Sumida Skin Clinic - Sumida City

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sumida Skin Clinic

住所 :

押上スカイビューテラス 2F 5 Chome-11-3 Narihira, Sumida City, Tokyo 130-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 130-0002
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–1:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10:30AM–1:30PM
Tuesday 10:30AM–1:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10:30AM–1:30PM
Friday 10:30AM–1:30PM

押上スカイビューテラス 2F 5 Chome-11-3 Narihira, Sumida City, Tokyo 130-0002, Japan
yo pi on Google

問い合わせをしたら対応が不親切すぎた。感じが悪いし とりあえず来て下さい的な案内で、症状を話したら鼻で笑われたので行くのはやめた。 美容専門で治療目的の病院ではないのかな? 不安しかない。
When I made an inquiry, the response was too unfriendly. It feels bad I was guided to come for the time being, and when I talked about my symptoms, I was laughed at by my nose, so I stopped going. Isn't it a hospital specializing in beauty and for treatment purposes? I have no choice but to worry.
野川勝稔 on Google

お医者さんが威圧的かつ高圧的です。ものには言い方があり、伝え方ひとつでその人の印象が決まります。腕はいいのかどうかわかりませんが診察後不愉快になるのでもう行かないかもしれません。 診察していただいた件に関しては感謝いたします。ありがとうございました。
The doctor is intimidating and overwhelming. There is a way to say things, and one way of communicating determines the person's impression. I don't know if my arm is good, but I may not go anymore because it makes me uncomfortable after the examination. Thank you for your medical examination. Thank you very much.
Koukou Sato on Google

クリニックがとてもキレイで、受付の女性の方々が美人さんが多いようなのでなにか余裕を感じます。受診も会計も待ち時間が少ないのは大変助かります。 診療してもらった肌荒れや二の腕のブツブツは悪化はしていないのですが、現状維持という状態……。 男性の先生ですが、女性の美容皮膚科がメインということなのかもしれません。 けっきょく他の皮膚科に行ったら、合った薬を出してもらえてぐんぐん良くなりました。先生も患者を小バカにしたような感じを普通に出してくるところがありますし、あまり人にすすめられないクリニックです。
The clinic is very beautiful, and the women at the reception seem to have many beautiful women, so I feel some room. It is very helpful that there is little waiting time for both consultation and accounting. The rough skin and the lumps on my upper arm that I received medical treatment have not deteriorated, but the status quo is maintained .... I'm a male teacher, but maybe it's mainly female cosmetology dermatology. When I went to another dermatologist, I got the right medicine and it got better. There are places where the teacher usually makes the patient feel like a fool, and it is a clinic that is not recommended by people.
Chihiro Ito on Google

It's been about 5 years since I moved to Oshiage because the waiting time is short and the medical examination is straightforward and easy to understand, but I am indebted to you every time. I am always grateful for your help.
しま on Google

以前、息子の水イボでお世話になりました。それまで通っていた病院では、飲み薬ヨクイニンを出されるだけで、悪化するばかりで水イボは全身に、多分50コ位はあったのではないでしょうか…。こちらで受診したら、これは取らないと治らない、と言われ、すぐに先生がピンセットのような物で一つ一つ丁寧に除去して下さいました。つまみ取るので痛く息子は泣き暴れますが、先生は馬乗りのような状態で一生懸命除去して下さいました。先生はとても大変な作業だったと思います。その治療を何回も続け通院し、水イボは数があったので完治するまで一年以上かかりました。が、こちらにお世話にならなければどうなっていたかわかりません。 その後兄妹何かとお世話になっていますが、的確適切なお薬を処方して下さるので、いつもすぐに治ります。 とても信頼できる先生です。パッと見ただけで分かってしまう感じです。なので問診は早いと思います。 受付のお姉様方もとても愛想良く優しく丁寧に接して下さいます。いつも子供達の成長を見てくださる様なとても素敵なお姉様方です。 オススメできるクリニックです。
Previously, I was taken care of by my son Mizuibo. At the hospital I used to go to, I was only given the medicine Yokuinin, and it just got worse, and I think there were about 50 water swellings all over my body ... When I visited here, I was told that this would not be cured unless I took it, and the teacher immediately removed it one by one with something like tweezers. My son crying and rampaging because he picks it up, but the teacher worked hard to remove it like a horse riding. I think the teacher was a very difficult task. I went to the hospital many times for the treatment, and it took more than a year to heal completely because there were so many water swellings. But I don't know what would have happened without my help. After that, my brother and sister have taken care of me, but he always prescribes the right medicine, so I am always cured immediately. A very reliable teacher. It feels like you can understand it just by looking at it. So I think the interview is early. The older sister at the reception is also very friendly, kind and polite. She is a very nice older sister who always sees the growth of her children. It is a clinic that I can recommend.
on Google

手湿疹がひどく半年通いましたが、良くなりませんでした。あまり良くならないと伝えても、あなたにはこれが合うと、毎回同じ薬の処方でした。 他の皮膚科へ診てもらい薬を変えたらすぐに良くなりました。 いいところは駅近で通いやすい、院内キレイ、待ち時間なく予約なしで診てもらえます。
I had a bad hand eczema for half a year, but it didn't improve. Even if I told you it wouldn't get much better, I was prescribing the same medicine every time it fits you. As soon as I went to another dermatologist and changed the medicine, it improved. The good thing is that it's easy to get to near the station, the hospital is clean, and you can see it without waiting and without reservation.
とにとに on Google

先生が威圧的だと書かれている方もいらっしゃいますが、半年以上通っていて先生が威圧的だと思ったことはありません。いつも穏やかに対応してくださいます。わりとさっぱりした返答をされるので威圧的だと感じる方もいるのかもしれません。 ニキビで悩んでいて、保険適用外の治療をすべきか相談した際もまずは保険適用の治療を継続する分で問題ないと言ってくださいました。むやみに高額な治療を勧めることもありません。 今後も通おうと思っています。
Some people say that the teacher is intimidating, but I have been attending for more than half a year and never thought that the teacher was intimidating. Please be gentle at all times. Some people may find it intimidating because they give a rather refreshing response. When I was suffering from acne and asked if I should have treatment that is not covered by insurance, he said that it would be okay to continue treatment covered by insurance. We do not recommend unnecessarily expensive treatment. I will continue to attend.
S H on Google

When I visited the hospital after a long time, I was told, "I didn't continue to take the medicine I prescribed last time, so I can get acne." During that time, I was taken care of by another hospital and continued treatment, so when I visited here for the first time in a year, I was completely convinced that I was told that I did not continue treatment and that I was self-employed. Can not do. I think it's the worst to assume that you haven't been treated without listening to the patient. I think it is up to the patient to change or choose the hospital depending on the purpose, so I think we should listen to the patient more carefully before making a decision. I will never go again.

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