居酒屋 吟

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 居酒屋 吟

住所 :

Suge, Tama Ward, Kawasaki, 〒214-0001 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://hitosara.com/0006070225/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Suge, Tama Ward, Kawasaki, 〒214-0001 Kanagawa,Japan
水戸部和幸 on Google

昔一緒に仕事をしていた気のおけない2名の3人で会食をしました。初めてのお店でしたが料理は何でも美味しいですよ。ただ私の好きな日本酒がなかったのが残念です。 2人はビールとワインを飲んでいましたが機嫌が良かったので美味しく頂いていたようです。お店は目立たない所にありました。 お勧めします。
We had a dinner with three uneasy people who worked together in the past. It was my first shop, but everything was delicious. I am sorry that I did not have my favorite sake. They were drinking beer and wine, but they were in good mood and seemed to have enjoyed it. The shop was in an inconspicuous place. It is recommended.
_ S on Google

When I first asked a real estate agent if there was a recommended izakaya, I was introduced to this. A variety of dishes that are irresistible if you like alcohol in a homely atmosphere. It's a shop you'll want to visit again!
t c on Google

3月の土曜日の夕方、初めて入りました。新しくて明るい店内で、スタッフが若い。でもお客さんは常連風の年配客が数名いらして、呑んべえの評価が高そうな感じでした。 つまみは味もいいし、盛り付けや見た目を工夫している感じでした。お酒もこちらの好みを聞いて対応してくれて好感が持てました。値段もリーズナブルでした。また行きたいと思いました。
It came in for the first time on Saturday evening in March. The staff is young in a new and bright store. However, there were a few regular customers who were regular customers, and it seemed highly appreciated. The knobs had a nice taste, and I felt that the arrangement and appearance were devised. As for alcohol, I listened to my taste and responded to it, so I had a good impression. The price was also reasonable. I wanted to go again.
山田さん on Google

メニューが豊富かつ、どれも味が良い! また、メニューに無いけど店員さんから、てんぷらの盛り合わせとかも提案してくれて、コスパよく食べれました♪
The menu is abundant and all taste good! Also, although it is not on the menu, the clerk suggested a tempura platter and I could eat it well.
Bernie Micky on Google

I will drop by occasionally, but it is a delicious restaurant.
キーGO on Google

こじんまりとしたお店ですが料理はすごく美味しくお酒も種類があるため飲み過ぎてしまうくらい! ただ常連さんに人気なこともあり満席のことが多く入れないことも多い。 近々また行きたい!
It is a small shop, but the food is very delicious and there are many kinds of sake, so you can drink too much! However, they are often popular with regulars and often cannot be filled. I want to go again soon!
Exterminator Kincsem on Google

大通りから外れた所にあるので分かりづらいですが、いつも大勢の常連さんで満席になっている居酒屋さん。 料理のコスパがよくて味がいいのは勿論、可愛くて気の利く店長さんの人柄に惹かれている方が大勢いらっしゃるのだと思います。 店名を冠したオリジナルの芋&麦の焼酎は、すっきりとしていて料理の味を引き立ててくれます。 メニューは新鮮な刺身から削り立ての生ハムまで幅広く、気前もいいのが特徴。 様々な料理が扱われていますが、基本的に和食系が主流で、季節の素材を細やかに取り入れたおつまみが四季ごとに取り入れられているのを見る都度、粋だなと感じます。 器も料理にあわせて色んな個性の物に盛り付けており、毎度感心しています。 おすすめは、刺身類(←特にマグロと貝類)・手羽先串・うなぎの肝串・あん肝・クリームコロッケ・たこの唐揚げ・ガーリックチャーハン。 特にガーリックチャーハンは、素揚げされてホクホクのお芋みたいになったにんにくと、細かく刻まれたピーマンのアクセントが効いた、どこか懐かしい味のチャーハンの相性が抜群で、いつも〆に注文してます。 全て美味しいですが、とにかく魚を使った料理に間違いはありません。 繁忙期はかなり早く行かないと席が埋まっている事が多いので、事前連絡して確認した方がいいかもしれません。
It's hard to understand because it's off the main street, but it's always full of many regulars. Of course, there are many people who are attracted by the cute and attentive personality of the store manager, as well as the good cospa for cooking. The original shochu & wheat shochu with the name of the store is refreshing and enhances the taste of the dish. The menu ranges from fresh sashimi to freshly-cured ham and is characterized by its generosity. A variety of dishes are handled, but the Japanese style is basically the mainstream, and whenever you see the seasonal ingredients that are finely taken in every season, you feel it is cool. The dishes are arranged in a variety of personalities according to the dishes and I am impressed every time. Recommended are sashimi (← especially tuna and shellfish), chicken wing skewers, eel liver skewers, an liver, cream croquettes, deep-fried octopus and garlic fried rice. Especially garlic fried rice is garlic that has been deep-fried and turned into a bowl of rice, finely chopped pepper accents, and the nostalgic taste of fried rice goes great, so I always order it from a bowl . Everything is delicious, but there is no mistake in cooking with fish anyway. If you do not go quite early during busy periods, your seats are often full, so it may be better to check in advance.
Arianne Dumayas (AD) on Google

We enjoyed our dinner here. The food is delicious and atmosphere is very cozy. We’ll definitely come back again!

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