Sumibiyakinikuenya - Kasukabe

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sumibiyakinikuenya

住所 :

2 Chome-6-7 Minami, Kasukabe, Saitama 344-0064, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 344-0064
Webサイト :

2 Chome-6-7 Minami, Kasukabe, Saitama 344-0064, Japan
名無しねこ on Google

食事は美味しかったが接客が最悪。 まだ肉や飲み物が皿に残っているのに、 1人の男性店員が急かして無理やり片付けようとしてきた。 「急かしてるみたいですみません」と笑いながら皿を撤収していき、完全なる確信犯で腹が立った。 他の店員は明るく愛想が良かった分かなり残念。
The food was delicious but the service was the worst. Even though meat and drinks still remain on the plate, One male clerk hastily tried to clean up. "I'm sorry I'm in a hurry," said Laughing, pulling out the plate and getting angry with complete conviction. Other clerks are sorry for being cheerful and amiable.
余子小木の根本の豊 on Google

お肉が自慢 ハラミ美味しかった。スープも見た目より優しい味わいで、オススメ。タレや薬味も種類豊富で0円でオーダーできます。一味と青トウガラシを醤油で浸けて、お肉が引き締まります。
Boasting meat Harami was delicious. The soup is also milder than it looks and is recommended. There are plenty of sauces and spices, and you can order for 0 yen. Soak the crew and green pepper with soy sauce to tighten the meat.
Nori Papa on Google

Mainly local customers who are clearly acquainted with each other. Private room 8 people Book up to 3 days and use the course of 3,000 yen + all-you-can-drink. Open only at night. It can be used by men and women of all ages. It seems that it was posted that you bought one and made it cheaper? The store is small, so if you order a drink, you can bring it in quickly and the staff will be happy to help you. There is also an explanation of the meat and parts, so it is polite. It's a little hard to walk to the return station, but it's a shop I want to use again.
橘遊摩 on Google

牛タンのコストパフォーマンスがいい。ネギ塩が千切りでプラス100円。個人的にはみじん切り派なので。 値下げは今だけっぽいので要注意。
The cost performance of beef tongue is good. Shredded green onion salt for an additional 100 yen. Personally, I'm a chopped group. Please note that the price cut seems to be only now.
Toshiki Matsubayashi on Google

ポイントカードをためると3000円分の和牛盛り合わせが貰えます! 駐車場はちょっと狭いです
If you collect point cards, you can get a beef platter for 3000 yen! Parking is a bit small
m k on Google

リーズナブルでお味もそこそこ。あみやき亭よりより美味しく感じたけど、牛角と較べるとどうだろう?という感じ。 席は割と狭く、ざっくりした居酒屋のテーブル席っぽい。 あまりゆっくりできるスペースではなく、若者向けのお店といった印象でした。
Reasonable and delicious. It felt better than Amiyaki-tei, but how does it compare to Gyu-Kaku? Feeling like that. The seats are rather small, like a rough izakaya table seat. It wasn't a very relaxing space, but a shop for young people.
tomoko k (unami) on Google

地元で人気の焼肉店。 程好い肉質でリーズナブルだと思います。 コチュジャンやカットレモン等は頼めば 無料で提供してくれます。 肉は勿論、クリームチーズのキムチが 美味しかったです。
Locally popular Yakiniku restaurant. I think that it is reasonable fleshy and reasonable. If you ask for pepper paste or cut lemon etc. It will be provided free of charge. As well as meat, cream cheese Kimchi It was delicious.
紫猫 on Google

The meat and side menu are delicious ♪

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