麺家 かもん 棟高店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 麺家 かもん 棟高店

住所 :

Munadakamachi, Takasaki, 〒370-3521 Gunma,Japan

街 : Gunma

Munadakamachi, Takasaki, 〒370-3521 Gunma,Japan
ichi u. on Google

いろいろ衝撃のつけ麺。もちろんいい意味で。 この感じは、新宿風雲児を思い起させましたが、まさかこれほどのレベルのつけ麺がグンマーに存在するとは、まさに予想外でした(自分もグンマー出身なので失礼にはあたらない) 香り高い自家製中太麺、よく麺に絡む超濃厚スープ、このスープが曲者で一度味わうと中毒になる深いコクがあるのです。要はそこらのありふれた魚介系とは一線を画す代物だということです。 とはいえ好き嫌いはあるのでしょうが、私は好きです。他では食えない味なのは確かですし。 ただ、人気店なのかやはり混みます。早めに行くに越したことはない。 あくまで個人の乾燥です。
Tsukemen with various impacts. Of course in a good way. This feeling reminded me of Shinjuku Funkun, but it was just unexpected that there was no such level of tsukemen in Gunmar (I'm not rude because I'm from Gunmar) Homemade medium thick noodles with high fragrance, super-rich soup that is often entangled with noodles, and deep soup that is addicted to this soup once tasted by a singer. The point is that the common seafood system is something different. Although I like it, I like it. It's definitely a taste you can't eat anywhere else. However, it is still a popular shop. There is nothing better than going early. It is only personal drying.
高須賀さん on Google

very delicious. If you ask after eating, you can get hot water and drink it as soup. However, be careful of excessive salt content.
duta.f on Google

特濃つけめんがうり。平日でも席が待ちがでるくらいの人気だが、客層は100%成人男性。 麺がブリブリすぎて乾いたうどんのようで好ましくない。汁も大勝軒や景勝軒のように食べ飽きない工夫は特になく、ただただ濃い。久しぶりに食後胃もたれを感じたので、個人的にはもう行かなくていいかな
Tokuno Tsukemen melon. It's so popular that you can wait for a seat even on weekdays, but the customer base is 100% adult men. The noodles are too brittle and look like dry udon noodles, which is not desirable. There is no particular ingenuity to eat soup like Daishoken and Scenic Ken, it is just thick. I felt stomach upset after eating for the first time in a long time, so I personally shouldn't go anymore.
田舎侍 on Google

味は普通。 店員さん挨拶なし、もう来ないかな
The taste is normal. No greeting from the clerk, I wonder if I will come anymore
姫路あかし on Google

I had tsukemen. As it was written, the price is a little high. The soup was so dry that I thought it was too much fishmeal. The noodles are also mysterious, like green laver kneaded in, and if you grab them with chopsticks, everyone will follow you. The char siu was good. The seasoning is strong.
y51 on Google

客が食券を買ったまま移動して列にまた戻り直したり等、好き勝手に並び直したりしていて入店時に非常に不愉快な思いをした。 店員が指示する等、並ぶ際の並び順等を明確にした方が良いと思う。 又、常連客を大事にするのは構わないけど客によって態度を変え挨拶をしないのもどうかと思う、アルバイトの店員の声も聞き取りにくい。 ゴミみたいな接客。
ときざわただよし on Google

にぼしらーめん 豚骨?とスープ割りと煮干しで作られるスープは、あっさりしており、麺がすごく勝ってる格好となってしまったが、なかなかいける。 やっぱ、ここなら何回も食べててお気に入りのつけ麺だね(ⓛωⓛ)
Niboshi Ramen pig bones? The soup made from the soup split and dried sardines is light, and the noodles look very good, but it's quite good. After all, I've eaten it many times here and it's my favorite tsukemen (ⓛωⓛ)
Manabu Kanazawa on Google

出張の際に、お客さんのオススメで行ったお店です! 群馬県の【麺家 かもん】です! 僕はどちらかというとらーめんを頂くことの方が多いのですが、こちらのつけ麺は絶品でした! 濃厚なはずのスープは魚介だしたっぷりで、重くないのが不思議でした。 麺はもっちりしていて、普通盛りでもかなりのボリュームでした! 店内はとてもキレイで、群馬方面に行く際には是非また行きたいお店です♪ ありがとうございました!
This is a shop recommended by customers when they are on a business trip! This is [Menya Kamon] from Gunma Prefecture! I tend to get ramen, but this tsukemen was excellent! It was strange that the soup, which should be rich, was full of fish and shellfish and was not heavy. The noodles were chewy, and even if they were served normally, they were quite voluminous! The inside of the shop is very beautiful, and when you go to Gunma, you definitely want to go there again ♪ thank you!

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