Gifu

Sumidamachi, 〒500-8843 Gifu,Japan
杉山弘道 on Google

It was me who was able to use the bento series that I started by narrowing down my wisdom in the midst of refraining from Japan rather than Japan because of the horrible new color. It was my grandma's birthday, so I ordered lunches from various shops. Speaking of me, it was the one at Marudai Ekimae Center, but the spicy Mapo Tofu was a superb favorite and was my favorite. When the new roller settled down and the self-restraint was lifted towards the end as much as possible, I would like to enjoy it inside and out of the store. (2020_04_19)
tumitumi13 on Google

ぶらっさいグループがお弁当を始めたと聞いて、用事のついでに購入しました!当日朝予約の11時受取できました(^^) 日替わり弁当、ご飯たっぷりおかずもボリュームあって美味しかったです♫
I heard that the Burassai Group started to have lunch, so I bought it while I had an errand! I was able to receive the reservation at 11:00 on the morning of the day (^ ^) The daily bento and the side dish with lots of rice were delicious and delicious! ♫
Toshi O on Google

久々にお邪魔しました。 会社関係の団体でコース料理をお願いしました。参加者の評判も良く、店選び担当としては安心安定のぶらっ菜グループですねw
I've been there for a long time. I asked for a course meal at a company-related group. Participants have a good reputation, and it's a reliable and stable Buratsuna group as a store selection person w
中矢晶 on Google

遅い時間に一人で行きました。カウンターが通りに面しており、涼しげです。ウェイターさんの声がダンディでしびれました(笑) 料理もお酒も美味しかったですね。飛騨牛A5ランクはさすがに美味い。とろけます。それに負けない岐阜の地酒の味がまたいいのです。 シメに食べたガーリックチャーハンが美味い!岐阜に行ったときはまた立ち寄りたいです。
I went alone late in the day. The counter faces the street and it is cool. The waiter's voice was dandy and numb (laughs) The food and sake were delicious. Hida beef A5 rank is truly delicious. It melts. The taste of Gifu's local sake is as good as that. The garlic fried rice that I ate in the shime is delicious! I want to stop by again when I go to Gifu.
二分 on Google

(2018/02 訪問) 以下を注文しました。 ・ウーロン茶 ・ホクホクポテトガーリックバターまぐろの酒盗のせ 580円 ・美濃ほそり大根 ステーキ 580円 ・瑞浪ボーノポーク黒胡椒焼きシャキシャキサラダ 1180円 ・奥美濃古地鶏の手羽先 780円 [ホクホクポテトガーリックバターまぐろの酒盗のせ] 酒盗が思ったより少なく、ただのじゃがバターが大部分になってしまった。 [美濃ほそり大根 ステーキ ] これ美味しい。大根にベーコンが巻かれていて、味噌ダレがかかっています。 大根の瑞々しさとベーコンの塩気、これに味噌ダレがマッチしていて、うまくまとまっています。 [瑞浪ボーノポーク黒胡椒焼きシャキシャキサラダ] 思ったより、肉多めだった。 完食したけど一人で食べる量ではなかったなー。和風ドレッシングが飽きてしまう。 [奥美濃古地鶏の手羽先] パリッとではなく、ぐにゅっとした食感で、いまいちかなぁ。
(Visit 2018/02) I ordered the following: ·Oolong Tea ・ Hokuhoku potato garlic butter Maguro's sake thief 580 yen ・ Mino Hosori Daikon Steak 580 yen ・ Mizunami Bono Pork Black pepper grilled crispy salad 1180 yen ・ Okumino Kochi chicken wings 780 yen [Hokuhoku potato garlic butter tuna shutou] There were fewer liquor thieves than I expected, and most of them were just potato butter. [Mino Hosori Daikon Steak] This is delicious. Bacon is wrapped around the radish and it is covered with miso sauce. The freshness of the radish and the saltiness of the bacon match with the miso sauce, and they are well organized. [Ruinami Bono Pork Black pepper grilled crispy salad] It was more meat than I expected. I ate it completely, but it wasn't enough to eat alone. I get tired of Japanese style dressing. [Okumino Kochi chicken wings] It's not crispy, it has a crunchy texture, and it's not good enough.
*ひ on Google

今はもうお弁当業務は種類が縮小になってますが、テイクアウトで何度か利用してました。 写真の印象よりサイズも大きくてとても美味しかったです! 特にまぐろう特製弁当とさんぞう弁当がお気に入りでした。しゃぶ里のスモークサーモンピッツァも美味しくてもっと早く頼めばよかった(笑) コロナじゃない時でも飲食店は女一人ではなかなか行けないお店も多いので、これで初めてぶらっ菜グループを知って知らなかった各お店の味が楽しめて実際取りに行った時もこんな感じでお店の方が詰めてくれてるんだなぁって✨ 人を感じられたからでしょうか。 コンビニ弁当やスーパー(美味しいけど)にはない楽しさがありました☆ お店の方からのメッセージも嬉しかったです✨ ありがとうございました!
Right now, the number of kinds of bento work has been reduced, but I used it several times for takeout. The size was bigger than the impression in the photo and it was delicious! I especially liked the maguro special bento and sanzo bento. The smoked salmon pizza from Shabu-ri was also delicious and I should have ordered it earlier (laughs) Even if it is not a corona, there are many restaurants where it is difficult for a woman to go alone, so this is the first time I enjoyed the taste of each restaurant I didn't know about the Burrucky group And the shop is packed with me ✨ Is it because I felt someone? There was fun that convenience store lunches and supermarkets (though delicious) did not have ☆ I was also happy with the message from the shop ✨ Thank you very much!
鎌田雅博 on Google

このさし盛りはガッカリ、岩牡蠣は良かったね、今までお気に入りだったけど、ドリンクは誰が作ってるの、味がしないけど。久しぶりに行ったけど、チョットレベルダウン。 残念の一言‼️
I was disappointed with this serving, I liked the rock oysters, I've always liked it, but who makes the drinks, it doesn't taste. I went there for the first time in a long time, but the level was down. A word of regret! ️
Allen ZLC on Google


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