Sumida industry Hall

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sumida industry Hall

住所 :

Kotobashi, Sumida City, 〒130-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–9PM
Sunday 9AM–9PM
Monday 9AM–9PM
Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM
街 : Tokyo

Kotobashi, Sumida City, 〒130-0022 Tokyo,Japan
高島大 on Google

In the 30's of the Showa era, it was the end point of the Toden, the place where the Toden marshalling yard was located in the open field. After that, the Marui (clothes) building was built and is now the Sumida Industry Hall.
田畑義治 on Google

It is convenient in the station square! Moth
コロンコロコロ on Google

「まるやま」の着物の展示会があり 何度か行きました? エレベーターの場所がわかりずらいですが まぁ 一度行けば覚えやすい場所なのかも? 展示会はお弁当付き?
There was an exhibition of "Maruyama" kimono and I went there several times ? It's hard to know the location of the elevator, but maybe it's an easy place to remember once you go ? The exhibition comes with a lunch box ?
森孝之 on Google

Please release the smoking area on the 8th floor as soon as possible.
Kazutaka 98 脳性麻痺な日常 (Kazutaka Kuba) on Google

This is the venue that has been indebted every time at the fourth plastic model exhibition this year.
わたなべまさゆき on Google

Since Japan Meat is located in B1 of Marui Kinshicho, the site area is large, the number of items is abundant, and the price range is low. Japan Meat is definitely the best in terms of the number of items and the price, even if it is closer to the business supermarket. ????????
アップルギャング(めぐ) on Google

8階にターリー屋のカレー屋さんがありました!匂いに誘われカレーを思わず食べに来ちゃいました8階には、墨田モダン認証商品が沢山展示してあり、楽しい空間になっています! たぶん、誰でも入って見たり、休んだり出来るので、マルイに来たら是非8階も覗いてみてください!
There was a curry shop in Taree on the 8th floor! On the 8th floor, where I was invited by the smell and came to eat curry, there are many Sumida Modern certified products on display, making it a fun space! Maybe anyone can come in and take a rest, so if you come to Marui, be sure to take a look at the 8th floor!
芽生石井 on Google

ミーティングルームを使って糸の問屋さんがメーカーさんを集め、秋冬糸の展示会を開催しました。コロナの影響で延期されていたのですがようやく開催されたので行ってきました。 感染対策をきちんとし、人も密にならないように気を付けながら開催していました。
A yarn wholesaler gathered manufacturers using the meeting room and held an exhibition of autumn and winter yarn. It was postponed due to the influence of Corona, but it was finally held so I went there. The event was held with proper infection control measures and care not to get crowded.

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