
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact プラリネ高崎菅谷本店

住所 :

Sugayamachi, Takasaki, 〒370-3522 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト : http://praline-bread.jp/
街 : Gunma

Sugayamachi, Takasaki, 〒370-3522 Gunma,Japan
大森志保 on Google

The bread is delicious, but the staff are not very responsive, which is a shame. There are many bakeries that pack the bread I bought in the shopping bag I brought, so I tried to put the shopping bag together at the time of checkout, but I completely ignored it. I may have been busy making bread because I was a male staff member, but when I finished the checkout unfriendlyly, even though the customer was still at the cash register, I was rushed to do my job. lost. I felt very sick. It's a shame because the bread is delicious.
バーバリーかおり on Google

はじめて本店に子どもと行きました! 違う店舗でよく買ってるんだけど 棚が少し高くないですか? 小さい子どもはパン取りたがると思うし 見たいのに この高さだと大人なら気にならないが 子ども目線で見たら 見にくいと思いました。 店内もパン屋さんにしては 奥行きがなくて 狭いなぁ~と感じました。 うちら親子の後に 大人3人が来たけど 距離が気になりました。 パンは美味しいけど 店の中とかが気になっちゃいました。(^^;
I went to the main store with my child for the first time! I often buy it at different stores Isn't the shelf a little high? I think small children want to take bread I want to see Adults don't care if it's this height From a child's perspective I thought it was hard to see. The inside of the store is also for a bakery There is no depth I felt it was small. After our parents and children 3 adults came I was worried about the distance. The bread is delicious I was worried about the inside of the store. (^^;
m on Google

外観も内装もオシャレなパン屋さん! 美味しそうなパンがたくさん並んでいました。
A bakery with a stylish exterior and interior! A lot of delicious bread was lined up.
秀一 on Google

I visited ☀️ on January 20, 2021 ❗️ Bread ??? The exquisite and staff are also kind ~ ? Please come and see me!
tome oomura on Google

I was always worried every time I passed in front of me. It wasn't more or less than I expected, and I never thought I wanted to eat it again. I do not recommend it to people.
花鳥風月 on Google

お洒落で可愛らしいパン屋さんです。 店内にはイートインスペースもあり、カウンター席でコーヒーを飲みつつ、パンを食べることもできるようです。 パンについてはリーズナブルで素朴に美味しいパン達でした。 ただ、近隣のパン屋さんは結構食べ歩いてきたので、個人的には塩パン、メロンパンは、2番さじというか、味と存在感共に、他に一歩及ばないなぁ、と思いました。平均的には美味しいが、どれもインパクトが弱く、器用貧乏な印象です。一言で言うなれば、普通のパンです。 塩パンなら、本庄のオハナ一択。 メロンパンなら、高崎のメロン・ド・パーネか伊勢崎のパーネ・デリシア本店(どちらもグンイチパン系列)がオススメです。 太田のフール・アン・ピエールもレベルが高くてオススメです。
Fashionable and cute bakery. There is also an eat-in space inside the store, where you can eat bread while drinking coffee at the counter seat. The bread was reasonable and simple. However, the nearby bakery has been eating a lot, so I personally thought that salt bread and melon bread were 2 tablespoons, and that there was no other step in both taste and presence. It is delicious on average, but all have a low impact and a poor dexterity. In a word, it ’s ordinary bread. If it ’s salt bread, Honjo ’s Ohana choice. For melon bread, Takasaki's Melon de Pane or Isesaki's Pane Delicia head office (both from Gunichipan) are recommended. Ota's Fool en Pierre is also highly recommended.
みやこ on Google

There are many types of salt bread, and it's always fun to decide what to do. I like to cut silk bread into a size that is easy to eat, toast it, and eat it.
ケーイチロー on Google

以前行った“和cafe麦”のパン食べ放題が、こちらのパンだと知っていつか行ってみたいと思っていました。 店内は思ったほど広く無かったですが種類は豊富でイートインスペースもありました。 前回TAKE OUTで購入した“てりやきハンバーガー”は肉々しいパティで良かったですが“てりやきチキンバーガー”はチキンの量が少し物足りなかったです。どちらもバンズがふわふわで美味しくいただきました! 今回はイートインでコーヒーを飲みながらプラリネランチをして来ました! 購入したパンも温めてもらえて美味しくいただきました!フルーツサンドもふわふわのパンに甘さ控えめのクリームでとても美味しかったです! 食べた後はそのままでも大丈夫そうでしたが一応トレイを置く台やゴミ箱はありました。 ちなみにドリンクはTAKE OUTも可能で、袋は有料になり支払いは現金のみです。
I knew that the all-you-can-eat bread of "Wa cafe wheat" that I went to before was this bread, and I wanted to go there someday. The inside of the store was not as large as I expected, but there were many types and there was an eat-in space. The "Teriyaki hamburger" I bought at TAKE OUT last time was good with a meaty patty, but the "Teriyaki chicken burger" was a little short of chicken. Both buns were fluffy and delicious! This time I had a praline lunch with coffee at eat-in! The bread I bought was warmed up and it was delicious! The fruit sandwich was also very delicious with fluffy bread and low-sweetness cream! After eating, it seemed to be okay as it was, but there was a table and a trash can to put the tray on. By the way, drinks can be taken out, bags are charged and payment is cash only.

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